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I really hope my high school classmates don’t plan to burn any Korans, or my name may be in a headline like this: Rush Limbaugh, Pastor Terry Jones Were High School Classmates Terry Jones, the Florida pastor threatening to burn a Koran tomorrow on the...

Please bookmark this post and Tweetfor use in the next political emergency, when some criminal act by a nut is used by Media Matters and its progeny to tar and feather the entire Tea Party and conservative movements: (h/t @JammieWF) Update 1-8-2011 – This tweet takes...

Sam Stein writes at HuffPo today that increasingly libertarian social attitudes in the Republican Party combined with the failure of Democrats to live up to campaign promises, has led Democratic Party insiders to worry that “the Obama administration risks losing the gay rights community (or at least...

Bill Sparkman.  Amy Bishop.  The Fort Hood Shooter.  The IRS Plane Crasher.  The Pentagon Shooter. People who had nothing to do with each other in the real world.  In the blogosphere, each of these people was linked by a macabre desire by the left-wing blogosphere to find a...

Amanda Terkel, one of the lead writers at Think Progress, is exasperated that the “right-wing” has convinced the “media” that Obama’s religion is open to question (emphasis mine): While journalists and pundits on cable news today did acknowledge the “media” have had a role to...

Glenn Reynolds writes in the Knoxville News today about the Journolist, Controversy proves collusion among liberal journalists: Like most email lists, much of the content was profane or sophomoric – like [Eric] Alterman’s reference to Bush supporters as “f***ing Nascar retards,” public radio producer Sarah...

The left-wing blogs and media are hoping beyond hope that Shirley Sherrod sues Andrew Breitbart. One common theme, echoed by Sam Stein at HuffPo, and various people he quotes, is that the original clip released by Breitbart was “false.” To portray the clip as “false”...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: Bet you thought I would write about When Andy Met Shirley. Sorry to disappoint. Tonight we delve into the world of diversity consultants. The diversity consultant industry is...

Now that the left-wing blogosphere and Democratic media operatives Media Matters and Think Progress have found the Religion of Context when it comes to Shirley Sherrod … how about finally apologizing for the months long smear in 2009 that Census worker Bill Sparkman was killed...

When Scott Brown won the Republican nomination for Senate in Massachusetts in early December 2009, Brown was given close to no chance of defeating Martha Coakley. Coakley had almost a 30 point lead in the polls and much more money. Democrats held an enormous registration...

Harry Reid is refusing to debate Sharron Angle until sometime in the fall, claiming her cannot find the time for several months. How interesting that Reid is ducking debates, since he should relish the opportunity to challenge “S. Extreme Angle.” Reid’s sudden inability to fit...

Markos Moulitsas, the founder of Daily Kos, has accused Research 2000 of defrauding Daily Kos in conducting research polling. The accusation is about as inflammatory as one can get. For professional pollsters, a reputation for fairness and accuracy is everything. The damage to Research 2000...

Kelly Steele is Harry Reid’s campaign spokesman and one of the chief strategists. According to reports, Steele is credited with taking down Sue Lowden, and is in charge of the early efforts to paint Sharron Angle as an extremist and crazy: And that’s where Steele...

Strange. I’m not sure I support Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court, assuming she is the nominee, but I’m already finding myself having to defend her. If Elena Kagan were a liberal legal hero, with a long record of reaching the correct conclusions from the...

Hate Springs Eternal, by Paul Krugman (emphasis mine): “Racism, misogyny and character assassination are all ways of distracting voters from the issues, and people who care about the issues have a shared interest in making the politics of hatred unacceptable.” Racism, misogyny, character assassination, and...

Mea Culpa — The second incident referred to below was by Kelly O’Donnell, not Norah O’Donnell. My mistake, corrected below. The point remains the same. ———————————– This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: Tonight is...

Many of the criticisms of Michael Steele have been unjustified. The hoopla over $2,000 spent by an RNC staffer at a “sex-themed” club without Steele’s knowledge or permission, may have made interesting headlines, but it was not probative of Steele’s Chairmanship of the RNC. Today,...