Progressives Can’t Handle Debate Week in Education
Your weekly report on education news.

There seems to be a trend of progressive students staging walkouts when faced with arguments they don’t like.
- Student Group Who Walked Out to Protest Youngkin Trans Policy Says Many ‘Simply Just Wanted to Skip School’
- Two-Thirds of Harvard Law Students Walk Out on Pro-Life Scholar Before She Starts Speaking
- U. Southern Maine Students Walk Out on Prof After She Says There Are Only Two Sexes
Sometimes, opposition prompts violent threats.
Or completely insane behavior.
Here’s another ugly trend in higher education.
- Student Groups at UC-Berkeley School of Law Create ‘Jewish-Free Zones,’ School Dean Responds to Report
- Jews on College Campuses Are Being Told Their Zionism is ‘Disqualifying’
- On Yom Kippur: Cornell University Panel to Feature Professor Who Compared Israel to Nazi Germany
Some words are too triggering, even in context.
- Texas Wesleyan U. Cancels Black Playwright’s Work Because Character in Play Uses the N-Word
- George Washington U. Prof Removed for Using “‘N-Word’ in Educational Context”
There are consequences.
- Twelve Federal Judges Now Say They Won’t Hire Clerks From Yale Law School
- Conservative Candidates Working to Flip School Boards Across the Country
So this happened, if you can believe it.
So true.
The nonsense never ends.
Beyond parody.

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“I have found from many observations that our liberals are incapable of allowing anyone to have his own convictions and immediately answer their opponent with abuse or something worse.”
—Dostoyevsky, The Idiot
Can you call such people liberal? More like fascists.
For the time period he lived in and against the prevailing political attitudes, yes.
The aim of every liberal policy / action seems to be instilling insecurity and fear which establishes them as arbiters of all things.
Progressives can’t handle debate? I suppose it’s because they haven’t progressed enough. If fact, since their inception, it appears they haven’t progressed at all.
Another false label. These progressives are the opposite: regressives.
The monotony of being liberal.
Not liberal: illiberal is more appropriate.
Progressives today are place holders of communism for slow learners.
Gutless and brainless is no way to go through life, son…