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‘American People are Right’: Turkish Man Details How Easy it is to Cross the Border

‘American People are Right’: Turkish Man Details How Easy it is to Cross the Border

“Who comes into this country? They don’t know.”

Fox News’s Bill Melugin spoke to a Turkish man who crossed the border into Jacumba, CA.

He paid a cartel $10,000 and couldn’t believe how easy it was to cross the border.

In fact, American people [are] right, completely true. Who comes into this country? They don’t know. Okay, I’m good, but [what] if they’re not good? [What] if they’re killers, psychopaths, or else? No guarantee of that. Like, no security, no security check, no background check.

Of course, people are not normal.

On Wednesday night, Melugin and his crew encountered groups of men from the Middle East and Asia in Jacumba. The men came from Iran, Pakistan, China, Turkey, India, and Bangladesh.

None of the men came from Mexico.

Most will be considered “special interest aliens,” which means they come from countries with security concerns. They should undergo additional DHS vetting.

The crew saw more groups coming into Jacumba.

This is insane.

The groups are only adult males.


Here’s a group with some females and kids.


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Wall it off. It kept the Mongols out.
Every federal building has a wall, walls define boundaries and preserve peace. Walls make good neighbors. We can’t have civility without walls.

    txvet2 in reply to scooterjay. | May 23, 2024 at 6:36 pm

    I believe that area was part of the wall the Trump got built. It doesn’t do much good if the gates are left open, or the cartels cut through the bollards with power tools. The only way to really STOP the illegals is with men and guns. Minefields can help, too, if we keep replacing the mines after the cartels force a few suckers to walk through the fields to clear them.

      Justanug in reply to txvet2. | May 23, 2024 at 9:00 pm

      Call this what it is. An invasion by Mexico. It doesn’t matter where the people come from after crossing through Mexico. Mexico allows it. Meet them at the border with machine guns and mow a few down. This nonsense will stop the next day.

        txvet2 in reply to Justanug. | May 23, 2024 at 9:43 pm

        If you want to call it what it is, that isn’t it. It’s an invasion FROM Mexico, but almost none of those crossing into California are Mexican.

      jb4 in reply to txvet2. | May 23, 2024 at 9:05 pm

      Let’s round down. This guy paid $10,000 to the cartels. Assume an average of $1,000 per person. IMO the number Biden has let in so far is at least 10 million. That is $10 billion minimum in cartel revenue, plenty to buy off everyone in sight and have a military-grade operation. To stop this will take a well-armed force.

    Every federal building doesn’t have a wall. Where did you get that absurd idea?

      scooterjay in reply to JR. | May 23, 2024 at 8:22 pm

      I beg to differ. The WJB Dorn VA where my wife works in Columbia, SC has a 14 foot wall built around the perimeter.
      That is where I got such a wacky notion.

      steves59 in reply to JR. | May 23, 2024 at 9:53 pm

      Walls work, dumbass.
      Walls backed up by minefields and men with guns work better.
      You really are a bonehead.

    Kepha H in reply to scooterjay. | May 23, 2024 at 8:13 pm

    @Scooterjay: The Great Wall did not keep the Mongols out. It didn’t keep out the Jurchen, Khitan, Tuoba, Xiong, Manchu, Japanese, or Communists, either. It was perhaps the most futile exercise in wannabe national defense ever.

    BTW, in pictures, it looks huge, but, up close, a man can let a seven-year-old climb up his back and shoulders and get up to the parapet. As for the watchtowers, a six-footer needs to sidle through them.

    Walling off works only to keep people in, as the great humanist Erich Schiessen-um-zu-toten Mielke of the late and unlamented German Democratic Republic could have told you.

JohnSmith100 | May 23, 2024 at 6:41 pm

For now keep packing them into cities, that will make it easier to collect them for deportation later.

I don’t hold any animosity towards those who have illegally crossed the border. I really don’t. It’s clear that this awful administration put the word out that the border was open and if they came there would be candy, balloons and dancing girls. Give them a first class ticket home as far as I am concerned.

My white hot rage is directed towards those who stole the 2020 election from the American people and immediately set about imposing all manner of treasonous policies that have nearly destroyed this once great nation.

    nordic prince in reply to Peter Moss. | May 23, 2024 at 8:14 pm

    I don’t hold any animosity towards those who have illegally crossed the border.

    I do. They *know* what they’re doing is illegal and wrong, and they don’t give a damn. Not exactly the stuff fine upstanding citizens are made of. They have no qualms about stealing our money through increased taxes and infrastructure expenses due directly to their illegal presence, and they don’t care that their screwing with the job market depresses wages and salaries across the board for everyone.

    Spare me the “they’re just seeking a better life for their families” shtick. I want a better life for my kids, but that doesn’t give me the right to invade another country and demand freebie after freebie.

    Real immigrants go through the legal process already established in law. Frauds jump the fence, game the system, bitch that we don’t learn their language, and are all-around ungrateful pigs.

    caseoftheblues in reply to Peter Moss. | May 24, 2024 at 9:01 am

    Just because one group did wrong does not make me be ok with another group doing wrong like you. That’s a crazy approach. I’d say most of the illegal aliens coming in do not like or care about American and a significant portion actually hate it. The vast majority come in with an air of entitlement and are here for the free ride. They have zero respect for the US it’s people and culture. My evidence…. They clearly are not willing to put in the effort to improve and fix their own countries…. They take the easy way… stroll into America and live off welfare. Depending on country of origin after being here for 10 years… that means 56-90 percent still supported by welfare paid by US taxpayers. They hate us.

BierceAmbrose | May 23, 2024 at 8:12 pm

Turkish-guy illustrates four unspeakables of our “border crisis” which is neither about the border, nor a crisis.

— Many people see tremendous value in being in the US vs. other places. They demonstrate that by what they’re willing to do to get there.

— We’re lying about what’s going on on multiple levels, from multiple perspectives; the tales aren’t even consistent with themselves.

— Behind the daily details are massive contradictions we’ve declined to resolve. it’s immoral, as our fecklesssness makes situations where horrible things happen.

— The folks “addressing” immigration, the border, enforcement, and the rest would rather have the issues than solutions. For example, all the “sides” benefit from their own spin on the “kids in cages” meme.

The border is a symptom. We are insane several ways about immigration that come out along the border. Nor is it a “crisis.” This nonsense has been going on this way longer than I’ve been alive. We might want to stop being suckers about this stuff, but so far, we don’t seem very interested.

If walls don’t work a belt-fed .50 will.

“”This nonsense has been going on this way longer than I’ve been alive.””

But not longer than I have. There has always been traffic back and forth across the border, but the problem with one-way illegal traffic began with LBJ.

henrybowman | May 23, 2024 at 10:18 pm

“An Indian man told us he didn’t know why he came.”

“The weather was nice in my village, so I decided to take a nature walk. Next thing you know, I was in California, and my pouch was $10K lighter.”

destroycommunism | May 23, 2024 at 10:40 pm

and who wants americans to give up their weapons???

the same who allow this home invasion