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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



This is odd.  Yesterday we reported Judge tosses several counts against #Gosnell, many others remain. Now the Judge is claiming clerical mistake. Pa. Judge Corrects Charges Tossed in Abortion Case: Common Pleas Judge Jeffrey Minehart had ruled Tuesday that prosecutors over the past month failed to make a...

We already know the answer. Ben Ghazi who? will be the media's reaction if and when Hillary runs in 2016. The House Progress Report on Benghazi Terror Attack Investigation will be ancient history. While Hillary will not pay a price, she should, New Report Raises Significant Questions About Benghazi: According...

1) Friedman resurrects "Fayyadism" Some time ago, Thomas Friedman coined the term "Fayyadism," a concept that, according to Nathan Brown, never had a chance. (No I don't agree with everything Brown argues, but the fourth and fifth paragraphs are good observations.) In his most recent column, Goodbye to...

(h/t Jammie Wearing Fools)...

From the Boston Herald late last night, Full text of welfare statement on Tsarnaev brothers Statement on Tsarnaev Brothers Department of Transitional Assistance Status: “The brothers were not receiving transitional assistance benefits at the time of the incident and have not received any transitional assistance benefits this...

The narrative is moving from “It’s not them, it’s us” to some pretty strange suggestions from Think Progress and others who really, really, really, were hoping for a Tea Party connection. Think Progress has put forth a classic of its own genre: @aceofspadeshq Think Progress is running with...

The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) is another bill that is currently moving through Congress.  It was first introduced in November of 2011, but failed to pass the Senate after a successful House vote in April 2012. It was reintroduced this past February...

The issue of the online sales tax is heating up in the Senate these next few weeks, and retailers are duking it out in a very public way. Senate bill S.336, the Marketplace Fairness Act of 2013, would address the longstanding issue of the online sales...

The prosecution needs to prove its case against Kermit Gosnell beyond a reasonable doubt on each and every count.  Apparently it did not do that on some counts, particularly 1st Degree Murder as to three of the babies, so the Judge tossed the charges at...

April, the month when the sting of the government's overreach is most acute, provided the backdrop for a series of infographics illustrating just how onerous the tax burden (and fiscal irresponsibility) is to our country. Groups like the Cato Institute, AFP, Illinois Policy Institute, and...

It's being reported that Sen. Max Baucus will not run for re-election in 2014. Our last poll of Montana found Baucus already running 5 points behind a pair of potential Republican candidates:…— PublicPolicyPolling (@ppppolls) April 23, 2013 Politico reports: Montana Sen. Max Baucus will not seek reelection...