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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


It’s a good thing for anti-Semites that Israel exists.  If it weren’t for the Jewish state, they’d have no place to hide their “socialism of fools.”  What used to be considered déclassé—“Jews run the world,”etc.—can now be safely repackaged with little or no criticism as...


News this morning that one of the three leading contenders for the Democratic nomination in the special election to replace Jesse Jackson, Jr., Toi Hutchinson, has dropped out of the race and endorsed Machine-pick Robin Kelly. This may or may not be related to news recently surfacing...

The nature of the hostility directed at me has changed over the years. In 2008-2010, it was mostly Obama supporters upset that someone who taught at an Ivy League law school would dissent.  I guess they figured their love letters weren't working, so that has mostly...

As many of you know, Ed Burns implemented a custom design for the blog, including many custom features both in front and behind the scenes, and also transferred all of our posts and comments from Blogger when we moved in June 2011. Ed also helped us roll out...

As my San Diego compatriot Dean Riehm notes: Russia has become to meteors/meteorites what trailer parks have been to tornadoes. Yesterday, a space object thought to be a "tiny asteroid" exploded over the Russia. The ensuing shock wave shattered glass throughout the region, injuring over 1000...

When Professor Jacobson reported that cancer funding research had been used to smear the Tea Party, calling it a tool of a big tobacco and the Koch brothers based on plans hatched over a decade ago, I had one thought: Anti-Tea Party advocates suffer from the single...

Ted Cruz is making all the right enemies, and they are out for him often and early. For Marco Rubio the meme is WATER, for Cruz it's NASTY. The title of this NY Times article originally was Ted Cruz Runs Counter To The Senate's Courtly Ways, but...

In her debut on the Senate Banking Committee, Elizabeth Warren once again became the hero of the left because she embarrassed Hapless Bank Regulators, as the Huffington Post put it: Bank regulators got a sense Thursday of how their lives will be slightly different now that Elizabeth...

No, it's not what you think: College Insurrection Calls For Student Submissions! We will never submit, never, we will fight them in the Quad, in the library, on the slope: Cornell Conservative Students Push Back Against “Social Justice” Course Requirement You Should Make a Free Speech Wall at Your...

From Scott: Apparently this much stupid does, in fact, play in Peoria...

Here’s a lesson in the wages of appeasement. When the manhunt for Christopher Dorner got desperate, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck panicked and announced that he planned to reinvestigate Dorner’s firing which the former cop, according to his Facebook manifesto, blamed on racism. Beck insisted that the new...

President Obama spoke to students at Hyde Park Academy in Chicago this afternoon, using the occasion to address a basket of issues, including gun control, raising the minimum wage, education spending, and the overall state of our communities. During the 26-minute speech, Obama said that he...

A criminal Information was filed in federal court in Washington D.C. this afternoon in which Jesse Jackson Jr. was charged with one count of criminal conspiracy, and forfeiture of assets was sought. The Information alleged that approximately $750,000 of campaign funds was misappropriated for personal expenses,...

One of the saddest stories you will read is the story of Jennifer Morbelli, who died recently along with her unborn daughter during a very late term abortion in Maryland. The story originally was reported by Jill Stanek.  In a series of posts, Robert Stacy McCain reported on...