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Lots doing in the world. The end is near for Qaddafi, or not, who knows:  “Libyan rebels said they were less than 20 miles from  Muammar al-Qaddafi’s main stronghold of Tripoli on Sunday, a day after  opposition fighters launched their first attack on the city. ...

There were a series of coordinated terrorist attacks in Israel overnight (our time, noon Israeli time).  At least six people were killed, and the attacks apparently emanated, at least in part, from Egyptian territory. Israel Matzav is gathering the latest information. Updates: The Israel Defense...

This photo of an Israeli soldier standing on a young Palestinian girl is making the rounds on the internet and evoking enormous anti-Israel vitriol: As Israel Matzav points out, however, the photo is not what it seems: There’s one small problem – the photo is...

(by Matthew Knee) Yale recently announced the closing of the The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA), America’s first academic institute to study anti-Semitism, citing a lack of scholarly output and student interest. The overall Jewish community, and some newspaper columnists, are...

Although the precise date is not clear, calls have gone out for anti-Israel activists to converge on Israel on or about June 8, in anticipation of a large flotilla of ships trying to break the military sea blockade of Gaza later in June, and additional attempts to crash...

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at AIPAC last night. It takes a few minutes for him to get into a groove, but it’s worth the watch. The speech was interrupted several times by hecklers who were escorted out. The money line comes at the...

Turkey is threatening unspecified intervention if Israel again uses military action to prevent a flotilla, organized in part by Turkish Islamist groups, from reaching Gaza.  Via AFP: Turkey on Saturday warned Israel against another act of bloodshed in international waters after activists announced plans to send a...

Jeffrey Goldberg writes a ridiculous article expressing indignation that Bibi Netanyahu used the word “expect” in connection with U.S. policy towards Israel, Dear Mr. Netanyahu, Please Don’t Speak to My President That Way: For whatever reason, I tend to react strongly when a foreign leader...

Why yesterday for Obama to unload the demand that Israel withdraw to the pre-1967 borders, with some negotiated land swaps?  Contrary to what some are claiming, this is a new formulation.  Under the Obama formulation, Israel has a land mass fixed by the 1949 armistice lines,...

That’s pretty much the upshot of Obama coming down firmly on the side of the pre-1967 borders being the end result of a peace agreement, plus some land swapping. While some have contended this merely states prior policy, there is an important shift.  Prior policy emphasized...

Actually, I’d rather watch sausage being made. International humanitarian law, while it sounds nice, often is nothing more than power politics.  Witness Turkey’s attempt to manipulate and influence a draft U.N. report on last summer’s Gaza flotilla, sponsored in substantial part by Turkish Islamist organizations:...

The carnage in Syria continues at a dramatic pace, with the Syrian armed forces and/or police routinesly using live fire against protesters. Yet there is virtual silence from the world community and the Obama adminsitration.  Some recent words of  condemnation, but not much more.  No...

Via The Muqata comes the video below of the Israeli Iron Dome system taking down a Kassam rocket fired from Gaza.  The technology is not perfect, but it has taken down numerous Hamas rockets in the past few days: The success of the Iron Dome...

What is it with Nobel Peace Prize winners lately? Now its 2005 Nobel Laureate Mohamed ElBaradei threatening war with Israel if Israel gets into another war with Hamas in Gaza: Former International Atomic Energy Agency chief Mohamed ElBaradei, who had previously announced his intetions to...