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Election Season Begins Week at Legal Insurrection

Election Season Begins Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

The Iowa Caucus is on Monday. The New Hampshire and South Carolina primaries are not far behind.

All kinds of shifts are taking place.

Among the issues voters have to consider are the ongoing conflict in Israel.

This is big.

And of course, the situation at the southern border.

The anti-Israel left is as crazy as ever.

This is just sickening.

Other world news.

Lloyd Austin should resign.

Hunter Biden is such a train wreck.

One crisis after another.

Our media is a joke.


Virtue signal.

The American people remember.


You don’t say…


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Pritzker said, “Independents understand that, as Democrats do, that it’s the Republicans that are trying to take your freedoms away. It’s the Republicans that are trying to take away your Social Security and your Medicare. It’s the Republicans that are basically fighting against the working families of America.”

Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Funds “can pay full benefits until 2033, a year earlier than projected last year”. After that payments will be based on SS tax revenue only. This means that Social Security will only be able to pay 76% of the promised benefits to retirees from the payroll taxes collected from workers. As a result, all retirees will face a benefit cut of about 23% or $17,400 per year for a typical dual-income couple. The only current reform under consideration is to remove the cap on contributions, but this will only provide 20% of the shortfall.
As it stands today, the Congress has done nothing about this since before Obama, so both parties are expecting that Social Security to “die on the vine”.

Meanwhile, the Democrats took $800 billion future funding for Medicare to finance ObamaCare.