Investigation Clears Covington Catholic Students, “No Evidence of Offensive or Racist Statements”
No evidence students were chanting “Build the Wall”

An independent investigation published February 11 found that Covington Catholic High School students were not the disruptors the media wished them to be.
Greater Cincinnati Investigation (GCI) was retained by the law firm representing the Covington diocese and Covington Catholic High School.
GCI devoted 4 licensed investigators who spent 240 hours pouring over social media posts, local media reports, statements, and interviewing everyone they were able to contact. summarized the findings of the report thusly (detailed findings in the full report at bottom of post):
Here’s what the investigation found:
- No evidence was found that students performed a “Build the Wall” chant or made racist remarks to the Black Hebrew Israelites or Phillips
- Most of the students felt like (Phillips) was coming into their group to join in with the students’ cheers, investigators said. None of the students said they felt threatened by Phillips and many stated they were “confused.”
- Video shows that some students performed a “tomahawk chop” to the beat of Phillips’ drumming and some joined in with his chant.
- Nine chaperones reported being present at the Lincoln Memorial when the main interactions took place. Investigators said video confirms at least five chaperones were present.
- Chaperones said they didn’t feel that students were in danger or threatened.
- In regards to the “It’s not rape if you enjoy it” video, investigators said the man in the video was not a Covington Catholic student.
- In regards to the 7-second video of two students making comments to two women, investigators said they could not determine if the students were from Covington Catholic.
Phillips, who milked the confrontation for every possible ounce of media exposure was unreachable. I’m sure you’re just as shocked as I am.
Full report here:
Covington Catholic High Sch… by on Scribd
Our previous coverage of this story is here:
The Covington Boys and the Politicization of Childhood
Covington Student Nick Sandmann’s Lawyers Send Preservation Letters to Media, Celebrities
Princeton Prof Says Covington Kids Are Symbol of White Privilege
It wasn’t just left-media who joined in the Buzzfeed and Covington misreporting
Dartmouth Prof Has ‘No Problem’ With Somebody Doxxing Covington Students
Rep. Ilhan Omar Attacked Covington Catholic Students, Defended Hate Group
Behar: People Smeared the Covington Students ‘Because We’re Desperate to Get Trump Out of Office’
WAPO Corrects Covington Smear Story to Say Native American Activist Didn’t Fight in the Vietnam War
Nathan Phillips Continues to Play Victim in NBC Interview
“The lesson anybody on the right needs to learn, is you need to have your own video cameras running”
Nathan Phillips Attempted to Disrupt Mass at D.C.’s National Shrine

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Have the Covington boys been cleared of being involved in the hate-crime attack on Jussie Smollett?
Covington Catholic High School might feel obligated to hew to political correctness and in clearing the boys, rely in part upon the fact they didn’t chant “Build the Wall,” but I never would.
It is an American’s right to staunchly advocate and relish the thought, defense of American borders and of Americans. If you cannot relish such things at the Lincoln Memorial, then we have lost our 1st Amendment rights.
Anyone at the Lincoln Memorial who believes mere skin color prevails over Americans’ rights to happily promote the safety and general welfare of Americans, needs to be deported ASAP. Or yesterday. Whichever was sooner.
Hannity reported that attorney Lin Wood has filed charges Nate Phillips for slander and more. I have a feeling these students are going to be collecting some serious money when this is over. This is much bigger than when NBC slandered Jewel over the bombing an the Atlanta Olympic games and Jewel collected big money from prevailing over NBC in court and settling with many others. In the hundreds of millions if I remember correctly.
Actually, you remember incorrectly. Richard Jewell did not prevail in court in any of the libel cases. He did settle out of court with most for undisclosed amounts, certainly not hundreds of millions. Most of the money went to the lawyers. He did lose his libel suit against the Atlanta Journal Constitution which refused to settle. His case was appealed several times, but he lost each appeal which in turn became case law in Georgia.
He won the big one against NBC and we will never know how much he collected from the out-of-court settlements. Jewel won big. I am not wrong about THAT.
No, he did not win against NBC. They settled for $500K. He didn’t win any cases, and lost one.
“He won the big one against NBC and we will never know how much he collected from the out-of-court settlements. Jewel won big. I am not wrong about THAT.”
Sorry Phil, but you are wrong on all counts. Richard Jewell did not win against NBC, he settled with NBC for an undisclosed amount, reportedly $500,000. Most of his settlement went to the lawyers.
No diversity, no color judgments. At least not in the way it was reported. The evidence must have been overwhelming for them to not persist in their progress with this unforced error. That said, it did distract people from the human rights campaign protesting the establishment of Pro-Choice/selective-child, and its progress in New York and Virginia.
Well, duh.
I’m sorry, I thought only the narrative was admissible as evidence. I thought facts had no standing in the search for the truth.
That paragon of integrity, Dan Rather, did say that facts can be “False but accurate.”
It will be entertaining to see how the left ignores the facts or attacks them as accurate but false (insincere apologies to Rather)…or something.
Evidence, we don’t need stinking evidence when there is grandstanding virtue signaling to be done. The Catholic Church didn’t cover itself with any glory or even a touch of integrity. Too bad.
There be warlocks in that crowd. The witches, for once, were not harassed by the Twilighters, diversitists, and braying press.
I see the lawsuits against all the media outlets and numerous journalists are proceeding nicely.
What’s the chance that any of the elected officials who slandered these boys will be held accountable?
Most of their crap was not done with the “protection” of the House Floor, but on Twitter and with other public comments
Unless they made false statements of fact about the boys, there is no case. Conclusions are opinions, and therefore absolutely protected.
Rep Omar…
‘They Were Taunting 5 Black Men,’
“they surrounded Phillips and led racist chants”
“yelled ‘its not rape if you enjoy it”
Those sure appear to be statements of fact
And that Tweet was on Tuesday, AFTER un-edited video was released
1. They were doing cheers at the black crazy people. Characterising it as “taunting” is an opinion, not a fact.
2. They did surround Phillips. He barged in among them, so they were surrounding him. Calling the chants “racist” is an opinion.
3. This one is a statement of fact. Either they did or did not utter those words, and the reports say they didn’t. So that they can sue for. (“Yelling” is once again an opinion.)
The rabid diversity, the preconceived prejudice, on display from the press, the local Catholic Church (or school?), ostensibly “civil rights” organizations, Democrat Party, was indeed heartbreaking.
White Christian citizens better get their act together and stop this BS
They will be coming for you
This is our country, we built this
End of story…
No Gonzo haven’t you heard Blacks built this country and invented everything. If you doubt that google American inventors and click images and see what comes up.
While even the WaPo headline notes the boys have been exonerated, the LA Times can’t quite bring themselves to write that headline – the one I saw was “…Mostly Exonerated…” As I don’t read the LA Times, I have no idea what they still believe the boys are guilty of.
“I have no idea what they still believe the boys are guilty of.”
They’re boys for one.
Yes, just standing there is evidence of toxic amounts of testosterone and masculinity.
We are all suffering from toxic feminism. Still, I think everyone should have equal opportunity, but they they still must earn their way, regardless of race or gender.
I had the pleasure of knowing, working with Nobel laureate Gertrude Elion. She was a very pleasant lady, funny & kind. She told me about graduating from college and seeking a research job. She said that people kept telling her she would distract male researchers, then she whips out a small picture of herself at about 25 years old, laughs and said she would have. I had to agree. I asked her if she had children, when she said she never married, I told her that was a awful waste of genes. She was one smart lady. Perhaps a year or so later she passed away.
“These are not the disruptors you’re looking for.”
Yeah, well… thanks for absolutely nothing.
And shove it.
Those are a fine bunch of boys.
And we all know who the gutless bastards are that INSTANTLY sold them out.
Screw them.
And if they had?
They were working so hard the sweat was pouring off their brows?
I just hope these kids have good counsel and sue the shit out of every scumbag that promoted this falsehood.
Crickets from the mainstream media?