Chinese Scientists Submitted Genetic Sequence of Coronavirus to U.S. Database In 2019, Two Weeks Ahead of China’s Official Disclosure
Another information item supporting “lab leak” origin that was originally deemed as “misinformation”/”a conspiracy theory” back in 2020.

As I have been watching the World Economic Forum (WEF) summit in Davos, Switzerland, I have been astonished at the audacity of its theme and some of its topics.
The WEF organizers want to “Rebuild the Trust” while they target “misinformation” as the most severe risk humanity faces in the next two years.
I honestly can't believe the Davos set opened with "misinformation/disinformation" as their annual theme.
Shows how out of step they are with the times. They still think it's 2020 and that they control Twitter.
— Preston Byrne (@prestonjbyrne) January 16, 2024
If the attendees in Davos were honest with themselves, they would cancel all future meetings because they have become a steady source of amusement and mockery.
We have already seen the destruction misinformation has wrought, and it was not caused by artificial intelligence. It was caused by politically-connected individuals working in tandem with Big Government to throttle those in both traditional media and social media who offering substantive information and verifiable facts that ran counter to the preferred—and we now know false—narratives related to the novel coronavirus, its origin, and its spread.
Early in 2020, I came across a news article that provided facts and solid reasoning linking virus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology to the original outbreak of the novel respiratory illness present in the area.
In summary, somebody was entangled with the evolution of 2019-nCoV coronavirus. In addition to origins of natural recombination and intermediate host, the killer coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in Wuhan. Safety level may need to be reinforced in high risk biohazardous laboratories. Regulations may be taken to relocate these laboratories far away from city center and other densely populated places.
However, at that time, anyone suggesting a lab-leak scenario was reasonable was dismissed as a conspiracy theorist. Their social media accounts were suspended or throttled. Their professional reputations smeared.
It remained very difficult to find news accounts accepting that the lab leak should be considered as the potential source of the novel coronavirus. However, after enough time, the block on the evidence was removed and now even godlet Dr. Anthony Fauci admits that a lab leak is a credible explanation for the sequence of events.
Now additional news substantiating the lab leak hypothesis has been released.
Chinese researchers isolated and mapped the virus that causes Covid-19 in late December 2019, at least two weeks before Beijing revealed details of the deadly virus to the world, congressional investigators said, raising questions anew about what China knew in the pandemic’s crucial early days.
Documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services by a House committee and reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show that a Chinese researcher in Beijing uploaded a nearly complete sequence of the virus’s structure to a U.S. government-run database on Dec. 28, 2019.
Chinese officials at that time were still publicly describing the disease outbreak in Wuhan, China, as a viral pneumonia “of unknown cause” and had yet to close the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, site of one of the initial Covid-19 outbreaks.
China only shared the virus’s sequence with the World Health Organization on Jan. 11, 2020, according to U.S. government timelines of the pandemic.
Whether the sample that leaked was “natural” or had a lab-crafted genetic sequence, it is clear that experiments involving the virus were occurring in China. The Chinese were studying the samples in a facility that lacked the proper biocontainment controls to do so safely.
And while some may bitterly cling to the “natural origin” option, I simply will note that the coronavirus has “rare” genome sequences that are hallmarks of genetic manipulation.
Returning to the most recent information reveal, it turns out that in December, 2019, virologist Dr. Lili Ren of the Institute of Pathogen Biology at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College submitted a coronavirus genetic sequence to GenBank. GenBank is associated with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and is the repository for genetic information from a wide array of lifeforms.
Ren’s submission “was incomplete and lacked the necessary information required for publication,” the letter says. She was sent a resubmission request three days later, but “NIH never received the additional information requested.” The submission was removed from a processing queue on January 16, 2020, and “the sequence was never made publicly available on GenBank.”
However, a different submission of the genetic sequence that was “nearly identical” to Ren’s was published on GenBank on January 12, Egorin said, one day after the World Health Organization said it had received the sequence from China.
How much more correct information was available and suppressed, as policy makers and bureaucrats (especially those favored by the WEF) cherry-picked facts and then went on to enforce destructive rules from which we are likely to take decades to fully recover.
I have seen the origins of truly destructive “misinformation,” and it includes those who attended Davos’ previous “Disease X” sessions.
These elites took our trust in public health officials, then salted it and burnt it to the ground. It’s never coming back.
Why would DAVOS / WEF name their 2024
Annual meeting > REBUILDING TRUST ?Can the Trust ever be Rebuilt ?
— HAZ823R (@Hazbeen66) January 15, 2024

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Closing the seafood market was a ploy to distract attention from the Wuhan lab making the virus. At this point, I think the evidence points to the lab. Why was this Administration trying to protect the CCP?
The lab was intentionally established in a city with a wet market so the market could provide plausible deniability in case of a leak from the lab. The fact that a potentially hazardous biolab is co-located in a city with a wet market is not a coincidence.
I’ve been saying this from the beginning of the pandemic.
The Democrats knew that they had no chance of winning the 2020 election with the Trump economic boom so they conspired with Chia to destroy the economy using coronavirus as the excuse. So China released coronavirus and ensured that it spread to the USA by continuing airline flights out of China to the rest of the world. Once it got to the USA the Dems used it as an excuse to shut down the economy.
“uploaded a nearly complete sequence of the virus’s structure to a U.S. government-run database on Dec. 28, 2019.”
Virus likely out of the lab by Aug/Sept. 2019. One estimate supporting that time frame based on rate of virus mutation and a second based on 5 year review of Sat photos of Wuhan. By, IIRC, Aug 2019, the parking lots of Wuhan hospitals were packed with cars, quite different compared to prior 5 year period.
Wife and I likely got Covid late Oct. 2019. We were in Paris and the tourist spots were packed with Chinese tourists. A week later both of us were simultaneously very ill with symptoms that in retrospect were Covid.
In late September and early October my school had a sickness sweep through that lasted about a week, felt like the flu, but kids tested negative for flu.
We all dismissed it as “some new bug going around” and got about our business. Then, an awful lot of money got attached to covid measures and it got a lot more serious.
I became quite ill with a “cold” someone who visited NYC brought back in November 2019.
I had taken a cortisteriod for treatment of asthma recently so it didn’t settle into my lungs.
I had the diarrhea soon afterwards, thinking it was another bug.
Then I became more and more ill. I went to the ER and my heart had clogged up all arteries to my heart muscles.
My main arteries were fine, but myocarditis can do that, especially in those with bad hearts in their family.
I went from fine to Quadruple bypass in about three weeks. I recovered quite quickly, in fact it amazed the visiting nurses who came to see me post surgery.
I has no heavy followup, because by March 2020 the “Pandemic” had taken hold, with a lot of the hysteria.
I am Type 2 Diabetic, but it is a result of a drug side effect, not obesity. I am 5’6″ and 140 pounds, so that was one of many reasons I survived, while many did not.
I can’t prove it, but am about 95% sure. I was driving an old neighbor to her CNA appointments in May 2020.
She got ill, and as a Healthcare provider was tested, and positive for COVID.
She called me, and told me being I was recovering from bypass surgery. I had a fever of about 100° for about 24 hours and then was fine.
A Diabetic recovering from Quadruple bypass should of been in serious trouble.
Unless of course if I had of been exposed already, and was partially immune from a previous infection with a less mutated version of the virus.
Yes, it was out of China before January 2020. October 2019 would be about a right time frame for you to be infected by Chinese tourists.
No doubt these bastards lied. And destroyed trust that one day will be needed more than ever. They can then swoop in. But the world they create will be a true hell, even for them, but they are too smart to see it.
The Davos set are the same globalist who have huge investments in China. The same folks who control the large corporations which manufacturer in China. The same folks who back the ‘global order’ of multinational corporations whose shipping on deliberately non US Flagged vessels somehow ‘must’ be protected by the US Military. The same folks who wish to enforce 15 minute cities, shared EV and a rent/subscription model v the current ownership model. All on and the same, of course the Davos set doesn’t want any media they didn’t pre-approve. The rest of us might learn the facts they want to keep hidden.
China intentionally spread the virus to the world and paid no penalty.
When they found out the virus had been released, they closed DOMESTIC flights, but left INTERNATIONAL flights open.
They knew exactly what they had released from the Wuhan lab, and they didn’t want to be the only country to suffer consequences.
Wuhan should have been converted to a glass parking lot.
China’s actions with Wuhan Coronaviruses’ are damning, especially when looked at with their unrestricted warfare. With enough automation we could produce all products at a lower cost than China. That is what we should be doing, just like we did with domestic oil.
They actually came close to destruction in late 2020 when the Three Gorges Dam came close to failing, but the dam held.,
Where are Barnes Wallace and a squadron of 4 engine bombers when you need them?
As always, Peter Dazak was unavailable for comment.
No amnesty.
Was the original leak an accident? Daszak was funding WIV. I still wonder if he instructed his minions in Wuhan to release it to see what happens, or something like that – in order to stop Trump’s reelection. Recordings and records of his electronic communications with WIV need to be examined. I’m sure NSA has all of them.
Within two months of the C19 outbreak the Wuhan wet market- lab leak news was already widely reported. The knock-on story was how old people in Milan, Italy were falling ill and dying. Come to find out that Chinese textile workers returning from mainland China to Milan were the vectors. All of that was known within 60 days of the outbreak.
The Taiwanese gov. raised the alarm.
C-19 was really a dry run. A test bed involving a virus that barely qualified as pandemic grade. It allowed lots of ideas and concepts like lockdowns, electronic passports, etc.. to be tested in the real world to see what works and what doesn’t. I expect a real pandemic, at least 10-20x more lethal than C-19, to be unleashed this year, because Ukraine needs to stop Trump from returning to power. That means they must release “Disease X” by May at the latest, preferably in March or April.
But maybe the officials WERE telling the truth.
The database submittal is signed “A. Pangolin.”
Don’t forget that Fraudci had visited CIA headquarters to coordinate and/or direct the agency’s approved narrative suppressing reporting of the Wuhan virus’s origin as a Chinese communist regime-created bioweapon. This incident hasn’t received the attention that it should have.
Recall that the CIA created a laughable report noting stating that it was “inconclusive” whether Wuhan virus had originated in a Chinese lab.
Amazing how the Chinese regime’s transparent cunning and malevolence is completely dismissed by Fraudci and the CIA.