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Bessinger blew the whistle on CRT in the classrooms and has been subject to continuous retaliation. Just days after filing a police report after a student protest leader allegedly threatened to kill her, Bessinger without any notice was "removed" from her teaching position, put on involuntary administrative leave pending an "internal investigation" - but she doesn't know and hasn't been told what the investigation is about.

Activists within and outside Classical High School are trying to get Bessinger fired and incite people against her, and now it has spilled over into a threat screamed at her from a student leader in school this morning, according to Bessinger: "F-you, F-you, I want to kill you." She has filed a police report and notified the school.

On day of organized protest against Bessinger at school, JW writes to Superintendent: "Ms. Bessinger has been subjected to a continuing campaign of retaliation and harassment related to her protected First Amendment expression," we call on district to "immediately put an end to the inappropriate and unlawful campaign of harassment against Ms. Bessinger."