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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Via Memeorandum, news that man makes stupid comment about rape and right of self-defense: How do I know that this will not be the Democrats' Todd Akin? Because he's a Democrat, he's at the state level, and this is not an election year. But mostly because he's a...

Two of the biggies at Politico have a lead article today, Obama, the puppet master (emphasis mine): President Barack Obama is a master at limiting, shaping and manipulating  media coverage of himself and his White House. Not for the reason that conservatives suspect: namely, that a liberal press ...

From Linda, a "low" information voter: Carothers parkway, Franklin TN Don't know if this photo will be clear enough or if you can use it. Driver appears to be a female who votes with her lady parts. ...

The apparently principled opposition of Republicans in the Senate to Chuck Hagel’s nomination as secretary of defense appears to be over. Via Slate: Sen. John McCain says that while he doesn’t believe former Sen. Chuck Hagel is the right man to lead the Pentagon, Republican senators will...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.  Branco’s  page Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

The petri dish of Democrat candidates in the special election Democrat primary for Jesse Jackson, Jr.'s former congressional seat remains teeming with candidates, despite the Chicago Democratic Machine's heavies being deployed to empty it out. So far only two have caved, Toi Hutchinson who dropped out of...

Behold “liberal” cartoonist/columnist David Horsey’s latest horsey---- in the Los Angeles Times. It is no wonder Florida Sen. Marco Rubio needed to grab a bottle of water in the middle of delivering the Republican response to President Obama’s State of the Union address. The speech he...

Disgusting. And probably will sell for a lot, because it's history. From ProJo: Bidding is under way for the bloody sock worn by former Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling in the 2004 World Series, which he put up for sale after the collapse of his Providence-based video game...

From The Daily Star in Lebanon, one of the best websites for news about what's happening there and in Syria, Three Hezbollah fighters, 12 Syrian rebels killed in clashes: Three Hezbollah fighters and 12 Syrian rebels were killed in fierce battles near Syria’s border with Lebanon,...

Some posts from the weekend, which was busier than usual: “Submit We Much” Week at College Insurrection Elizabeth Warren’s heroic Senate demagoguery American Women, not Koch Brothers, birthed the Tea Party Movement Colorlines and The Root accuse Marco Rubio of promoting racism A changing of the tech guard at Legal...

Or as they say on the internet, NOOOO!!!! Via Byron York: South Carolinians: What is your reaction to this? — Byron York (@ByronYork) February 18, 2013 Update:  Ugh. Erick Erickson, I Endorse Mark Sanford for Congress.  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

From John: Living in New England I'm used to being surrounded by those on the opposite end of the political spectrum from myself. Liberals, more often than Conservatives, like to advertize their liberalism in the form of bumper stickers. Here's one such self-congratulating Liberal I found...

I don't claim to be a marketing genius, and I don't drink much (at which point you collectively say, "that explains a lot"), but it truly made no sense to me when Maker's Mark decided to dilute its bourbon. It has surrendered to the outcry: You spoke....

It’s a good thing for anti-Semites that Israel exists.  If it weren’t for the Jewish state, they’d have no place to hide their “socialism of fools.”  What used to be considered déclassé—“Jews run the world,”etc.—can now be safely repackaged with little or no criticism as...

News this morning that one of the three leading contenders for the Democratic nomination in the special election to replace Jesse Jackson, Jr., Toi Hutchinson, has dropped out of the race and endorsed Machine-pick Robin Kelly. This may or may not be related to news recently surfacing...