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Whistleblowers Allege Obama State Department Blocked FBI From Arresting Supporters of Iran Nuclear Deal in the U.S. Illegally

Whistleblowers Allege Obama State Department Blocked FBI From Arresting Supporters of Iran Nuclear Deal in the U.S. Illegally

“detailed at least eight instances connected to the Iran deal where the ‘FBI/DOJ/USG could have moved forward with these cases but the State Department chose to block them’”

Do you recall how absolutely desperate the Obama administration was to drag the Iran Nuclear Deal across the finish line? It may have been even worse than anyone thought.

Two Republican senators just revealed some news that should send shockwaves through Washington.

FOX News reports:

Obama State Dept blocked FBI from arresting supporters of Iran nuclear program in US: Emails

The Obama-Biden State Department “actively interfered” to prevent the FBI from executing arrest warrants on individuals illegally in the United States who were allegedly supporting Iranian financial efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction, whistleblowers told Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson.

Fox News Digital obtained letters Grassley, R-Iowa, and Johnson, R-Wis., sent to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and Attorney General Merrick Garland on the matter.

The Obama-Biden administration began its Joint Plan of Action, which served as the negotiating process for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran Nuclear Deal, that was signed by then-President Obama in 2015. At the time, Obama said broader sanctions would remain in place, which the administration would “continue to enforce… vigorously.”…

But Grassley and Johnson received unclassified and legally protected whistleblower disclosures which they say show that “while the Obama-Biden administration publicly committed to ‘preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons by raising the cost of Iran’s defiance of the international community,’ then-Secretary of State John Kerry actively interfered with the Federal Bureau of Investigation executing arrest warrants on individuals in the U.S. illegally supporting Iranian efforts, including financial efforts, to develop weapons of mass destruction and its ballistic missile program.”

Zach Kessel of National Review has more:

A 2015 email exchange between two FBI agents included in the letter shows one saying to the other that the agency would have to wait until the Obama administration concluded its negotiations with Iran to arrest Iranian actors operating within the U.S.

“We are all beside ourselves on asking the field to stand down on a layup arrest, however as it stands right now we all have to sit back and wait until the US and Iran negotiations resolve themselves,” one of the agents wrote. “We will continue to argue for aggressive action, however we will probably lose.”

Unclassified email records, according to the letter, “detailed at least eight instances connected to the Iran deal where the ‘FBI/DOJ/USG could have moved forward with these cases but the State Department chose to block them’” and that, “in six of these instances, the FBI lost the opportunity to arrest the main subject.” One of those lost subjects “was noted to be ‘on the Terrorism Watch List’ and another ‘returned to Iran,’” while in another instance, “the State Depart ‘blocked [FBI’s] plan to arrest while the subject was mid-flight and the subject was forced to leave the US immediately upon arrival.’”

Other emails cited in the letter show FBI officials working to overcome the State Department’s interference in the DOJ’s attempts to arrest those working for Iran.

If this is true, John Kerry belongs in jail.


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drsamherman | May 23, 2024 at 9:10 am

Given Valerie Jarrett’s insidious, constant and intense lobbying for Iran inside the White House with her bestie Mikey O, I am not at all surprised that the Iran nuclear deal resulted in pallets full of cash sent under cover of secrecy to Iran and the “sweetheart” terms overall. What surprises me is the near total lack of basic oversight mechanism and the lack of access to their facilities and the “we trust you” attitude by Obama despite the decades of broken promises and subterfuge.

Yet another reason John F’n Kerry should be in jail or at least prosecuted.

Everything in his life is a scam, from the Swiftboats to his gigolo lifestyle.

Now that Biden’s DOJ and FBI are on it, this investigation will definitely get some traction. Look out, Mr. Kerry! Oh, . . . and if you believe that, I have a very nice bridge to sell you.

    henrybowman in reply to Q. | May 23, 2024 at 9:50 pm

    Cripes, Chuck Grassley. Exactly the person you would put in charge of an investigation that you don’t ever want to get anywhere. The man has made a career out of investigating the hell out of major scandals, noisily spinning his wheels for years, and yet never making a foot of progress.

    Remember Fast and Furious? Grassley hopes you won’t. He investigated it for two years until the heat was off and pretty much everybody had forgotten about it. I know he did it twice more with other scandals, I remember them going by when they occurred I just don’t have them in my archives.

That headline is a great example of ambiguity with the word ‘illegally’ at the end. It can be read three ways:

Whistleblowers Allege Obama State Department Blocked FBI From Arresting Supporters of Iran Nuclear Deal in the U.S Illegally. (The supporters are illegally in the US)

Whistleblowers Allege Obama State Department Illegally Blocked FBI From Arresting Supporters of Iran Nuclear Deal in the U.S; (State Department broke the law)

Whistleblowers Allege Obama State Department Blocked FBI From Illegally Arresting Supporters of Iran Nuclear Deal in the U.S; (FBI was going to break the law).

Ah, I’m just bored.

This revelation is par for the course and consistent with what we already know about vile, lawless and stupid narcissist-incompetent, Obama, and his equally vile lackeys.

Recall that Obama and his lackeys had quashed an active DEA investigation into Iranian terror proxy, Hezb’allah’s, U.S. narcotics-peddling operations, in order to avoid having a negative news story and/or government investigation disrupt Obama’s feckless and naive Iran capitulation (farcically termed a “deal” by the Dhimmi-crat media lapdogs/trained seals/shills).

destroycommunism | May 23, 2024 at 10:28 am

see how we find this out 10 + years later?/

same way they will “find out” that the dnc ran the 2020 election vote counters

we allll know it

they know we know it

but its a matter of

ok what are you gonna do?

what is now going to happen to the obama-biden admin??

I’m curious. It says Kerry “BLOCKED” the FBI from arresting some criminals. What authority did he use to do that?

Answer: None. He had no such authority. The FBI just went along with him instead of doing its job.

Trump…now more than ever.

E Howard Hunt | May 23, 2024 at 11:08 am

John Kohn, Barry Soetoro’s swell pal and fellow con job

Maybe three years ago, I read the book An Enormous Crime: The Definitive Account of American POWs Abandoned in Southeast Asia, a difficult book to read, and one that would destroy any shred of confidence in the US government that any of the readers here may have. Besides the name “John McCain,” guess who else’s name appears many times in the book.

Other emails cited in the letter show FBI officials working to overcome the State Department’s interference in the DOJ’s attempts to arrest those working for Iran.

How does the State Department “interfere” without the connivance of the FBI’s sitting Director?


I’m from Massachusetts. Kerry is the most loathsome human being to ever be elected from this state. He makes Elizabeth Warren look respectable.

    henrybowman in reply to MAJack. | May 24, 2024 at 4:19 pm

    Given that you get only two, it’s just flabbergasting what you guys achieved with them.

FJK! A traitor since the Viet Nam war.