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Fake: Real: Fake fake fake fake, but a real problem, don’t you think?  People still think Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her backyard. Elsewhere: Happy Birthday, Mr. President. Who Castrated Ann Coulter? Well, he does have a nice healthy smile. Why is...

Government entanglement in our lives is increasing exponentially. Nowhere is this more evident than the recent assault on religious freedoms from varying governmental entities. As Rick Santorum would put it, “It is a top down approach” and it truly is. From the top, we have...

No, not the video I posted of Nancy Reagan. It was, according to Israel Matzav, a video of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wishing China a Happy New Year, receiving 40 million views not including people who viewed it on Chinese television: Related:  Bibi sends Christmas Greetings...

Did you witness the pile on Newt last night about his vision for new space exploration and the reinvigoration of the space industry? While some of Newt’s space ideas (they’re just ideas, not proposals) are grandiose in the way we always have dreamed of space, his...

Mitt Romney’s campaign is in trouble.  The trouble is not just the South Carolina vote count.  Romney’s internal polling almost certainly also showed that he was behind in Florida, as public polling released today reflects. More worrisome for Romney is a growing chorus of doubters within...

With some links I’ve been saving but never got around to posting: Wind energy industry is sucking up federal subsidies at an amazing pace, and it’s going to industry insiders. Interesting article at Yale Law Journal about how impeachment is not, or at least should...

Also known as Dear Leader and Supreme Leader, died according to North Korean state television. via CBS/AP: Kim’s death was announced Monday by the state television from the North Korean capital, Pyongyang. Kim is believed to have suffered a stroke in 2008 but appeared relatively...

that free markets are integral to growth, prosperity and betterment in a modern society: In fifty years Hong Kong was transformed from one of the poorest places on earth to one of the richest. Despite having no natural resources, indeed not even enough drinking water to support...

End Game – no clear winner.  Cain exceeded expectations but only because expectations were low.  Perry redeemed himself but I doubt it will change perceptions.  Newt and Romney were both good, Newt scored his usual slap at the moderator and it worked wonderfully.  Scott Pelley...

As I mentioned yesterday, Ying Ma came back to Cornell last night to present her take on “Chinese state capitalism.” I took notes on the presentation: Basic overview: In the 1990s, China had an acrimonious relationship w. US. Politicians and commentators were constantly complaining about...

I’ve posted before about the Chinese real estate bubble, and what will happen when this bubble bursts. Rather than worshipping the Chinese economy like Obama does (high speed trains anyone?), we should be recognizing that the Chinese model, like the Soviet model, is artificial and...

My friend Zach linked to this amazing article this morning: The Shadow Superpower. In many countries — particularly in the developing world — System D [the black market] is growing faster than any other part of the economy, and it is an increasing force in world trade....

They will not have China to bail them out: For so long we have heard nothing but how the Chinese were doing things right. Hundred of millions rising up out of poverty. News cars replacing bicycles on the streets of Beijing. An economy that could...