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Last June, in the midst of the “Gaza Flotilla” in which leftists joined Islamists against Israel, I asked Can Israel Survive A Second Obama Term?: This past week has seen the coming together of the growing Islamist-Leftist Coalition in the war against Israel. Leftists who,...

I wish I had written such a post, but instead I happened upon it via an e-mail sent from a relative.  And it was at HuffPo, of all places. Rarely have I seen someone hit the hypocrisy of the anti-Israel movement the way David Suissa does in...

I have posted about Juan Cole before, including this sadly humorous assertion that protesters chanting “death to America” really just wanted visas to visit Disneyland: Even the ones who are chanting “Death to America,” if you get them to the side, they say well you know “could...

Mohamed ElBaradei is one of those figures who, because he is fairly westernized, easily manipulates western media and left-of-center bloggers and pundits into thinking he wants a western-style democracy in Egypt. It is not surprising that despite his obvious opportunism, ElBaradei has become something of...

The situation in Egypt does not look dire at this moment, but it does look very serious.  Given the speed with which events can move, the situation could change dramatically for the worse in hours or days. Pursuant to the 1979 peace treaty between Israel...

I have posted previously about the plight of the Jews of Malmö, Sweden, who have been under siege by the Islamist-Leftist Anti-Israel Coalition, what I called Malmö Syndrome. Islamists across Europe have used anti-Israel agitation to justify acts of anti-Semitic violence, and anti-Israel leftists have either encouraged or...

One of the truly amazing aspects of the Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme is that throughout it all, Bernie maintained a smirk on his face.  The almost perfect psychopath, Bernie felt no sympathy for his victims, even those who committed suicide upon discovering that a life’s...

The Washington Post reports on the U.N. investigation into the killing of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Harriri, which appears headed towards a year-end indictment of several Hezbollah senior members. The article, based on documents obtained by the Canadian Broadcasting Company, notes how cell phone...

A post at Israel Matzav about a failed attempt at a university in South Africa to boycott Israel’s Ben Gurion University reminded me that there has been a vicious war underway, albeit one fought mostly under the media radar. The Islamist-Leftist Anti-Israel Coalition, which brought you...

…for thinking that the election of David Cameron in Britain might make a real difference in the direction of British policy. I was wrong. In a speech in Ankara, Turkey, Cameron did his best imitation of Barack Obama’s apology tour: … let me turn to...

The New York Times, July 14, 2010: There are plenty of things to buy in Gaza; goods are brought over the border or smuggled through the tunnels with Egypt. That is not the problem. In fact, talk about food and people here get angry because...

I am not someone who tries to keep track of how many of my predictions have come true. That sort of gamesmanship by hindsight is beneath me. And I don’t try to settle scores with people who criticize me. That would be petty. So it...

Nicholas Kristoff has found the answer to traditional Palestinian suicide bombers, hijackers, and hostage takers: A non-violent movement led by Palestinian women. But for now, Kristoff finds it’s still a dream, because it depends on what the meaning of “non-violence” is. Describing one protest, seeking...

Unlike some, I have not devoted myself to studying the writings of Glenn Greenwald. Others have devoted the time, because Greenwald has such a large following at I did, however, write about Greenwald’s absurd coverage of the Islamist-inspired, Turkish-led Gaza flotilla, particularly Greenwald’s offensive...

The decision by Israel to “ease” the blockade of Gaza has evoked pretty strong opinions as to whether it represents a wise strategic move by Israel (my view) or a caving in which strengthens Hamas. One thing is clear, however, the easing of the land...

Israel has announced an “easing” of the land blockade on Gaza, a largely symbolic step since large quantities of humanitarian and other supplies already enter Gaza. While The NY Times and others portray this as a loss for Israel, which had to bow to world...

The Islamist-Leftist Anti-Israel Coalition has found its most successful tactic — the use of human shields in the form of Western Useful Idiots backed by Islamist Martyrs-in-Waiting to confront Israeli soldiers in the hope that Israel will be forced either to weaken its defenses or...