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Kimberley Strassel makes in important point today at The Wall Street Journal, taking apart the defense that the IRS was warranted in targeting conservative groups seeking 501(c)(4) status because of the Citizens United decision.  Strassel documents how people close to and involved in the Obama campaign sought...

From the Boston Herald late last night, Full text of welfare statement on Tsarnaev brothers Statement on Tsarnaev Brothers Department of Transitional Assistance Status: “The brothers were not receiving transitional assistance benefits at the time of the incident and have not received any transitional assistance...

Rob in New Jersey sends along these “door hangers” being left in his neighborhood, and hears a dog whistle.  Not so sure I hear a dog whistle, just desperation: Greetings, Prof. Jacobson, I hope that this finds you well. Thanks for your good work, especially...

There have been several polls released recently, showing everything from a virtual dead heat to Elizabeth Warren ahead by low single digits. This was a contrast to pre-DNC polls, which showed Brown ahead by low single digits.  Clearly Warren received a convention bounce, almost entirely from...

This was almost the best day in the existence of those Obama supporters who dream every night about what they can do the next day to tag Mitt Romney as racist. They almost got what they wanted today, or so they thought, because The Telegraph...

Hilary Rosen last night: Ann Romney “has never worked a day in her life.” Hilary Rosen September 4, 2008: And what about the argument that [Sarah Palin] is a negligent mother who will be distracted from her important role? I am a mother who constantly feels the pressure...

As it has been widely reported, Jon Corzine will get a golden parachute valued at $12.1 mn after driving MF Global into the ground. Fair enough. After all, it wasn’t paid for with taxpayer money and the firm failed by making some appallingly bad bets. My...

That’s the question I had for reader Mike, who sent the photo and responded: All I can tell you is that it’s a take-off on that unanswerable woman’s question, “Honey, does this dress make my ass look big?” I’ll let you decide for yourself whether...

Mao Zedong caused the death of 45 million people according to a scholar who was given unprecedented access to Chinese Communist Party archives.  As reported by The Independent in Britain: Mao Zedong, founder of the People’s Republic of China, qualifies as the greatest mass murderer in world...

According to Dave Neiwert, Eliminationist theorist in chief, when he looked at the crowd at the Restoring Honor rally, he was sure the next Timothy McVeigh was out there: Well, Glenn Beck’s eyes certainly weren’t dry. He started weeping while telling the crowd that somewhere...

Here are some obligatory Sarah Palin morning posts, because while you were sleeping, Palin was inching closer to Barack Obama in the polls, driving the nutroots crazy, getting positive late-night coverage for a change (that should really scare the PDS crowd), and generally having fun:...

The Huffington Post has removed the impostor who was using “Legal Insurrection” to post comments at HuffPo, as detailed in my prior post, Why Is Someone Impersonating Me? People impersonating others is a real problem on the internet, and should give caution to anyone who...

See Update below——————————————- Politico is one of the class acts in internet news to which I link frequently, and Ben Smith is a justifiably respected commentator at Politico. Which is why it pains me to have to point out that yesterday Smith unfairly smeared Robert...

I’m late to this story, so I’ll mostly link to others. Barack Obama tried to bar Fox News from the White House news pool, a move that is unprecedented. I have been sounding the alarm about Obama’s intolerant tendencies for a year. I was right....

With each passing day, I am becoming more and more convinced that the Obama administration’s sustained and crude attacks on Fox News are a big diversion. Sure, the attacks on Fox News are unprecedented in the post-Nixon era. Barack Milhous Obama may not be change...

You know the 2012 campaign has started, because the hatchet-men and women of the media are attacking Sarah Palin based on anonymous sources (including some allegedly from the McCain campaign) and dubious rumors and innuendo. First there were the mounting attacks on the Palin daughters...