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Showdown at the Border Week at Legal Insurrection

Showdown at the Border Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Joe Biden’s failure at the southern border has brought on a genuine standoff style crisis between Texas and the federal government.

Biden is playing with fire.

On a related note, this fills me with rage.

In other news, Trump won the New Hampshire primary.

And DeSantis is out.

This garbage never ends.

Maddow is a liar and an idiot.

The conflict in Israel continues.

Hamas is not reasonable.


What is wrong with people?

The left is still out of control.

This sounds like a big deal.

Other world news.

Oh well.

Some people in media are just plain evil.

This is a threat to democracy, right?

That’s too bad.

Broken record says what?

Thank a Democrat.

Oh my.


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Trump supporters back him because they want an America like the one that existed before Obama and Biden began demonizing White people and the entire conservative half of the country.

I remember back when the President of the United States didn’t hate me and everything I love about this country.

I remember back when the President of the United States could speak coherently and didn’t shit his pants.