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As is traditional with the season, the end of the year is a chance to look back and reflect on the events that occurred over the past 365 days. And what a year it has been! Here are some stories, beyond the election and the...

Well, at least partially, regarding Erik Loomis, the University of Rhode Island assistant history professor who tweeted a crazy tirade of invective against the NRA culminating in his wish for Wayne LaPierre’s head on a stick.  When people objected, Loomis clarified that life in prison would...

You’ve heard about Erik Loomis, the University of Rhode Island assistant professor of history who launched an almost psychotic, foul-mouthed Twitter tirade against the NRA, accusing it of being a terrorist organization, of complicity in and criminal culpability for murder, and a host of other invectives...

Via @RightInAcademia, 22 Stats That Prove That There Is Something Seriously Wrong With Young Men In America: When are we finally going to admit that we have a very serious problem with this generation of young men in America? We have failed them so dramatically that...

Progressive gun control advocates were clamoring for more liberty-crushing legislation immediately after the slaughter of the young students and teachers at Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School. Meanwhile, others cry “white privilege” because most mass shooting suspects are white. Yet, one critically important aspect continues to get...

This comment in response to the Joel’s post last night, Saturday Night Card Game (Color blindness is the new racism), is worth running on its own. The Political Hat |       December 16, 2012 at 2:28 am Sadly, the idea that being “colorblind” is racist has been...

Jews have been under seige and attack in the Swedish city of Malmö for years as leftist policitians turned a blind eye or cooperated in anti-Israeli agitation by Islamists and other pro-Palestinian groups.  See my prior post, Malmö Syndrome.  It is a phenomenon spreading across...

Looks like Democrats’ gift horse on Medicare, if it is anything at all which is far from a given, is going to be “means testing”: Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) on Friday proposed means testing Medicare benefits as a way to reduce the deficit, an indication that Democrats...

In February 2011, Roger Cohen of The NY Times demanded that we abandon the phrase “the Arab Street” as a relic of the past which no longer applied, even as crowds in Tunisia surged around a Synagogue shouting “”Jews, remember Khyabar, the army of Mohammed is returning””: Cohen...

I am responding to Professor Jacobson’s recent post, The Tea Party tsunami at the gates. As the Media Director of SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition (SCTRC), San Diego’s original Tea Party group, I wanted to share my analysis that it won’t be a tsunami — it...

from Eureka Springs, Arkansas, to Hope. Arkansas. Yet if this shop owner is any indication, it’s a world away from the days of the Man from Hope. From reader MK Reagan, in August: Eureka Springs, AR is kind of a hippie town, but these T...

These scientists must be foot soldiers in the Rebublican War on Women, since they question the need for unfettered mammograms (and free! no co-pay!), Mammograms leading to unnecessary treatment, study finds: The routine use of mammograms has led to more than 1 million women being unnecessarily...

David Frum announced in November 2011 that Mitt Romney or John Huntsmann must be the nominee, or Frum might leave the GOP: Any other nominee would gravely test my commitment to the political party I’ve supported since I entered the United States as a college...

I was hoping for but not quite expecting this race to tighten in one of our Upstate NY Operation Counterweight races. Republican Matt Doheny was behind double digits in an early September poll, the last public poll in the District.  Now it is a virtual...