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For the second time in 13 years, Argentina has defaulted on its government debt payments after failing to reach a settlement with the so-called “holdout” bondholders Wednesday night. Midnight Wednesday was the deadline of a thirty-day negotiation period during which Argentina was already in technical...

Like my esteemed colleague Leslie Eastman, I wanted to take an opportunity to highlight some favorite posts from the last year. 1. 15 Conservatives You Wish Had Spoken At Your College Graduation I wrote this around graduation season last spring when I noticed the lack...

(Featured photo: Tweet) Cutting through the clutter on Twitter during severe weather and other disasters in the midst of breaking news seems to be getting more and more difficult these days. As tornadoes struck the Midwest over the weekend, devastating towns and killing several people,...

Obama wants to fix the Higher Education Bubble. You’re not done saving Detroit, please leave us alone: 10 Reasons Why Obama’s “College Affordability Plan” is Full of Fail Video – Charles Krauthammer blasts Obama’s speech on college affordability How Obama’s Student-Aid Plan Could Harm Liberal...

Following the unfolding scandal of the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of the Tea Party, I keep the following thought in mind: Neither party in Congress can be relied upon to satisfactorily resolve this issue.  They created the IRS, fund the IRS, and oversee the IRS. ...

This post is dedicated to all the Legal Insurrection readers ready to give up on California! As Tea Party groups stage successful rallies at Internal Revenue Service offices nationwide, one California organization is staging a frontal assault on this government behemoth. One of the largest...

A collective of hackers is expected to launch a major cyberattack Tuesday against various targets in the US as part of an operation dubbed OpUSA, according to a Department of Homeland Security Alert issued last week. From noted security blog KrebsOnSecurity: The U.S. Department of...

A timely reminder that we still don't really know Obama

Mike Huckabee was going to be the hammer used by anti-Rush Limbaugh forces both competitive and political to unseat Limbaugh once and for all. During the height of the anti-Rush fever, I highlighted how Cumulus Media sought to leverage the anti-Limbaugh boycotts by holding Huckabee out...

Next Friday, March 30, the anti-Israeli Global March on Jerusalem will take place, with supposedly millions attempting to breach Israel’s borders to march on Jerusalem. Israel has issue a warning to stay away from the borders, or else: Following the deadly clashes last year during the...

You will understand what I mean later, I’m just waiting for 100% verification before I run the post. But enough of the tease, untl then: Trump on Romney in April 11 “he’s going to lose. He doesn’t resonate, you know?” Union membership dwindling in Wisconsin...

It’s not just in the Gulf of Mexico.  Or in West Virginia. There is a concerted effort on the part of the Obama administration to choke the growth of domestic supplies of fossil fuels.  Instead, we have a President obsessed with windmills. Now it’s Alaska (h/t reader...