Keith Ellison’s Farrakhan addiction
Turns out Ellison didn’t kick the habit in the 1990s.

Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison is a darling of the progressive movement, which pushed hard for him to be Chair of the Democratic National Committee. But Ellison had to settle for Vice Chair.
An issue that has dogged Ellison his entire political career was his relationship to Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam for a decade or more ending in the late 1990s.
Ellison once wrote under the names Keith Hakim, Keith X Ellison and Keith Ellison-Muhammad, and supported and defended the Nation of Islam even as Farrakhan was excoriated in mainstream politics for his anti-Semitism and anti-white racism.
When Ellison ran for Congress in 2006, he disavowed Farrakhan, and downplayed his own role in the Nation of Islam. The Power Line Keith Ellison Archive is a must read. Keith Ellison for Dummies, in particular, has the timeline of Ellison’s career with documents, and his strategic 2006 apology to the Jewish community.
We covered Ellison’s prevarications on Farrakhan in numerous posts:
- Mother Jones proves Keith Ellison lying about his Farrakhan history
- Keith Ellison DNC bid circling Farrakhan drain as Perez set to announce
- Soros-funded groups fight scrutiny of Keith Ellison’s Nation of Islam past
- Keith Ellison blames “right-wing smear campaign” for his Farrakhan and Israel controversies
But even in all those posts, we just assumed Ellison gave up his Farrakhan addiction sometime in the late 1990s, and the rest of his political career was running from that history.
But Jeryl Bier writes at The Wall Street Journal that in 2013 and 2016 Ellison met with Farrakhan, Keith Ellison, Louis Farrakhan and Iran
In September 2013, however, Messrs. Ellison and Farrakhan dined together. The occasion was a visit by Iran’s newly elected President Hassan Rouhani to the United Nations. Mr. Rouhani invited Muslim leaders from around the U.S. to dinner after addressing the U.N. General Assembly. Contemporaneous news reports placed Mr. Farrakhan at the dinner. Unreported by mainstream outlets was the presence of Mr. Ellison, along with Reps. Gregory Meeks of New York and Andre Carson of Indiana. (All three are Democrats; Messrs. Ellison and Carson are Muslim.)
The Nation of Islam website documents the event, noting that Mr. Rouhani “hosted the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, Muslim leaders from different Islamic communities and members of the U.S. Congress at a private meeting . . . at the One UN Hotel in Manhattan Sept. 24, 2013 across the street from the UN headquarters.” The Final Call, a Nation of Islam publication, added that “ Keith Ellison of Minnesota . . . participated in the dialogue” after dinner and includes photos of Messrs. Farrakhan and Ellison at the tables. The Michigan-based Islamic House of Wisdom also reported on the meeting, with additional photos.
According to Mr. Farrakhan, the 2013 meeting was not the last time he and Mr. Ellison were together. After Mr. Ellison renewed his denunciation of Mr. Farrakhan in 2016, Mr. Farrakhan stated in an interview that Reps. Ellison and Carson had visited him in his Washington hotel suite the preceding summer.
When it comes to Keith Ellison and Farrakhan, once an addict, always an addict.
It won’t keep him from a Democrat leadership position, though. Knowing his Farrakhan addiction, Democrats still rally around him.

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sooooooooooo besides having a pseudo black muslim –
Barack wHo(is in)sane 0bama – we may have a real black Muslim (Ellison) lead the DhimmCrat party and run for POTUS –
when that happens and he wins –
it will time to shut the lights and leave for other frontiers
(like the west bank).
This will get little if any coverage in the dinosaur media. The vast majority our citizens will never hear about this. Some that will hear about this won’t know who Farrakhan is anyway, so nothing will happen. No knowledge=no outrage.
But “We the People” can share it with all family and friends.
The old MSM is so entombed!
“Keith Ellison will suffer for his ties to radical Islam” – Powerline 2007.
[jeapordy theme]
Hate-monger Ellison is no different than hate-monger obama – minus the treason.
But give him time.
Make that “no treason” that has come to light yet, thanks to the ever-evil MSM…..
hating jews is the new black but for keith it’s timeless.
Its timeless for every fascist movement. So is genocide.
Given the venue, and Farrakhan’s evil nature, I fear for what Ellison wants to truly push. How is he in any position of leadership? I don’t believe all followers of Islam are evil, though I have concerns with where their allegiance will be as this jihad continues. I don’t understand a US political party that seems to have no problem with people such as Ellison and push to give him more power. Between that and their willingness to give away our country for their personal gain of power, I find it frightening that they aren’t a fringe party but one of the major parties, and stand poised to gain more power. Lennon wrote, living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see… that seems to be how Democrats and their supporters live.
And Michigan may elect an islamic governor.
islam is a totalitarian supremacist ideology and should be treated as such.
I do think there are many muslims who don’t know anything else as they’ve been raised that way and threatened if they leave- they know the penalty.
Again, how did Huma Abedin get security clearance with her muslim bro. ties?
Some fantastic material on Ellison (and others) is contained in Trevor Loudon’s documentary “The Enemies Within” . His documentary series with the Capital Research Center provides additional insight:
Ellison is so utterly vile. And, what does it say about the contemporary Dumb-o-crat Party, that a transparent anti-Semite and Islamic supremacist — a man who as recently as a couple of years ago had no qualms about unabashedly stating to a crowd that Israel was allegedly using the U.S. as an “ATM machine” — instead of being ostracized and marginalized, is instead gifted with a plumb Party leadership position?
By empowering people such as Ellison, by repeatedly embracing fallacious anti-Israel narratives and idiotic “dual loyalty” canards (see NPR’s interview with Bernie Sanders from a couple of years ago, in which the moronic host accuses Sanders of possessing Israeli citizenship), and, by whitewashing and ignoring Islamic supremacism, totalitarianism and belligerence, the Dumbs have very consciously embraced and perpetuated contemporary anti-Semitism in a manner that is far more wide-reaching, substantive and dangerous than anything that exists on the fringes of the far-right.
Keith X Ellison supports avowed anti-Semite, anti-white racist Farrakhan? Phhftttt. It matters not because David Duke endorsed Trump in 2016. HAIR ON FIRE. Focus, guys, focus.
Does the democrat party know what Islam teaches, or its violent history of brutal & extensive military conquests? It’s absolutely antithetical to our Constitutional freedoms and values. What does it signify that they chose a devotee of that ideology to be vice Chairman of their party? It can’t be anything good.
The Democrats Don’t Care!