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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Not in Maryland where it's just starting Former senate candidate, Dan Bongino, discussed the "rain tax" on Fox and Friends. One of our blessings in Maryland is that the legislature is only in session for three months. It limits the amount of damage our legislators can do....


Recently, I have been reflecting on the power of choice. As a citizen activist, I work to ensure that Americans make fully informed voting choices.  This attitude carries over to my selection of post topics. For example, when one disgraceful businesswoman attempts to persuade college students to...

Because I need some help with these. From Linda in Tennessee: Professor, I was riding shotgun along I-65 North Saturday, when I saw a truck bumper full of stickers. I couldn't read them, but experience has taught me to snap away and then try to read them...

The Rich get Richer When the Washington Post endorsed President Obama for his first term in office, part of the paper's pitch was economic: OF COURSE, Mr. Obama offers a great deal more than being not a Republican. There are two sets of issues that matter most...

Last year at liberal conference Netroots, Darcy Burner, the woman who introduced Elizabeth Warren, reminded the audience of the cultural power the left has at its fingertips. She said to the audience (start at 16:50): That is cultural change. Because television has given us -- now...

New Common Core course requirements: The Pornification of Campuses Video – Inside a college porn class Middle school girls forced to act out lesbian kiss scene Eternal Vigilance against dissent! U.Conn student says school’s logo promotes rape SUNY-Geneseo students misunderstand point of ‘sexual assault’ lecture, erupt in fury FIRE: Six Ways to Defeat...

I don't claim to be real good with the computer and the internet.  So it is entirely possible that I missed Media Matters' mea culpa and apology now that even the NY Times has vindicated Andrew Breitbart on the Pigford fraud. Please help me find Media Matters'...

I took the long way home all afternoon into evening. Thanks to the other contributors for helping out. I heard the news that George Jones died: ...

There have been several new developments today in the Boston bombings case. Authorities are searching a landfill for a laptop believed to be tied to the Boston Marathon bombers, according to CNN.
Information from Dzhokhar Tsarnaev himself, plus other leads, spurred authorities to look through the New Bedford, Massachusetts, landfill, the official told CNN's Susan Candiotti. The 19-year-old went to school -- at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth -- in an adjacent town, and he was spotted in his dorm room there in the days after the April 15 twin blasts that left three dead.
ABC News also has more on this development. The lead regarding the laptop resulted from interviews authorities conducted with acquaintances of the suspects. From the same ABC News report, we learn that the two acquaintances, who are from Kazakhstan, have been arrested by immigration officers on a violation of their student visas.

The Obama administration's implementation of sequestration has followed the classic firehouse or Washington Monument strategy. If no one felt the effects of sequestration, then he'd cancel White House tours; that would make citizens demand that Republicans cave to his demands. It didn't work at first. Jim...