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Media and Dems Contrive Fake Outrage Over “Appeal To Heaven” Flag At Alito Home

Media and Dems Contrive Fake Outrage Over “Appeal To Heaven” Flag At Alito Home

Circle jerk: “This incident is yet another example of apparent ethical misconduct by a sitting justice, and it adds to the Court’s ongoing ethical crisis. Justice Alito must recuse himself immediately from cases related to the 2020 election and the January 6th insurrection,” says Sen. Dick Durbin.

Democrats and their media allies will stop at nothing to try and discredit/disqualify the conservatives on the Supreme Court, as we’ve seen in numerous hit pieces and attempts by high-ranking Dem officials to shame them into testifying before Congressional committees regarding alleged “conflicts of interest.”

The Biden White House, too, has gotten in on the act, with Joe Biden himself even going so far recently as to equate the Justices to segregationists.

The latest smears come courtesy of the Democrat apologists at the New York Times, who ran not one but two hit pieces on Justice Samuel Alito within a week of each other trying to tie flags flown at Alito’s home and beach house to the Jan. 6th riot.

The first one was regarding an American flag that was flown at Alito’s house upside down 11 days after the Capitol riot:

Justice Alito’s response was to note that “It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.”

That wasn’t good enough for the so-called newspaper of record, who called in purported “judicial experts” to claim that because the upside-down flag was a Jan. 6th symbol it being flown that way at the Alito home meant he was ethically compromised:

Judicial experts said in interviews that the flag was a clear violation of ethics rules, which seek to avoid even the appearance of bias, and could sow doubt about Justice Alito’s impartiality in cases related to the election and the Capitol riot.

The mere impression of political opinion can be a problem, the ethics experts said. “It might be his spouse or someone else living in his home, but he shouldn’t have it in his yard as his message to the world,” said Amanda Frost, a law professor at the University of Virginia.

In the second one, which has three bylines, we learned the “Appeal to Heaven” flag had been flown at Alito’s beach house. The Times was quick in this instance, too, to claim a “link to Jan. 6”:

As was the case with the first article, the paper leaned in heavily on the alleged experts to inform readers that this was not a good look for Alito, while also tossing in a Republican criticism for good measure:

The revelation about that flag prompted concerns from legal scholars and ethicists, and calls from dozens of Democratic lawmakers that the justice recuse himself from cases related to Jan. 6. The news also drew criticism from some conservative politicians, including Senator Lindsey Graham, who said that displaying the inverted flag was “not good judgment.”

Jodi Kantor also retweeted this tweet from ProPublica reporter Andy Kroll. ProPublica, which is funded in part by the same left-wing activist groups that have attacked Justice Clarence Thomas, has been at the center of many of the “conflict of interest” allegations and “investigative” stories against the conservative Justices:

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) was one of many Congressional Democrats demanding Alito recuse himself from cases related to Jan. 6th and the 2020 presidential election:

In response to both stories, the Times got pilloried by conservatives who knew a rat when they smelled one:


— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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Cry. Harder., marxist meat puppets.

But, of course!
They need outrage. And there isn’t any real outrage except at the Biden cabal’s policies. So they have to contrive some!
It’s perfectly logical. And predictable.

Big Dick Durbin is such a tool that he doesn’t recognize President Washington’s personal flag flown over his small fleet in the Chesapeake Bay during our War Of Independence.
Man, those Democrats are panicking that their reign of terror might be ending.

All this newly expressed respect by woke leftists over the critical importance of Flags as symbols seems more than ordinarily contrived. Even for pros these crocodile tear objections and the obviously feigned outrage stand out in the annals of d/prog hypocrisy.

If lefty d/prog wokiestas can make the same effort regarding all the other instances where a particular flag other than the US National Colours were displayed and/or where the US National Colours are wantonly destroyed over the course of a decade then maybe I would be willing to hold a discussion. Until then they can sod off.

The vile Dhimmi-crats are masters of ginning up contrived and fake outrage over contrived and fake “controversies.” One of the myriad benefits of having the news media shills/lapdogs/trained seals squarely in your corner is that mass propagation and dissemination of the Narrative(TM) and associated talking points, are ridiculously easy.

This is yet another example of that contemptible phenomenon.

Flag etiquette is military. It’s precisely to drive certain citizen virtues out in service of military values. Citizens on the contrary should distrust anybody with a flag. All politicians have at least six flags behind them at all times.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to rhhardin. | May 24, 2024 at 4:10 pm

    You are so insufferably tedious and stupid.

    CommoChief in reply to rhhardin. | May 24, 2024 at 8:06 pm

    While I agree with advice to be skeptical of non Veteran politicians who drape themselves in the Flag the US flag code is not limited to the Military it applies equally to everyone, In fairness you are correct about some of the jingoistic elements/goals behind the code.

    WestRock in reply to rhhardin. | May 24, 2024 at 11:46 pm

    Back in 2013 Eureka Springs, AR, wanted to put 22 American Flags up and the citizens in this town freaked out. From the article

    But many people in the tourist town thought a permanent installation of 22 flags was overkill. Opponents called it “right wing,” “jingoism” and “visual pollution.” They claimed it would detract from the aesthetic beauty of the artistic enclave in the Ozarks.
    “To have a permanent display of the flags is ridiculous,” John Rankine, a Eureka Springs artist, said in November. “It’s way over the top.”

    I can just hear Eric Cartman saying “Hippies!” Where I come from flying the flag is a sign of Patriotism. Any American flag.

    diver64 in reply to rhhardin. | May 25, 2024 at 6:41 am

    1) “flag etiquette is military”. Where did you ever get the idea that flag etiquette is solely for the military?
    2) Your second sentence makes little sense.
    3) Your third is shear nonsense trolling.
    4) Your 4th, however, does bring up something I’ve wondered about. Why do politicians seemingly need 10 flags behind them at all times? Unless they are different say, POW/MIA or a State flag of wherever they are I see little reason to have a bunch of them.

      rhhardin in reply to diver64. | May 25, 2024 at 9:34 am

      It’s like Archie Bunker said, the flag is for patriotic things like ballgames. Why was that amusing?

      The reason for the ceremony at ball games is the get the crowd to shut up and pay attention — the ball game is about to begin. Self-appointed enforcers in the crowd take care of it. It’s marketing. That’s why Bunker’s ignorance was amusing.

      A similar thing was for the pledge at the start of school – shut up and pay attention school is about to begin – and when it was allowed, Bible readings (old Testament), which in addition taught kids to correctly conjugate old-timey verbs. Today’s kids can’t do that.

      rhhardin in reply to diver64. | May 25, 2024 at 9:39 am

      Hams use flag poles (allowed by homeowners associations) as hidden antennas (forbidden by homeowners associations). There’s an actual civilian use for them.

    Gosport in reply to rhhardin. | May 25, 2024 at 4:43 pm

    “Flag etiquette is military”? Citizens should mistrust anyone with a flag? Yeah well people tend to distrust things they are totally ignorant about.

    The US Flag Code is part of Chapter 1 of Title 4 of the United States Code (4 U.S.C. § 5 U.S.C.)

    The Flag Protection Act of 1968 (amended 1989), 18 U.S.C. § 700, further codifies it in US law.

    Or try the Flag Code (Pub. L. 105–225, largely codified in Title 36 of the U.S. Code)

All this did was create a market for “Appeal to Heaven” flags…and given the crazy this year, it is the most appropriate banner for 2024.

The “Reich” meme is another example of derangement.

henrybowman | May 24, 2024 at 3:11 pm

“It’s not just Justice Alito.
Here’s the “Appeal to Heaven” flag flying outside of conservative powerbroker Leonard Leo’s home in Maine.”

God forbid anyone but Marxists should exercise the privilege of airing their political preferences publicly.

“Between this and the allegation that Justice Thomas observes a suspect “extreme closeness” with his wife, I wonder if Times reporters have a single person in their lives who is willing to tell them how crazy they sound.”

Is Pauline Kael dead yet?

Louis K. Bonham | May 24, 2024 at 3:16 pm

Nothing but selective outrage and performance art.

Look at what RBG did both before the 2016 election and immediately afterwards. The left and the media (but I repeat myself) were fawning over how woke and edgy her anti-Trump demonstrations and statements were.

The good news is that they are just braying at the moon . . . and six members of SCOTUS know it.

What a surprise that a bunch of stupid communist know nothing of history and then further decide to weaponize their stupidity as it’s an infinite resource.

irishgladiator63 | May 24, 2024 at 3:26 pm

I wonder what they would make of my house. We fly a current US flag and rotate the Gadsden flag, the Serapis flag, the Grand Union flag, the Betsy Ross flag and a couple others. Need to find a US Civil Flag.

    guyjones in reply to irishgladiator63. | May 24, 2024 at 5:04 pm

    If I owned a house, I would do the same. Love it.

      irishgladiator63 in reply to guyjones. | May 24, 2024 at 9:08 pm

      There are so many cool flags that have been “US” flags over the years. No reason to just fly one.

        diver64 in reply to irishgladiator63. | May 25, 2024 at 6:44 am

        We fly a number of different flags on occasion besides the US Flag which is always up. Betsy Ross, Appeal to Heaven, Our first flag which has the Union Jack in the corner, Don’t Tread On Me, Gen Washington’s official flag flown at his HQ in Valley Forge and so on. I’ve had people stop while I was outside and ask what a flag was.

General rule of thumb: When Turban Durbin says something is unethical, no further evidence is needed to prove that it is ethical.

destroycommunism | May 24, 2024 at 4:35 pm

its the narrative that counts

its the anger that counts

its the fear that counts

dnc is ges tapo 1930s germany alll over again

amatuerwrangler | May 24, 2024 at 4:39 pm

Sans the wording, that flag looks like the shoulder patch of the 91st Division (TNG). The “Wild West Division”. Powder River! 🙂

It’s okay for the vile, subversive and terrorism-embracing Dhimmi-crat thugs to fly any number of anti-American, identitarian flags grounded in leftist ideological fanaticism, divisive ethno-tribalism and Islamofascism (e.g., the “Pride” flag; the “Black Lives Matter” flag; the Fakestinian flag), but, God forbid that patriotic, U.S.-loving citizens fly any of the sundry historical flags that date back to the American Revolution and the Founding.

The latter expression of patriotic sentiment is a bridge too far, apparently, for these totalitarian and subversive Dhimmi-crat reprobates.

Subotai Bahadur | May 24, 2024 at 9:18 pm

I am more than a bit of a historian, so bear with me.

Before Congress created an American navy, they sent George Washington to Boston; where after Concord and Lexington the Patriots had the British army surrounded and besieged. Washington, out of his own pocket, paid for a flotilla of floating batteries to bombard the British in Boston, and a squadron of 7 armed schooners to intercept British supply ships both to keep the supplies from the Brits, and to supplement the Patriot army’s supplies. The schooners were quite successful in both endeavors before we had a navy.

Warships in those days had to fly colors. There was no American national flag in those days; so they settled on a white field, with a green pine tree [hearkening back to Thomas Paine’s “Liberty Tree”] with the motto “Appeal to Heaven”. It is American history and representing a force that saved the Patriots at a time when they could have easily been defeated.

I used to be part of a Living History colors unit that marched in 4th of July parades. I own an “Appeal to Heaven” flag and have carried it in those parades. I have also flown it off of one of my multiple hoists on my flagpole, below US colors. I admit to being drawn to naval matters because my first career goal involved the US Naval Academy. I had a Senator ready to send me, but when military doctors got a look at how screwed up my back was it ended any hope of a naval career.

If Leftists were more patriotic, they might understand the history involved.

Subotai Bahadur

I’ve replied that all democrats that waved the ukraine flag on the senate floor should resign immediately for failing to uphold their oath of office.
Riles the little phockers up pretty well.

Why the deafening silence from lefties who replace the US flag with BLM flag, Palestinian flag, etc ??

Double standards much??

Geepers, I bet Alito is scared to death that he won’t get re-elected because of this meaningless press horsehocky.

Oh wait…