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that this person has an iPhone or iPad made at a factory in China, which she uses to read liberal blogs which object to outsourcing by big corporations.  And hurries into and out of Wal-Mart really quickly so as not to be spotted, with an...

Back in November, Sarah Palin delivered a sharp criticism of Fed monetary policy, as reported by The Wall Street Journal: Sarah Palin, delving into a major policy issue a week after the mid-term elections, took aim Monday at the Federal Reserve and called on Fed...

Kathleen At Cornell, there is a large part of campus which actively rails against free trade. No, they are not explicitly protectionist, rather they believe that people in the Third World have the option to have jobs outside of sweatshops that will provide them with...

The Obama administration declined to use military force in Libya until obtaining the authorization of the U.N. Security Council.  Put aside for now whether such authorization was necessary and whether U.S. Congressional authorization also was needed. The U.S. and coalition offensive military action clearly exceeds the...

Per posts at The Hill and Ben Smith, the Obama administration is playing its usual childish games, this time heaping praise on Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman, former Republican Governor of Utah, for the purpose of undermining Huntsman’s appeal to Republican voters should Huntsman choose...

Bono made a bit of a stir in late January with an Op Ed in Le Monde, a French newspaper. As he wrote: Africa is rich in natural resources yet it is rarely Africans (save some corrupt officials) who get rich off their extraction. Meanwhile...

The Daily Caller has an absolutely hilarious article (which I hope will become a series) titled ‘Congressional Bosses from Hell’ starring Sheila Jackson Lee. There are some real gems in this one: Yet another staffer remembers requesting a meeting early on in her tenure to...

K. McCaffrey — I am super jealous of everyone who will be at CPAC today. I have to wait until tomorrow to attend (a cost-benefit analysis of the cost of college per credit hour leaves me no choice), but those who are there today will...

(K. McCaffrey) — As a partner in a firm that deals mostly with web promotion on social media, the Egyptian affair has been fascinating to watch. As Mohamed Haykal, a Nasser confidante, said in a British interview, “The effect of mobiles, computers, satellites—there is a...

Mohamed ElBaradei is one of those figures who, because he is fairly westernized, easily manipulates western media and left-of-center bloggers and pundits into thinking he wants a western-style democracy in Egypt. It is not surprising that despite his obvious opportunism, ElBaradei has become something of...

The History Channel has pulled the plug on a recent TV miniseries about the Kennedy family. “Liberal filmmaker Robert Greenwald was behind a petition drive to get the movie shelved. A website,, was set up with a short film that attacked the miniseries. The...

Mitch Daniels, Republican of Governor of Indiana and prospective presidential candidate, is having some fun with proposed tax increases in neighboring Illinois, as reflected in Daniels’ interview with The Northwest Indiana Times (h/t Illinois Review): Gov. Mitch Daniels thinks Illinois’ proposed 75 percent hike in its...

As a follow up to my post the other day regarding the reopening of a rare earth minerals mine in the U.S., China announced yesterday that it was slashing exports: China, which produces about 97 percent of the global supply of the metals used in...

I have posted multiple times before about how worldwide “green” technology and a variety of high tech industries were dependent on “rare earth minerals” mined almost exclusively in China.  U.S. production was shut down almost a decade ago over environmental concerns.  Among other things, the...

I stumbled upon this unusual video, taken by American Jews in China and narrated in Yiddish, of man-on-the-street interviews regarding perceptions of Jews and Israel. The money line is at 7:30 of the video, in which a sympathetic Chinese man wonders whether it is true that...

China is ascendant so our administration wants us to emulate China’s infrastructure investments and constructions, by building high-speed and light rail projects few will use and which will further drain state budgets. It will not last.  China’s ascendancy, that is.  I agree with this analysis...