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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


In the wake of the pathetic and distorted American coverage of the attack on our Libyan embassy and the subsequent death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, I wrote: American Journalism Has Been Officially Outsourced. The stories from international sources proved to be far more...


Discovered in the email archives from November 2011, from frequent photographer Ulises: Dear Prof., I was in Philadelphia yesterday and ran into the OccupyPhilly crowd around city hall. This sign caught my attention, because it seems to have been left there from a Tea Party rally...

What is wrong with this sentence? From The Daily News editorial cheering the draconian gun control law passed in NY State with no public discussion, no public debate, no normal waiting period, no time for Senators to read it, no likelihood of actually reducing crime, but great...

The financial pressures of the internet. We have touched on that from time to time, including with regard to Andrew Sullivan's modified-paywall, Blogonomics and independence. There is an urge to do what the "absolute worst" designed website on the internet does, and load up with pop-overs and...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.  Branco’s  page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

I am often asked why I remain a registered Democrat, despite my decidedly fiscal-sanity oriented independent streak. In part, it is how I can effectively fight the "left-right" political paradigm that is being used by the elite media and politicos to divide us, in order to...

From James O'Keefe (via Charlie Spiering): Veritas video reporter James O’Keefe has released a new video of his team posing as an anti-gun group promoting an initiative to journalists. At each home, the group dubbed as “Citizens Against Senseless Violence” asks each homeowner if they are willing...

A couple of days ago I charitably described Andrew Cohen's embarrassingly gushing celebration of Justice Sonia Sotomayor and her new book in The Atlantic as "treacly drool." It is not alone, accompanied now by a full court liberal press (NPR, CBS News, the New York...

From Leslie: My bumper stickers - just thought I would share!! Bottom one reads: I’m willing to die protecting my 2nd amendment rights. Are you willing to die trying to take them away from me? ...

My wife repeatedly promises to stop cursing at the television. Completely unrelated to that, we didn't watch the Obama press conference today. Via Common Cents, you can watch it for me: Mark Levin apparently watched it.  Protein Wisdom has the transcript of Levin's comments.  Here's the video: Related: Mark...

I'm crushed for time, as are the other authors. Sometimes that happens. Maybe I'll have something more later this afternoon, maybe I won't. Until then, keep each other informed. Update 6:15 p.m. -- 25 comments with lots of good content, maybe you don't need me after all....

I've been giving serious consideration to finally joining the NRA. The people who want to take away your guns (and they would if they could) almost always are the same people who want to control every aspect of your life, from the health care you get to the...

Another one in LukeHandCool's New Roads School series (also here), taken a few days after the election: Professor, Andrew Breitbart was The Lonely Bull(sh*t Fighter). I think each and every one of us feels like a matador now ...

This is a follow up to my post yesterday about Aaron Swartz. Patterico has the full details and documents. It's somewhat complicated.  I'll try to summarize Patterico's research briefly. On Friday, the day Swartz committed suicide, papers were filed in his federal criminal case which reflected a possibly significant evidentiary...

California's conservative activists are preparing to battle back Sacramento legislators, who are using the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy and their new super-majority to impose further restrictions on gun ownership. A Fox News report describes some of the proposed measures: Political analysts say the political landscape puts...