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Via The Wall Street Journal, Syrians Used Chemical Weapons Against Rebels: U.S. Officials
The U.S. has concluded that forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have used chemical weapons in the country's civil war with rebels, U.S. officials said, a determination that could lay the ground for a decision by the U.S. to arm the rebels and take other steps expanding American involvement in the conflict. The finding comes nearly two months after the White House informed Congress that U.S. intelligence agencies believed with "varying degrees of confidence" that Mr. Assad has used chemical weapons, likely including sarin gas. President Barack Obama has said that the use of chemical weapons by Mr. Assad would cross a "red line" for the U.S. A senior U.S. official said the determination could be used by the White House to sign off on a proposal to arm moderate Syrian rebels and other measures now under consideration.
CNN, White House: Syria crosses 'red line' with use of chemical weapons on its people:
The White House acknowledged Thursday the Syrian government has used chemical weapons, including the nerve agent sarin, on a small scale a number of times, according to a statement. The administration also indicated it will increase the "scope and scale of assistance" to rebels in Syria following its acknowledgment that the Bashar al-Assad government has used chemical weapons in the civil war, according to the statement.
Time, Red Line Crossed: U.S. Officials Confirm Syrian Chemical Weapons Use:
The development, announced Thursday by White House Deputy National Security Advisor For Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes, puts the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad over President Barack Obama’s “red line” announced in August 2012 promising severe consequences for the use of chemical weapons. “We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized,” Obama said at the time. “That would change my calculus. That would change my equation.”
Given that this announcement comes on the heels of major Syrian-Hezbollah-Iranian gains, including retaking the city of Qusayr, expect claims that this is a pretext to arm the rebels. Update: Prelude to war? Remember, it's Bad or worse in Syria:

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I have been traveling since about 6 this morning. What did I miss? Do we have amnesty yet?  Has Snowden officially gone over to the other side yet?  Is IRS-gate still a "gate"? Patricia sent me this email: What do we have to do to ...

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Protests in Turkey continue this week, as pressure mounts from government for the protests to stop.  Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told party leaders Thursday, "We have arrived at the end of our patience." From FOX News: Turkey's prime minister issued a "final warning" to protesters on...

THE DAY 4 WRAP-UP POST CAN BE FOUND HERE. Today we will again be covering the Zimmerman Jury Selection Day Four live, all day, along with a separate end-of-day wrap-up post. To catch up on the lastest events in State of Florida v. Zimmerman, click here to take...

As the NSA story continues to grip the headlines, more facts are coming to light, both about the information that was leaked and about the leaker himself. Edward Snowden spoke to the South China Morning Post in an exclusive interview Wednesday, resulting in a series of...

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...

FOR TODAY'S MOST SHOCKING PROSPECTIVE JURORS, SCROLL DOWN TO E73, R39 & E7, BELOW. Today the Court continued its preliminary questioning of prospective jurors, moving through 10 candidates by the end of the day.  As was the case yesterday, questions were limited to how much exposure...

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From Mickey Kaus: “Multiple triggers”/Legalization is immediate. DHS just  has to write border  “plan.”  The most any “triggers” can possibly do is delay green cards  and citizenship. “90 % effectiveness”/ If not reached, triggers only toothless commission. … Also: “90%  effectiveness”–as defined by DHS–is really more like 50%. “Pay back...

NSA chief Gen. Keith Alexander will testify today at a previously scheduled Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on enduring cybersecurity threats.  He is expected to face questions during the hearing concerning the recent leaks of details into the NSA's phone surveillance activities. You can follow livestream video coverage beginning at 2pm EST; follow this post for updates. [UPDATE: The feed has been removed, as the hearing has ended.] Highlights from the hearing below:   There were other very interesting exchanges between several Senators and Gen. Alexander, most notably with Senators Durbin, Collins and Merkley.  You can listen to those audio clips at NPR. Here's what people were saying on Twitter...

Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor who leaked details about the National Security Agency’s surveillance program to the press, gave an exclusive interview Wednesday to the South China Morning Post. Through a series of articles that have been staggered throughout the day, Snowden tells the outlet...

1) How can you tell the difference between a terrorist organization and a liberal democracy? The title is a trick question. In international fora, the terrorist organization gets a lot more respect. Last week the Ireland led the way to prevent the European Union from designating Hezbollah...

CLICK HERE FOR OUR COMPREHENSIVE SUMMARY OF EVENTS FROM DAY 3 OF JURY SELECTION. Today we will again be covering the Zimmerman Jury Selection Day Three live, all day, along with a separate end-of-day wrap-up post. To catch up on the lastest events in State of...

To say that there is disgust growing in the ranks is an understatement. If adults who broke the law to come here illegally get citizenship, it will be a spit in the face of millions of legal immigrants who followed the rules, and many millions more...

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