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David Gerstman a/k/a SoccerDad has a Mideast Media Sampler he circulates by email which is very informative and used by many bloggers. With his permission, I’m posting today’s sampler about the anti-Israel lawfare being conducted by the U.N. Human Rights Council cheered on by The New York Times and law professor George...

Despite the best efforts of progressives who want to use global warming to control human consumption and the media that supports these efforts, it seems Mother Nature is not following their script. Some examples: In California, we are having the worst cold snap in decades....

Via Jerusalem Post (h/t Anne in Petah Tikva): Unlike other countries in the Middle East, where Christian communities are shrinking and many of them are in danger, in Israel there is a strong and growing Christian community that participates fully in the life of the...

I’ve been out of pocket pretty much since the first sketchy reports this morning about a possible school shooting.  A meeting, a luncheon and then 6 hours in the car. The car ride was enlightening because I followed the details of the Connecticut school shooting...

If you had any doubt who is the weak horse, witness the change in the story line of the just released remake of Red Dawn, as described by Sonny Bunch in The Washington Free Beacon: Sometime between the start of production and the remake’s release,...

Assessment — Not sure how to rate this. I wonder how Biden’s constant laughing, smirks, and bombastic language (“bunch of malarkey”) played with the viewers. Biden also talked over Ryan constantly, and the moderator often cut short Ryan’s answers. Ryan also didn’t get a chance...

The cycle of perpetual outrage and victimhood continues. Mitt Romney pointed out something obvious, that Israel has a record of economic success unmatched by those under Palestinian Authority control, attributing it to cultural and other factors: “As you come here and you see the GDP...

Elizabeth Warren is punching back against her own embarrassing “no one got rich on his own” rant and Scott Brown’s devastating viral (350k+ 800k views) video. Warren is doing so by insisting that we need to catch up with China on infrastructure spending. Warren’s campaign just released this ad:...

As you know from the primaries, I’m no fan of John Sununu. But when it comes to Obama’s complete lack of understanding and disdain for what makes this country’s economy work, Sununu got it right yesterday Despite the media hoopla, tell me exactly what was wrong with...

Via The Hill: Chen Guangcheng’s daring escape to the U.S. embassy turned into a major political headache for President Obama on Thursday as Republicans accused the administration of naively handing the blind human rights activist back to Chinese authorities…. Embassy officials say Chen left the...

It’s what I’m best at (19 years of schooling down the drain): Noted race relations expert Touré has thoughts on the racist mind based on a conversation he had with someone. In case you were wondering, the “isolated incidents of violence against whites by blacks, in which Trayvon...

I’d rather sit in the dark. That’s my sense of today: Secret Service agent scandal gets worse with allegations of cocaine use, and here is a headline which tells us this drama will play out for a while: Escort Recounts Quarrel With Secret Service Agent. Image...