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Professor Jacobson and Andrew Breitbart’s recent coverage of anti-Semitic incidents at the Occupy Wall Street protests were no surprise to me.  A top notch study by political scientists Neil Malhotra and Yotam Margalit back in 2009 found that triggering anti-semitic concepts increased support for anti-business...

Chavez is on his deathbed. (But, of course, the state is in denial.) I don’t care much at all for Francis Fukuyama, but his 2006 write-up on Chávez’s ascent in WaPo was pretty good. Or, at least, clear: Latin America has indeed witnessed a turn...

There has been a ton of speculation that Chris Christie may run for president after his speech at the Reagan Library.  Now that the hype about Perry and Bachmann has dwindled, the first-term NJ Gov would generate a storm of media attention. I would be ecstatic...

I already have debate fatigue. But will soldier on. Not “live blogging” but insightful and inciteful analysis at appropriate points. Comments are welcome and encouraged. Final Assessment:  Rick Perry didn’t help himself; just don’t understand why he’s not more comfortable in this setting, not quick...

Five days ago Obama unveiled a “jobs plan” which included tax hikes of $467 billion, $400 billion of which were on individuals making $200,000 (and couples making $250,000). Tomorrow Obama will unveil a “deficit reduction plan” which will include $1.5 trillion in new taxes including an extra...

Steve Chapman, a member of the Editorial Board of The Chicago Tribune, Why Obama should withdraw (h/t HeyTammyBruce): When Ronald Reagan ran for re-election in 1984, his slogan was “Morning in America.” For Barack Obama, it’s more like midnight in a coal mine. The sputtering economy...

How sad.  Our president has been reduced to chasing demons. Obama’s recent phony jobs bill which raised $400 billion in taxes on everyone making over $200,000 (couples over $250,000) apparently did not whip the masses into a pitchfork and torch frenzy, because it targeted our doctors,...

Much like windmills, Obama’s energy plans for the country turn on “green” energy like LED lighting. From The White House website: Today’s Recovery Act in Action episode takes place in Durham, NC at Cree, Inc., America’s foremost producer of LED lighting.  It’s a tale of...

The Great Jobs Plan of 2011 is nothing more that The Great Tax Increase of 2011. He’s completely incorrigible, the Rain Man of class warfare and tax increases on job creators: White House Office of Management and Budget  Director Jack Lew outlined President Barack Obama’s...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: I know, I know, you’ve heard it all before.  Broken dreams and shattered hopes that the use of the race card for political gain would not get any worse.  But...

As Obama talks up Son of Spendulus, it is important to remember how his promises of job creation fared last time.  Below are two charts, the second new for this post. From Veronique de Rugy: …and my own Photoshop of the graph, focusing only on...

I made the point the other day that Sarah Palin’s speech in Indianola, Iowa, went to the core of the Tea Party movement: I don’t know what the future holds for Palin, whether she will be a candidate or just a powerful voice against crony capitalism. ...

Love this move: Republicans have decided they’re not going to give a  rebuttal to President Obama’s jobs speech later this week, a decision House  Democratic Leader Nancy  Pelosi took as a high affront to the White  House. At least three GOP lawmakers also have announced  they’re...

From Senator Jim DeMint, some obvious points about Obama’s complete lack of understanding of the job market (emphasis mine): “I spent most of m life in business,’ DeMint told Glor, “and I’m hearing what the president is talking about, which are temporary incentives like giving a...

That’s how many net new jobs were created last month in newly released unemployment numbers: The Labor Department says total payrolls were unchanged in August, weakest report in almost a year. It’s the first time since February 1945 that the government has reported a net...