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Hearing was extremely short. Court noted that a two page affidavit of probable cause was filed.  Court finds probable cause exists at this stage.  Court notes that all further proceedings will be in Circuit Court.  Sets May 29th, 1:30, probable cause hearing in Circuit Court. Judge...

No big surprise here. Via ABC News: A decision on whether to charge Florida neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman with the shooting death of unarmed teen Trayvon Martin has been made, sources told ABC News. The decision by Florida special prosecutor Angela Corey is expected...

As with so much else in this case, the original media report of George Zimmerman using the pejorative “coons,” which has been accepted as true and then repeated endlessly by the left blogosphere and mainstream media, now is in doubt. An enhanced analysis now appears...

This is getting ridiculous. The police report prepared the night of the Trayvon Martin shooting, long before it was expected that this case would get national attention, recited that the police observed Zimmerman with a bloody nose and rear head bleeding, and that Zimmerman was...

Trayvon Martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman, that much is certain.  It is a tragedy for the Martin family. It’s not worth opining on the facts, as so many are doing, because we don’t have enough facts, much less all the facts. Was Zimmerman,...

The "hands up, don't shoot" lie gave birth to the formal Black Lives Matter movement. Possibly the most significant social and political movement of the past decade, one that has re-shaped our country, was based on a lie that is repeated year after year after year. I'm never, ever, going to stop telling the truth about it.

Our website is a focus of an article on the pushback against Critical Race Theory. The word "insurrection" in Legal Insurrection apparently left a professor at Florida State shaking in her boots. We've used our name since October 2008. Most people chuckle. We make no apologies for our oxymoron.

The evidence will reveal the truth, the media will not (at least not before the midterms). This supposed MAGA perp "lived with a notorious local nudist in a Berkeley home, complete with a Black Lives Matter sign in the window and an LGBT rainbow flag, emblazoned with a marijuana symbol, hanging from a tree."

After anti-black comments by latino L.A. Council members, NY Time Columnist is worried: "with the browning of America, white supremacy could simply be replaced by — or buffeted by — a form of “lite” supremacy, in which fairer-skin people perpetuate a modified anti-Blackness rather than eliminating it."

Denver District Attorney Beth McCann announced that she was dropping second-degree murder charges initially brought against Matthew Dolloff over the October 10, 2020 political rally related shooting death of Lee Keltner. Yet photographic evidence suggests more than enough probable cause to justify testing self-defense claim at trial