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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Now down so low, they don't know what up looks like anymore. Student loan debt is the new herpes U. of Maryland Squanders $15,000 Fighting “Non-inclusive Language” Downgraded: College Enrollment Numbers Indiana Students’ Fiscal Struggles SAT Cheating Scandal Unfolds Daily Princetonian Writers Denounce Hook-Up Culture California Colleges Failing Grad Students on Science and...


Prof. Jacobson, Saw this (while stopped at a red light) on the way back from class. I thought it was interesting how the middle sticker had replaced the "God" in "Thank God it's Friday," with "Unions." Thank you for all you do. Regards, A Conservative in Medical School ...

I don't normally prowl the threads of Democratic Underground, but was interested to read comments regarding one of their complaints about an increase in social security withholding tax after Rush Limbaugh remarked on it today. Surprise! The author self-deleted the comment. I guess being featured on Limbaugh's...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.   Branco’s  page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

In my Saturday Night Race Card post a few weeks ago, I mentioned that I was researching a book on real estate fraud and corruption. The main characters in my narrative are a couple who look like you and me and seem perfectly lovely.  But in...

A little over two years ago, the newly-minted Speaker of the House John Boehner essentially said that Tea Party freshman would soon have an “adult moment,” when their principles came in to contact with Beltway politics. Dawn Wildman is a state coordinator for the California Tea...

An edict was issued on Wednesday by Iranian authorities ordering Isfahan's 1.5 million residents to leave the city because pollution in the area "has reached emergency levels." Skeptical of Iran's explanation for the evacuation, some believe it to have been prompted by more than just your...

A year ago, sixteen scientists wrote an editorial for the Wall Street Journal to explain that there is “no compelling scientific argument” for “drastic actions on global warming", despite the fact that the media continues reporting there is "incontrovertible" proof otherwise. One of those scientists is...

Okay, I see you are. Yeah, we're following you. The vast right wing conspiracy is everywhere. From Bob, A misplace Californian, spotted at a Taco Bell drive-thru in Longmont CO. ...

I posted the other day about the lawfare threats against Canadian blog Blazing Cat Fur, In 2013, protect and support your local blogger more than ever. I didn't realize it, but they already have been sued by Michael Mann, who has sued National Review and Mark Steyn. As...

The Council on American Islamist Relations (CAIR) demanded the media drop the term "Islamist" in a commentary piece today from communications director Ibrahim Hooper, ISLAM-OPED: Media Urged to Drop Term 'Islamist' in New Year. In it, Hooper laments that the term "Islamist" is "used in an almost...

Emily Miller points out how David Gregory is receiving special treatment at the hands of the D.C. police, Two systems of justice: It’s been more than a week since police in Washington, D.C., opened an  investigation into NBC’s David  Gregory’s possession of a “high-capacity magazine” that’s...

Updates: John Boehner was relected, but just barely. It looked for a short while like he may not make it, but once it became clear he would get a majority of those voting, some "conservatives" who had not voted when first called decided...

The horror unfolding in Syria of late has been truly shocking. Tens of thousands of Syrians have died in an increasingly bloody civil war. The situation in Syria has become even more appalling lately, and one wonders if a bloodbath on the scale of Rwanda is possible, particularly...

Despite the large scale and outspoken dissatisfaction by many Republican lawmakers of Speaker Boehner following the fiscal cliff vote, most are in agreement that his speakership is not going to be legitimately threatened today. That being said, today's vote may not necessarily be the smooth sailing...