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It was not complete and total insanity at Brown this week: Brown Student: “many young liberal voters will soon find themselves under attack as they launch themselves into their careers” Brown Spectator – Reject Anti-Israel Divestment Trend Brown Spectator author translates Obama Speak which is not to say it wasn't...

From Linda in Tennessee on her road trip to Cincinnati: I snapped these with a long lens while riding shotgun March 11. I-71 North between Louisville and Cincinnati. ...

Wild stuff going on: BREAKING: Obama White House Describes West Bank as Part of Israel, yeah, you know, that place where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.  Money line: "The Dead Sea Scrolls, one might say, are written by settlers." Most pretentious and self-unaware statement ever (okay,...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source.  To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. ...

I have been covering California's hate-late relationship with gun rights. The reports have included the fact that gun control groups have target our state for enhanced activism, and that San Diego's Chief of Police has stated that Americans can be disarmed in a generation. Now, it seems...

I should have gone away these few days of the CPAC conference in a deep sea diving bell.  CPAC has been a disappointing spectacle to watch from afar, in more than one way. I can't tell you what it's done for others, but for me it's been a real downer,...

Ann Coulter makes that point about DiFi's response to Ted Cruz, which we featured yesterday. I agree in theory, because Offended should not be an acceptable answer. But, Offended is accepted as an answer virtually everywhere, particularly on campuses, unless the person offended is a...

1) Why is this debate a virtue? Yesterday, I wrote about Joseph Levine's outrageous article at the New York Times arguing that Israel is not a legitimate secular democratic state. At the Daily Beast, Ralph Seliger writes: I think it's odd that we should still be arguing the...

A bit of an odd combination. Alternative post title: Gun-lover Still Loves Gun-grabber Because It's Still Massachusetts. Sent to me via Twitter by Jack Gately, who took this photo of a door in Boston. Be sure to check out Jack's blog,, for Massachusetts...

At College Insurrection we reported that, in honor of Rand Paul’s historic filibuster, the head of the Hillsdale College Republicans wanted CPAC attendees standing during the senator's convention speech. It looks like Ryan Bolyard got his wish, as hundred of students chose to #StandWithRand. Josiah Ryan contributed...

Today is the third anniversary of the death of Cpl. Jonathan Daniel Porto in Afghanistan, as noted here before: Cpl Jonathan Daniel Porto Promises a Marine Widow Cannot Bear to Hear Cpl Jonathan Daniel Porto, Remembered Cpl Jonathan Daniel Porto, March 14, 2010 His wife’s original blog post, I Will Always...

Via Mediaite: On Thursday, during a committee hearing in the U.S. Senate on gun control legislation, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) engaged in a heated exchange over the constitutionality of her support for stricter gun control laws. In posing a question regarding...

The Ranting of Levine Last week the New York Times published an essay by a philosophy professor, James Levine On Questioning the Jewish State. I won't quote from the essay, but here are some of the responses. Elder of Ziyon argues: In fact, if you follow his bizarre...

And they have a very well done post, luring the likes of me into their lair: What Kind Of Conservative Are You? This scientific quiz is the only way to be sure. Just in time for CPAC! Okay, I took the quiz, and this was the result: ...