Today we will again be covering the Zimmerman Jury Selection Day Four live, all day, along with a separate end-of-day wrap-up post. To catch up on the lastest events in State of Florida v. Zimmerman, click here to take a look at last night’s wrap-up post.
As usual we will be maintaining live-stream video coverage, just below, as well as rolling Twitter coverage from selected commentators, including me, at the bottom of this page. In between the video stream and Twitter feed I’ll post regular updates throughout the day to note any events of particular significance. At day’s end I will put up a separate wrap-up post discussing major events of the day, and their implications for the case moving forward. Thanks for joining us!
Live Stream Video
Thursday, June 13
Court is scheduled to begin at 9AM, although typically there are a few minutes of non-public court business before the live TV coverage begins in earnest.
Twitter Feed:
(My tweets can be identified as coming from @lawselfdefense.)
Tweets from @LegInsurrection/zimmerman-trial
Andrew F. Branca is a MA lawyer with a long-standing interest in the law of self defense. He authored the seminal book “The Law of Self Defense” (second edition shipping June 22–save 30% and pre-order TODAY!), and manages the Law of Self Defense web site and blog. Many thanks to the Professor for the invitation to guest-blog on the Zimmerman trial here on Legal Insurrection!

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[…] FYI, Day 4 of jury selection has just kicked into gear. Our live, all-day coverage can be found at Legal Insurrection here, if you're interested in following along. We'll also be doing our usual end-of-day summary of […]
If you want this post to show up when people click “Zimmerman Trial — Jury Selection LIVE coverage all day, everyday” as per Jacobson’s prominent upper-RH “announcements” box, it needs to have the tag he links to, “george-zimmerman-trial”, or he needs to change the link in his announcement to simply “george-zimmerman”.
In any case, you need consistent tags on all of your trial-related posts if you want people to be able to link to them by tag.
Thanks for the heads-up, s_dog, my bad, I left off the needed tag. It’s added now to all relevant posts, so link in announcement box is working as intended.
Cool! Thanks for that. There aren’t many sources for interested Aussies to get non-MSM (non-Leftist) coverage of this trial, but because of the time difference most will be reading after-the-fact and not live. Thus the handiness of a consistent tag.
I noticed that one of the trial-watchers mentioned that the public seating section “is only a fourth full”. Were there more spectators before the police enacted their (IMO) heavy-handed roadblock/checkpoint regime yesterday (SHOW US YOUR PAPERS!), or is it more that jury selection is kinda boring and not a real “spectator sport” anyway?
I’m glad they enacted the roadblock or whatever. It tamps down the circus atmosphere and the frenzied media lies and drivel. IMO, that’s a plus for GZ.
I wonder if threats have already been made to prospective jurors by the hyphenated “community” such that the court may have requested “noise reduction” and protective efforts by the cops.
I have heard at least one person from Seminole County whose first reaction upon getting a jury duty notice in the mail was that they hoped they didn’t end up on the Zimmerman jury because they were worried about “the publicity and the repercussions”.
I get that they don’t want this to turn into a circus, but it’s a bit late for that, thanks to the Sharpton-Crump Traveling Circus that they didn’t bother to do anything about when IT came to town.
And a community’s courthouse should really be open to the citizens, but the article in the paper yesterday noted that “Drivers are being asked to present identification to prove why they need to be at the justice center. Such identification can be jury summons or court paperwork.” They’ve got these roadsigns up:
The idea of courts being closed to ordinary citizens who don’t have the right “papers” and this being enforced by armed agents of the State just rubs me the wrong way.
“Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done.”
This woman on right now (4:51 p.m. Eastern) very obviously wants to be selected as a juror. “Everyone I ever spoke with about it was neutral. I’m neutral. I don’t really know too much about it…” Yeah, sure.
In contrast.The retired cops wife this morning was grilled so long & hard, that my wife and i thought she was on trial .
I wish I had discovered the live feed a little sooner. I missed the cop’s wife. It’s a fascinating, if frightening, process.
Does anyone know if the defense requested this trial to be held elsewhere? This selection process is just so bizarre. Who in that area hasn’t heard of this case and hasn’t formed an opinion? I am suspicious of anyone who wants to serve on this jury. Especially the ones who may be evading the truth to gain that spot. I understand this is the first step, but it really seems things might go a bit smoother in another community. They might actually be able to find “peers” of Zimmerman and people are not so emotional over this case.