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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Via The Hill: Speculation on Ray LaHood's replacement as President Obama's Transportation secretary is focusing on a group of former transportation officials and 2012 presidential campaign surrogates — including Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa (D) and former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D)...


More unintended consequences of laws which are too broadly worded. The Atlantic writer Derek Khanna recently named the Most Ridiculous New Law - 2013 a provision which previously had been waived but has come back making it illegal to "unlock" your cellphone.  And while there is plenty...

Local Chicago NPR station WBEZ has unrolled an advertising campaign for its membership drive that calls on its listeners to "go make babies today." The facebook-based microsite, "Go Makes Babies," features a five-question assessment that with the question, "The quickest way to get me thinking about...

The intrusions of real life again.  And the rollout of something tomorrow. Not what you think, or maybe it is. What's happening?...

Rather than enforcing our current laws, and for purposes of political expediency, we are moving toward another vast expansion of federal government monitoring and information collection. Look at what we are going to have to do in order to not hold people who came here illegally accountable...

Could be either, except that Israel didn't exist in the 1930s. Israel Matzav has the story. Image via CAMERA:   Related: “there is no future for Jews in England”; see also, Melanie Phillips, A LibDem MP gives voice to Britain's national sickness. Update 1-29-2013 -- Rupert Murdoch Apologizes for Netanyahu...

I recently reported that California was targeted for a massive effort by gun control activists intent on creating new and wide-ranging restrictions. Now, the Chief of Police in my hometown of San Diego has unwittingly unveiled the real goal behind this movement: The complete disarming of...

Thomas Jefferson thought that the best insurance against future tyrannies was an educated populace.  Historical ignorance is a petri dish that grows a lot of strange and destructive ideas. To wit: Silvio Berlusconi. Former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi triggered outrage from Italy's political left on Sunday with...

Related to this, via Mediaite: In a soon-to-be-released interview with The New Republic, President Obama reportedly laments the negative influence Fox News and Rush Limbaugh can have on the congressional debate over various pieces of legislation. The president told TNR editor Frank Foer and owner Chris Hughes...

Many politicians fail to understand an inherent point of economics I refer to as the "Star Wars Tax Rule":  The more you tighten the tax grip, the more revenues will slip through your fingers. Today, I would like to highlight three recent news items that underscore...

From Jeff in Massachusetts: I saw this bumper sticker and thought you might get a chuckle. It’s a little hard to read, but it says “Republicans believe that every day is the 4th of July. Democrats believe that every day is April 15th.” ...

What better place to go than to the friendly 60 Minutes with the guy who owes your husband big time? Obama probably would have won anyway if Bill Clinton had stayed on the sidelines, but it would have been a lot tougher. Bill Clinton doesn't do anything...

And no one is going to hear you. I was going to link to a quite interesting post, with an excerpt, regarding the "Violence Against Women Act." The author, someone I had never heard of, writing at a website I never had heard of, made some excellent...

Not even for Kony? Or Mahmoud? or Kim? Saw this bumper sticker on my fortnightly visit to the library with the kids. Somehow I don't think the driver intends to make a theological statement as much as a political one. I think people who naively spout tripe like...