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On Saturday night Morgan Freeman was the winner of the first ever Saturday Night Card Game Readers’ Choice Award, for his rant on the Piers Morgan show about Tea Party racism. Now a Tea Party activist has written Freeman an open letter inviting Freeman to...

This is really strange. The first time I heard the term “Firebagger” (a play on you know what) was when Joan Walsh (of and Jane Hamsher (of Firedoglake, hence the “Firebagger” term) had the race card played on them because of their criticisms of...

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), who has lashed out repeatedly at Republicans and the Tea Party movement, is up for reelection. Whitehouse has a lot of money in the bank, and surely will use his connections to the White House in the campaign, but is vulnerable....

I get so infuriated when Republicans pile on Sarah Palin not over policy but through personal insult because these people don’t seem to understand that they are joining in a mob which eventually will come around to beat down their own favorite candidate.  And as of today,...

As I’ve said before, I like Michele Bachmann.   Not surprisingly, Bachmann has come under the same types of snide attack as Sarah Palin from the mainstream media, entertainment industry and left-blogosphere.  There is a special place reserved for conservative women in the Democratic toolkit of mockery and derision....

Or should I say, the first Media Matters post about me. regarding my post, The Great Tractorcade That Wasn’t. And written by none other than the lead blogger there, Eric Boehlert: Right-wing Blogger Doesn’t Know What “Brigade” Means. Doesn’t Media Matters, with all its new...

Obama’s speech at the Tucson memorial was an opportunity thrust upon him, not one of choice. But the tone of the speech was consistent in many ways with the Obama 2.0 we saw during the lame duck session when Obama struck a tax deal with...

The State of Ithaca, NY, has been the subject of multiple posts here, reflecting on what it is like living in “10 Square Miles Surrounded By Reality.” One question I frequently hear is, “Is there a Tea Party in Ithaca?” The answer is, yes there is,...

The New York Times ran a trolling article yesterday titled G.O.P. and Tea Party Gains Are Mixed Blessing for Israel: When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel came to the United States recently for another round of tense talks with the Obama administration, he got a...

I’m not buying all the phony expressions of outrage from left-bloggers and pundits over the Gawker article about Christine O’Donnell. From the moment she won the primary, O’Donnell was sexualized by the left with the excuse being O’Donnell’s 1996 video regarding masturbation.  That 14-year old tape...

What is it with my law school classmates? First it was Eliott Spitzer. Now it’s Congressman John Adler.  No, not in that way. Adler, a Democrat from southern New Jersey, is a freshman congressman, swept into office on Obama’s coattails in a conservative district.  Adler came...

Kirsten Powers, almost alone among liberals, has been willing to denounce the sexualized attacks upon Christine O’Donnell, and now she does it again in a column at The Daily Beast titled Tea Party Mocking Needs To Stop: The Washington establishment has its nose out of...

After the sophomoric “F*ck Tea” campaign started by a prominent progressive organizer hit the internet this week, I wondered, what ever happened to the Coffee Party. Apparently, not much. The Coffee Party has grown cold, as this August 4, 2010, post on the Coffee Party...

Dave Weigel was the first Journolista to fall in the recent Daily Caller series. Weigel was fired from his blog at The Washington Post (resignation accepted) after emails in which he bad-mouthed conservatives were revealed. Weigel ended up at, owned by WaPo. Weigel either...

According to The Guardian, neo-Nazi groups are on the rise in Mongolia in reaction to increased domination by ethnic Chinese: Dayar Mongol threatened to shave the heads of women who sleep with Chinese men. Three years ago, the leader of Blue Mongol was convicted of...