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Legal Insurrection Authors’ Predictions For 2024

Legal Insurrection Authors’ Predictions For 2024

Don’t hold us to it

It has become a tradition here at Legal Insurrection for all of us to offer predictions for the coming year. Just don’t hold us to it!

You can click the links for our previous predictions and see how we did for 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, and 2018.

So without further ado, here are our predictions for 2024.

William A. Jacobson

1. A repeat from last year’s prediction, because it came true and will continue: “Biden will continue to abandon southern border control, and the surge of economic migrants from around the world will steadily rise to even more unprecedented numbers. Large migrant camps and relocation facilities will arise in blue states, with federal funding.”

2. The 2024 General Election will not be Biden v. Trump. One of them, possibly both, is not going to make it. The 2024 contest will be Kamala Harris (with Gretchen Whitmer as VP candidate —a “first” all woman ticket) versus Ron DeSantis (with Glenn Youngkin as VP candidate). Say hello to President-elect DeSantis.

3. Trump will be convicted in the Florida case. The others are a toss-up, but he likely will be found not guilty in the Manhattan, DC, and Georgia criminal cases.

4. Republicans will take the Senate, but lose the House.

5. Israel will finish off Hamas and other Jihadist terrorists in Gaza. There will be the gnashing of teeth in DC and Europe, but October 7 was too horrible for Israel to allow any other way. It’s “us or them” now. The pro-Hamas activists will get more aggressive, and there will be violence in the U.S., including on campuses, as they become more unhinged and frustrated. The main brunt of the military offensive will take another 30-60 days, but it will take several more months to complete as there will continue to be pockets of terrorist hit-and-run attacks and suicide bombings. Unfortunately, few of the remaining hostages will make it out alive.

6. DEI will not die, but an increasing number of red states will defund.

Kemberlee Kaye

Predictions for 2024? I would love to pretend I have some idea of what is happening in this dumpster fire of a timeline, but I can predict with certainty that we will acquire more chickens, probably some more animals, and have a more successful garden than last spring, having learned a bit in the year since.

I predict an insane and highly annoying election season as our state-funded propaganda machine kicks into high gear. I don’t trust the polls or anything being fed to us en masse. I suspect it’s all being cooked and not to serve up something good.

But I do predict great opportunity to continue telling the truth, holding feet to the fire, and helping many, many people through our work and in our personal lives as the world continues to crumble under the weight of emboldened evil. We must purpose to be a light.

I continue to put my faith, hope, and trust in the Lord God Almighty, who keeps us safe and provided for regardless of the circumstances around us; His son Yeshua being a perfect sacrifice to atone for everything past and future. And so my heart and mind remain at peace. And we remain happy warriors in the battle against lies, evil, and corruption.

Mary Chastain

My prediction is simple: 2024 is going to be lit!

Fuzzy Slippers

What a year it’s been! On the one hand, we have a world that is increasingly unstable politically and economically thanks to the Democrat occupying the White House, but on the other hand, there have been significant cultural and societal shifts. Also, one might easily and snarkily argue, thanks to the Democrat occupying the White House.

I expect these positive changes (or backlash, if you wish) to continue in 2024, with the evil, hyper-sexualized trans-groomer movement being finally cut loose from the sane, normalcy-seeking LGB part of the LGBT+; DEI will not die but will be renamed because that’s what Democrats do when they lose: rename their evil not giving a thought to the reason everyone rejects it; the deep-seated and truly ugly antisemitism that’s been unmasked among Democrats and their associated leftist “allies” will continue to fester and will continue to red-pill more and more Democrats who have long clung to the belief that Democrats are the “good people,” they’re so clearly not; the Bud Light effect had an impact, and that, too, will continue as more people realize just how debased the left and its “allies” truly are (Disney is also feeling the heat for its dive into sexualizing children and pushing a disgusting and racist woke agenda). This will continue as fed-up Americans just stop supporting with their wallet companies whose socio-cultural agendas are repugnant to them; and finally, the great national reshuffling will continue as people seek to live in states that are more in line with their own worldview, ethics and morality, and desire (or lack thereof) for liberty.

I support Israel with my whole heart and soul. What was done on October 7th was an indescribable horror, and it can never be forgiven or forgotten. Well, forgiven if there were actual repentance, I suppose, but I will leave that to God. I can only hope that the violence we saw that day in that Holy land is not repeated there. Or here. Or anywhere.

I’m terrible at predicting presidential elections. I was wrong in both 2016 and 2020, so I’ll leave that and just wait and see what happens.

I do know that whoever wins in November, the country will continue to be torn apart. If a Republican wins (Trump, DeSantis, whomever), there will be wide-spread rioting, burning, looting, and murder that will make 2020 look like a day at the beach. The rot in our federal government will protect these criminals because that’s their job these days, and state and local leaders and law enforcement will seek out anyone who dares to protect themselves in these (they will be blue) areas. We know the play, but it will be worse, much much worse, this year.

If a Democrat wins (Biden or Newsom, whomever), the country will be torn apart because few will accept such a result and the Democrat and his alphabet agencies will continue to target, persecute and prosecute, all political opponents, while destroying our military, energy access, and our ability to live our lives as a free people. Either way, it’s not good. The only safety is in red states these days, and even then, you have to be wary (see: pro-child sexual mutilation and pro-lockdown king DeWine in Ohio).

I see hope on the cultural front, but feel a great deal of despair on the political front. Republicans—for the most part, though there are (far too few) exceptions—are just too go along to get along for this historical moment, and without a staunch pro-America force pushing back just as hard on the Democrats’ evil, we are in trouble as a nation. Happily, I think that Andrew Breitbart was right, that politics is downstream of culture, so as long as we keep winning in the culture wars, we will eventually see results in our politics. Eventually.

Mike LaChance

1. Biden refuses to drop out of the race because he thinks he is doing a great job and that he alone can beat Trump.

2. Trump wins and the Democrats, who have spent the last several years talking about the importance of democracy, use multiple strategies to try to prevent him from taking office.

3. Leftists riot in Washington, DC and make January 6th look like a walk in the park. None of them go to jail.

4. After Trump takes office, inflation immediately drops and the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East are quickly resolved. The media gives Biden all the credit.

5. Taylor Swift breaks up with Travis Kelce and writes a song about what a horrible person he is. It goes gold.

Leslie Eastman

I pretty much nailed the 2023 predictions I made last year, except for the one in which I said, “Candidates topping the presidential polls at the end of 2023 will be substantially different than who tops them currently.” It doesn’t appear either Biden or Trump are going anywhere.

I must admit, I am going into 2024 with a fair amount of apprehension.  I fear the year will test my mettle, and that of many other patriots, before it is through with us.

However, being the optimist that I am, I will keep the prognostications positive.

1) I have noticed many more people are challenging the “climate change” narrative. I think this is a trend that is going to continue, as people are tired of being lectured may virtue-signalling elites who fly in private jets and eat gourmet food.  Important industries are beginning to infiltrate their highly publicized meet-ups.  I think we will see more counter-attacks by industries who have tried to go-along-to-get-along.

2) The Artemis mission to fly around the Moon and back will be successful, though their will be a delay in the date for the launch of the lunar landing mission.

3) Monkeypox will coming back this summer, bigger and badder.

4) The bottom will fall out of the covid vaccination rates, and Big Pharma stocks are going to take a big hit.

5) EV sales will continue to slow, as word-of-mouth about the real technical, maintenance, and cost issues related to their upkeep continue to spread.

6) I will have one new virus and one exciting volcanic eruption to cover at some point in 2024.

7) The Sun will undergo another year of spectacular activity.

I am wishing all our Legal Insurrection readers a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2024.

Vijeta Uniyal

While still reeling from the shock of Hamas’ horrific barbarity towards innocent Israeli men, women and children on October 7, I will not venture to make big predictions on the unfolding conflict in the Middle East. I will, however, state the obvious.

In my predictions for 2023, I cautioned about the emerging ‘China-Russia-Iran Axis’ on the horizon. Iran has made no effort to hide its complicity in the October 7 massacre. The Mullah regime not only armed and funded Hamas for years, it gave tactical training to hundreds of terrorists fighters from Gaza for a cross-border incursion on its soil. As the IDF corners Hamas in Gaza, Iran is now directing Hezbollah to open another front on Israel’s north.

Iran, backed by ever-aggressive China and Russia, will continue to destabilize the Middle East with the help of its proxy Islamist militias. While the current White House leadership remains weak abroad and obsessed at home with its all-consuming agenda of wokeism, we will only witness the empowering of this China-led triad of tyranny.

Stacey Matthews

If Trump wins the GOP nomination, he will pick Nikki Haley for his running mate, and Chris Christie will flip flop again and become a surrogate for Trump’s campaign.

James Nault

1. The U.S. military will continue to degrade, both numbers-wise and in terms of
effectiveness. I’m not so concerned about forces already deployed, such as the
Navy’s two Carrier Strike Groups operating in the middle east, who are flying
every day and responding in real time to actual military threats to themselves and
the forces they are protecting. I am more concerned about the misery the personnel attached to those forces will face upon their return from deployment. Once they are back in the States, they will be subject to the full force of the military’s DEI/CRT agenda, with required, divisive CRT training a common occurrence. They will probably even be required to mouth support for such policies or face disciplinary action, and they will be subjected to the following:

This will make next years’ end-strength numbers even worse than they are now,
and will continue to drive down recruiting. As Kurt Schlichter says:

2. The United States Supreme Court will uphold the constitutionality of 18 U.S.C.
§ 922(g)(8), which bars anyone subject to a domestic violence restraining order
from possessing a gun. That law had been challenged in a case called United States v. Rahimi, and during oral argument at the Supreme Court the Justices seemed to recoil from the idea that someone against whom a judge has issued a valid domestic violence restraining order should be carrying a forearm. For a good summary see SCOTUSBLOG’s coverage here and here.

3. The Supreme Court will not take another gun case for the remainder of 2024.
Taking Rahimi soon after they took Bruen, in which the Justices held that you have
a fundamental right to carry a firearm in public, the Court will take a break from
resolving the various disparate rulings that have emerged in the wake of Bruen to
allow these issues to “percolate” in the lower courts.

In practical terms, especially for New York residents like me, that means that the recent Antonyuk ruling handed down by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, which restricted carry in many public places (other than houses of worship), will stand and be the law of the land, so pay attention to the latest ruling before protecting your family in public. I do think the Supreme Court will take another gun case sometime in the following couple of years, probably in 2025 or 2026, because the post-Bruen courts are covering these concealed carry gun issues quite extensively.

4. I think a major “black swan” type of cataclysmic event will happen to one of the
candidates for President this year, and it will not be Joe Biden. I think he has the
full backing of the left-wing media and the DOJ/FBI, and he is perfect candidate
for the left wing: easily manipulable to go along with any of the latest outlandish
leftist plans for the destruction of the country, just good enough and capable
enough to satisfy Democrat voters against their better judgment, and backed up by an intolerably bad Vice President. And the House Republicans talk a good game but regularly fail to back it up, so I don’t think Joe Biden will be impeached. If he is, he will obviously be acquitted in the Senate, so the whole discussion is a moot point. I make no prediction about the outcome of the 2024 Presidential election, but I predict Republicans will lose the House of Representatives, but win the Senate.

5. The economy will continue to limp along as the banks and the rest of the
corporate establishment act to prop up the miserable state of affairs we have
suffered under to date. As long as there is a Democrat in the White House, the
powers that be will make sure that blame for a catastrophically bad economy does
not upset the apple cart.

6. The border situation will continue to worsen, and Biden will do just enough to
keep the situation from exploding into a nightmare that would endanger his
chances of reelection. But that doesn’t mean the current situation isn’t bad—it truly is and you should buy as many guns and as much ammunition as you can afford (and you should train and be ready to defend your family).

7. If any Republican defeats Joe Biden for the Presidency, there will be protests
that dwarf anything we saw with Black Lives Matter or the recent pro-Palestinian
protests, as all of the left-wing forces will align in an effort to overthrow the
election results. Those efforts will be unsuccessful, however.

Katya Rapoport Sedgwick

The United States will stop Israel from fully achieving its objectives in Gaza, but only after Western countries take massive amount of Gaza refugees.

In Ukraine, Avdeevka will fall early next year.

The Argentinian economy will take off.

Donald Trump wins the GOP nomination and loses in the general—to whom I don’t know.

Our southern border will remain open, the drug epidemic will continue taking lives, but several Soros DA’s will be recalled.

New Neo

Lately we’ve been turning and turning in that widening gyre the poet Yeats wrote about and Professor Jacobson recently cited.  It’s one of my all-time favorite poems, but that doesn’t mean I find the prospect of those increasing oscillations the least bit pleasant.

It also means it’s more and more difficult to make predictions for the coming year, except to say that things will be dramatic and intense. But these are my efforts at forecasting:

(1) None of the many trials Donald Trump is facing will be completed prior to the primaries, the nomination, or probably even the election.

(2) Many people are predicting Biden will not be the Democrats’ presidential nominee in 2024.  I agree that the Democrat movers and shakers would dearly love to figure out a way to make that happen without making things worse for themselves, and maybe they will succeed.

But I continue to think it’s very iffy.  One reason is that Biden himself seems to really want to be the candidate again and will not go willingly.  Another reason—and probably the most important one—is that they can’t figure out a good replacement willing to take the helm. The most obvious possibilities such as Newsom or Harris don’t poll well.  And whether or not you believe the Democrats have the will and the ability to cheat their way to victory, there’s a limit to how much of the difference in votes they would be able to make up that way.

(3) Whatever the November election results are, they will be contested.

(4) The pressure on Israel to stop the war will be relentless, but Israel won’t yield.  However, I don’t think they’ll manage to kill Sinwar.  Like Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden before him, he will evade capture for quite some time.

I hope that 2024 will prove far better than 2023, and that all of you have a happy and healthy New Year!

David Gerstman

I will predict that the next president will be Republican. If the world and nation continue to seemingly be spinning out of control, I don’t see how President Biden gets reelected. He looks weak and ineffectual. Which Republican? I have no idea.


Happy New Year to all of our readers and commenters from all of us!


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Subotai Bahadur | December 31, 2023 at 8:36 pm

The rule of law being more and more a convenient-for-those-in power fiction, I am far more pessimistic than most,. Feel free to call me nasty names . . . or argue specifics as to who will fight back and prevail:

1) I expect, probably before the Democrat National Convention in August, that after some sort of catastrophic event, that the National Command Authority will declare both a “national emergency” and that all elections will be “postponed until the emergency is over”.

2) The Institutional Republicans will acquiesce. And thereby they will follow in the footsteps of the Whigs.

3) In the absence of a Social and Political Contract agreed to by > than say 2/3 of the people, things will get extremely unpleasant and kinetic from all quarters.

4) While one cannot be sure exactly how things will finally break down as to sides, one has to note that throughout most of the history of our species brute force has prevailed over a rule of law. I am not optimistic and worry for my children and grandchildren. I suspect that I will not be around for the worst.

Subotai Bahadur

    Well, that won’t happen (re: elections being postponed). There is no federal way to stop elections in the states, and even during the Civil War, states held elections.

    Ultimately, states rights are what is going to save us as a nation . . . while simultaneously creating two nations in one. There will be a blue America that is a banana republic hellhole, and there will be a red America that adheres (pretty much) to the original Constitution. Neither will be the America we have known and loved, but that is the only outcome at this point and short of another civil war (which the Democrats would LOVE to happen, btw, so think long and hard about that option). Best to just divide into our various states and stand firm. The Democrats can’t let anyone be free, so they will keep pushing their crap on us all whether we like it or not, but the states will have to grab more power and just do their own thing (see: Abbott in Texas, DeSantis in Florida, et al.).

    In world terms, I am an American. But in American terms, I am a Free Floridian. I can’t be alone in identifying more with my state than my country at this point. And it breaks my heart.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | December 31, 2023 at 10:07 pm

      There is no federal way to stop elections in the states, and even during the Civil War, states held elections.


      Where have you been for the past 3 years?? A whole bunch of stuff has happened that there was “no federal way to” do any of it. No American way, at all. But it was done. And not just one thing but a whole bunch of things. And not just little things but huge, insane, jaw-dropping things. And not just one or two things, but all sorts of things that no American would have even imagined possible 15 years ago (though about 15 years ago was when we slipped into this abyss from which there is probably no escape).

      If someone had told you 10 years ago that allegedly serious people were going to espouse the completely insane and laughable idea that anyone can be a woman just by saying it and clicking his heels three times you would have laughed at that person and called him a paranoid loon – because such an idea would only come to a truly paranoid loon … until it was actually served up in our face by so many in power … I mean, just think about it – we have a SCOTUS justice who could not define what a woman was at her nomination hearings. Now, we all know that she knows full well what a woman is and we all know that she lied like a banshee at those hearings when she claimed that she couldn’t define a woman … but the fact that such a person at such a hearing actually got confirmed to the highest court in the land …

      I think you need to make some serious adjustments to what you think is actually possible. The dems have no limiting restraints on anything they do. None. No legal restraints (they just don’t care about any law, at all), no restraints of reason (they are insane and consumed by the most feverish self-hate and nihilistic drives), and no moral constraints (they are immoral, evil people who will commit the worst actions they think they can get away with).

      But in American terms, I am a Free Floridian.

      Until Florida starts locking up feds who are coming to Florida to do things don’t consider yourself free of Washington. There is not a state in the union that has stood up against the feds, yet. There is not a state in the union that has had any enterprising DA or AG start getting indictments against dems around the country for the multitude of charges that could easily be found and brought. I have seen no real pushback from any of the states, yet.

      As things stand, you are only as free as Washington lets you be, right now. No states pushed back against Washington’s abuse of any of their citizens, whether it be in anti-abortion arrests or Jan 6th arrests or any other BS charges that Washington has been abusing the citizenry with.

      As to elections …. they don’t need to suspend them since they have mail-in ballots and drop-off boxes to steal them with. Tried and true.

        Where have I been for the past three years? Right where you are, but unlike you, I am done with the crazy. I actually fell for this line of crazy when Obama was president, but you know what? Nothing happened then, and nothing will happen now. There is no way in hell elections are called off. We have been doing this for two decades, when will you finally get that it is you who is being played? It’s not hard. It took me one election to figure out that it was all BS. I think I even literally wrote (believing it in earnest at the time) that Obama would not willingly leave office. Don’t you get it yet? We are being played for fools. STOP IT.

          ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | December 31, 2023 at 10:52 pm

          when Obama was president, but you know what? Nothing happened then,


          Lots and lots and lots of stuff happened. America was broken under Barky. BROKEN.

          There was also a lot of stuff that Barky and gang didn’t do, only because they didn’t think they could get away with it, but that they have since realized they can, and have done under Traitor Joe.

          I was clearly speaking about your crazy (recycled and plagiarized) claim that Biden won’t leave office if he’s voted out. This tired crap was trotted out with Obama, and it was trotted out again about Trump, and now, you are saying the same thing about Biden. It won’t happen. Period. Stop being crazy, please, you make us all look bad.

          It was trotted out with Trump, and with 0bama, and with Bush Jr. For all I know the same paranoid nonsense was trotted out about Clinton, Bush Sr, Reagan, etc., and I was just not aware of it. But I know that in 2004 Subotai’s Dem counterparts were making the exact same prediction that he is, and they did it again in 2008. I know that because they told me, over and over. And then I heard people on our side making it in 2012 and in 2016, and then I heard the other side making it again in 2020. I have no doubt that no matter who wins the next election, come 2028 we will be hearing the exact same prediction again, from the nutcases of whichever side loses in 2024, and it will be made with the exact same confidence.

          It’s so bizarre! And I agree that there will always be dupes to buy into that crap no matter how many decades its been recycled on both sides. How do you keep buying that crap after being made a fool in every single election for the past two or three decades? I don’t get it.

        I guess it depends on whether one considers the mail-in harvesting bonanza an “election.” Opinions vary on that.

      The_Mew_Cat in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | January 2, 2024 at 10:30 am

      I agree with you that elections will happen. But during Reconstruction, we had elections managed by Federal Troops. That could happen again under a Martial law emergency, especially if there is a nuclear war or a real pandemic.

        Well, martial law doesn’t work that way. There is no way for a federal declaration of martial law that would actually hold each state or even each city to it. That’s not how our republic works. We are one nation, but we are a federation of states that have and hold substantial power (indeed, all power not directly allocated to the federal government by our Constitution; this has been expanded over the centuries, to our detriment).

    You’re nuts. The elections will not be canceled, for the simple reason that the Dems would have nothing to gain by doing so.

    The president’s and vice=president’s terms end at noon on Jan 20, whether there’s been an election or not. Unless Biden is reelected, from noon he is a private person, and the military and civil service stop obeying his orders. If he hasn’t moved out of the White House the marshal will come and evict him. If there has been no election there will be no vice president or congress, so Anthony Blinken would become acting president until an election could be held; do you think the Dems want that?! So tell me why they would want to cancel the election.

      herm2416 in reply to Milhouse. | January 1, 2024 at 10:29 am

      Wouldn’t Speaker of the House become president?

        Milhouse in reply to herm2416. | January 1, 2024 at 9:48 pm

        No, because the Congress’s term expires on Jan 3. Without an election there’d be no House or Senate.

          The_Mew_Cat in reply to Milhouse. | January 2, 2024 at 10:31 am

          There is no House. 2/3 of the Senate would still be in office. The Senate is a continuous body, unlike the House.

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | January 3, 2024 at 12:57 am

          Good point. I’d forgotten about that. So the senate president pro tem would become acting president. No idea who that might be, since it would depend on which party has the majority of the remaining 66/67 senators.

      You’re nuts. The elections will not be canceled, for the simple reason that the Dems would have nothing to gain by doing so.

      I wouldn’t bet the bank on that. Any state (unless its constitution specifically prohibits it) can cancel its election for President, and revert to having the state legislature choose its Presidential electors (as commonly happened in the early days of the Republic – up until 1820 or so). If one or more states actually passed legislation allowing this, then, given historical precedent, I don’t think that the Supreme Court could do much to stop it. Only the potential public outcry (and that no longer seems like much of a deterrent) and narrow Democratic majorities in several of the swing-state legislatures stand in the way of this happening.

        Milhouse in reply to a. | January 2, 2024 at 8:05 am

        Certainly a state could cancel the general election of its electors, but the electors would still be chosen some other way, and the presidential election would still happen. In addition the congressional election and any state elections that are due next year would still go ahead. So the prediction that the 2024 election will be canceled would still be idiotic babbling.

        What’s more, Dems could only cancel the general election of the electors in states they control, which are states the Republican presidential candidates is unlikely to carry anyway. Meanwhile they’d risk Republican-controlled states doing the same.

          …but the electors would still be chosen some other way

          Yeah, I said that (“revert to having the state legislature choose its Presidential electors)”

          So the prediction that the 2024 election will be canceled would still be idiotic babbling.

          Many normal people think of the Presidential election as the election. Sure, most of the twenty-page ballots in certain locations would proceed, but it wouldn’t feel the same. 🙂

          Dems could only cancel the general election of the electors in states they control, which are states the Republican presidential candidates is unlikely to carry anyway.

          I have recently learned to quit saying “Oh, the Democrats would never do that.” This represents one of many nuclear options, but on the plus side, most of the swing states don’t have a large enough Democratic majority in their legislatures to push this through. Some of those states even have Republican legislative chambers with a Democratic governor (in Wisconsin, for example, Republicans have a 64-35 majority in the House, and 22-11 in the Senate).

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to Subotai Bahadur. | January 2, 2024 at 11:00 am

    They won’t postpone the election, but if Martial Law can be justified, they can have an emergency draft and have federal troops manage the election – just like during Reconstruction.

All very interesting TY…

My prediction for Ds was a Obama Newsom ticket,,, only because they are the absolutely most awful combination I could think of. I know,, I know she isn’t interested.. etc

Other than than, I am getting chickens this coming year. Building a hen house with my own 2 hands.. Politics may dissolve into a dumpster fire on a roller coaster colliding with a derailed train, but I will have fresh eggs.

Happy New Year to all the LI staff.. Bless and keep you in 2024.

    The Democrats should have forced Biden to retire months ago (have about 20 Democratic Senators visit the White House, and tell Biden “You run again, we vote yes on impeachment. You announce your retirement, we protect you”).

    As of now, though, the Democrats should run Obama (not Michelle) again (as vice-President to get around the 22nd Amendment, which states “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice,…”). Joe wins, and then resigns on January 21, 2025 to give Obama a full term.

    I hope nobody actually pushes this idea, because I can easily imagine Democrats following through with it.

    Stacey Matthews:
    “If Trump wins the GOP nomination, he will pick Nikki Haley for his running mate,…”

    Best way to guarantee an assassination (ignoring all of the insiders who say that Trump will never choose Haley as his running mate). I would advise Trump to pick a “life insurance policy” (not too many of those exist – perhaps Kari Lake would fit the bill).

      Milhouse in reply to a. | January 2, 2024 at 1:47 am

      the Democrats should run Obama (not Michelle) again (as vice-President to get around the 22nd Amendment, which states “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice,…”).

      Nope. “But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.”

I really think Prof J’s #2 is very interesting.

I would like to find out what Stacey Matthews is smoking. It is evidently very potent!

Mr. LaChance’s #5 is also interesting. I have a related prediction: Travis Kelce comes out as a trans-sexual, changes his first name to Taylor and gets Taylor Swift pregnant.

    gonzotx in reply to Q. | December 31, 2023 at 10:23 pm

    Birdbrain will NOT be in the second Trump administration

    I have to say she was an effective UN Ambassador and I thought she had learned a few things… I was fooled… she is an idiot

      So, tomorrow Trump declares her as a running mate, and you . .. what? Still think she’s an idiot or are suddenly and inexplicably convinced she’s fabulous?

        Clearly you are still on a roll with Gonzotx is a horrible person

        No, I’ve really never liked her but I had to hand it to her on the UN job

        She was a major RINO as governor and I questioned her selection, but she was aggressive, held nothing back and called out the UN every freaking time

        She left after one year and I knew something wasn’t right, she went straight to the war machine,
        Got millions,
        and here we are

        Birdbrain Cheney

          Not at all. I’m just used to seeing you and your fellow Trump supporters do the most amazing mental and moral and ethical gymnastics to explain your support for Trump, so of course I would expect the same strange contortions should Trump select Nikki Haley as VP. I still think you will, actually, because you guys are just like the Democrats in imagining that nothing you say is ever actually recorded in any way. But the internet is forever.

          I don’t like Trump at all, but there are few Republican pols I loathe. Nikki Haley is one of them. If Trump picks her, you really really need to review your choice here. Haley is a vile, spineless, race-baiting appeaser elite. The LAST thing we need right now (or ever). But if Trump picks her, you’ll say what? There’s no chance this guy, in his late seventies, will drop dead and we are stuck with race-baiting, DIE queen Haley as president? I think Biden would be better, at least he has the Obama transformation team to pull his strings. Haley just goes by that morning’s headlines. And she’s always wrong. And fake. And an appeaser. But then, I guess that all makes her a good fit for Trump.

The electoral vote will fail, and the presidency will be decided in congress.

    Milhouse in reply to Petrushka. | December 31, 2023 at 11:35 pm

    That’s interesting. Which state do you think will go to a third candidate, and who will that be?

      MarkS in reply to Milhouse. | January 1, 2024 at 1:59 pm

      any state that keeps Trump off of the ballot and if Desantis is the nominee, I along with many others will go for RFK jr

      The_Mew_Cat in reply to Milhouse. | January 2, 2024 at 10:33 am

      I think RFK can win some surprising states – solidly Blue States even – if the Israeli-Palestinian War splits the Democrats.

Sundowner will not be Democrat nomination, Michelle is my long shot horse.
If Marxists don’t win, they will be our worst nightmare
We will continue to be overrun by illegals ( saw yesterday Illegals outnumber America births.)

    Skip in reply to Skip. | December 31, 2023 at 9:29 pm

    Happy New Year everyone

    Michelle is not going to run. She hates politics, she hates playing nice with people (she hates humanity, as a whole, and wishes we’d all just die, except house staff who cook, clean, and worry about her comfort), and American voters hate her. So it will be Newsom or Whitmore, or some combination thereof. Personally, I think they will Weekend At Joey’s creeper Joe because he will beat Trump. (And he will, btw, you guys don’t get how bad Trump looks and polls and is seen by the vast majority of Americans. He’s toxic. Biden is inept and destructive, but to these voters, Biden loves him some abortion until birth and is loving all the wars that have been financed by America, but at least he wants to protect women’s “freedom” to murder their unborn babies. The word “feedom” being the key, and yes, this is peeling off GOP voters.

    I cannot abide FJB, but I don’t see how he loses in November. Trump is crazy and unpredictable and nuts. He’s also clueless and ineffectual; he harmed our nation with his Fauci-loving BS. He harmed our nation by sending out an EXTRA (i.e. on top of) $600 unemployment check (on the taxpayers’ dime). That Trump initiative ensured that anyone who QUIT their job would enjoy this Trump bonus even if they QUIT their paying job. What the actual hell? Thankfully, my governor, stopped those payments in Florida, and thus got Floridians back in the workplace. Trump screwed the pooch in every way on covid. Unforgivable.

      Virginia42 in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | January 2, 2024 at 9:00 am

      There are a fair number of American voters who would vote for her in a minute. They are enamoured by what they think she represents rather than who she really is. This sort of magical thinking was also evident during both terms of the Lightbringer’s administration.

    gonzotx in reply to Skip. | January 1, 2024 at 12:04 am

    And that’s in Walmart, the new birthing
    Center of America

“Republicans—for the most part, though there are (far too few) exceptions—are just too go along to get along for this historical moment,”

Exactly, and herein lies President Trump’s continued popularity in the R party. Going back to 2016, I was not keen on Mr. Trump until I was speaking with a friend of over 30 years who stated “we need a disrupter”, and it all became clear. RINOs are willing to go along the same course as Democrats, just not quite as quickly and spending (very) slightly less along the way. When the country is on the wrong track that’s no longer good enough.

“The 2024 General Election will not be Biden v. Trump. One of them, possibly both, is not going to make it. The 2024 contest will be Kamala Harris (with Gretchen Whitmer as VP candidate —a “first” all woman ticket) versus Ron DeSantis (with Glenn Youngkin as VP candidate). Say hello to President-elect DeSantis”

Dang you still on the little d train

It will be President Trump and he will win!!

Hard core Trump voters, millions, will not vote for anyone but him. That’s reality. After Covid, he got more votes than the 2016 election, so I guess if he fired Fauchi, he would have received 90 million votes? The best chance for 2024 is if Biden voters stay home. Ridiculous argument that Trump will support abortion up to birth. If he gets in office again, he won’t have to touch the issue at all. I have seen TDS, some points arguably valid, but whoever says that he would support abortion to the degree of abortion up to birth for a legacy of being a “uniter,” well, … uh,… can’t finish with charity.

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to willow. | January 2, 2024 at 12:43 pm

    I’ve seen people with TDS too, lots of them, and they literally go insane. Frothing at the mouth insane. Loss of all rationality and proportion. People with TDS are literally capable of anything, and it worries me that such people are quite numerous in the upper echelons of our Intel and DOJ bureaucracies. Given the long lead times for actions, I believe they have until about March 1 to assess how well their Lawfare is working. If they assess that failure is more likely than not, they will pull the trigger on something really nasty – like a new pandemic.

I’m about 5 for 5 regarding Mike’s predictions, only I think the Leftists are not willing to let the current President run again. They can’t hide his mental state any more, even to the compliant press. As the election gets closer and (if) Trump is the nominee with an insurmountable polling edge even with the built-in bias we’ve seen, they will get frantic and stupid(er). Riots, murderous attacks, and quite possibly some judge getting stupid enough to order Trump’s arrest. That’s when it gets crazy-crazy.

lol President Trump WILL beat biden for the 3rd time

Now how the cheating goes, I have no idea but one thing is for sure

The cheating will be epic and it will be the end of our Republic if allowed to stand. They are handing out voter registration at the boarder, not just phones…

Pretty sure Joey got 41 million legal votes in 2020, not 81…

Fuzzy Slippers in reply to gonzotx. | December 31, 2023 at 11:24 pm


“Fuzzy Slippers in reply to ThePrimordialOrderedPair. | December 31, 2023 at 11:00 pm

I was clearly speaking about your crazy (recycled and plagiarized”

You aren’t actually the provost of Harvard are you?

Focusing on just one thing, if/when there’s widespread lefty rioting (particularly after a GOP victory in November), I fully expect armed ad hoc citizen groups (even in Blue areas) will go Full Rittenhouse if local police are unwilling or unable to get a handle on the situation.

    We’ve already seen this. Local gangs will keep their neighborhoods safe, as we saw with the Latin Kings in Chicago, and the left has NO WAY to deal with that. They can’t understand how or why their pet “POC” don’t allow their neighborhoods to be burned to the ground for “the cause.” They will FAFO.

Painful Reality | January 1, 2024 at 10:55 am

Americans are to complacent for a Civil War….

Given the lack of a common culture, the U.S. will descend into a feudal state.

The year will be marked by increasing difficult in keeping U.S. shelves stocked because of a strengthening BRICs ++

The election is a toss-up, the only thing sure is that the country loses.

IMO predicting the presidential election is just guessing. Under normal circumstances, I would expect Biden to be the winner if at the Democrats’ (later) convention he is expected to beat Trump, with the ballot stuffing guaranteeing it. On the other hand, if Biden is expected to lose, he will be repaced by a “next generation” candidate who does not have to go othrough a primary process and who will win. So this looks like a predicted Democrt win. The reason I call it unpredictable is that I think the Dems convention is likely to be like 1968, over Gaza, the Climate, or whatever, which will make the election a toss up.

I am extremely pessimistic, and I’m horrible at making predictions, particularly on the presidential race. So I’m going to predict that the dems win, and hope I am customarily wrong.

My Predictions 40 2024 and beyond

1. I predict there will be a move on the U.S. dollar to formally remove it from its position as the world reserve and petrol dollar standard. It won’t be successful this time, but it will cause an excessive inflation rate again in the later part of 2024. BRICS countries will try again in between 2025 and 2032, that attempt may be successful.

2. I predict we will be in a shooting war with China between 2032 and 2040, China will not invade Taiwan in either 2024 or 2025. There will be a lot of saber rattling but nothing else will happen until after 2032.

3. I predict Biden will not be elected in 2024, I also predict he will not be on the ballot. There is still a dark horse candidate sitting in the wings silently being prepared to run. There is still talk about Michelle Obama, but I am iffy on her now. I don’t know who it is, but it won’t be someone in the news now and it won’t be someone we don’t know.

4. I predict political bloodshed and I have for some time now. I don’t know what will kick it off, but I think there are going to be several pelican brief moments. I don’t believe it will be a civil war-esq battle. I think it will be more of small team groups quietly taking congress and other government figures out of circulation during their illicit private moments. Think of John Ross’s Unintended Consequences tactics.

5. I predict some judge will try to put Trump in jail sometime between July and October. I think Trump will be convicted by one of the kangaroo courts for their October surprise. I think the smoking gun for the Bidens will be published in October as well as the other October surprise, but our congress will do nothing about it.

6. I believe there will be several attempts on Trumps life during the summer and fall of 2024 as more and more of the left get desperate. The real question is will the Secret service protect him or not.

7. DeSantis needs to get away from the appearance of a connection between him and Bush/Rove if he wishes to advance his political career. I know that it is really just rumor and conjecture but it’s out there and DeSantis needs to put it to bed once and for all.

8. I don’t know who Trump will set up as his running mate. My preference is DeSantis, I like his measured stances on things I just don’t think he is ready for prime time yet. I would like to see Trump elected and tear down the establishment and the swamp. But I would like to see DeSantis come in right behind Trump and be a unifying rebuilding force for stability. I think if they could figure out how to work together, they would make a very formidable team.

9. I think Prime interest rate will approach near zero by summer of 2024, the economy is going to drop like a brick similar to 2007.

      starride in reply to MarkS. | January 1, 2024 at 3:53 pm

      If it is, it will be short and sweet…. Russia and China will not go to war for Iran. They will supply arms and try to make it like Ukraine but neither country will involve themselves directly because none of the BRICS countries have the ability to project power farther than a few hundred miles from their borders.

    Um, so, DeSantis is tainted by his nonexistent (there is NOTHING anywhere supporting this Trumpist crazy) ties to the Bushes and Karl Rove, but despite this taint, this poisonous deal breaker, he’s your preference for Trump’s VP. Do you hear yourself? This is exactly what all die-hard Trump supporters sound like: Completely illogical and not a little hypocritical and confused.

    Do you think this level of cognitive dissonance is okay since it works on the progressive left with their brain-dead parrots? And it somehow works on the politically disconnected who are ONLY TRUMP voters? So strange how very very alike these two groups are when you see it in black and white.

Thanks to all for being willing to go out on a limb!

But you forgot to warn your readers not to get within 100 miles of Chicago during the Democratic convention. Or any other time for that matter.

The surveillance state will continue to expand and will be augmented with AI analysis. (Watch the “Person of Interest” series”.)

Technology will “save us”.

The major enabler of societal decline is prosperity. God is likely to send us an antidote.

    Andy in reply to gibbie. | January 1, 2024 at 7:38 pm

    AI stand for Autistic Indian.

    That’s who wrote the code for any AI available today.

    God has already told us what will happen. The forces of evil will “win” in the short-term, we will be “marked” for all selling and buying of goods and services, we will live under some one world order and religion . . . we know how this goes. But I just don’t think it goes there in 2024. Eventually, of course and as it’s been written, we lose, and God will have to intervene to stop humanity’s complete annihilation. What is most distressing to me is that I am seeing more clearly by the year why the United States is not in Biblical prophesy. Our country, run by who knows what evil at that time, must end up siding against Israel, God forgive us all.

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to gibbie. | January 2, 2024 at 12:35 pm

    Yes !! Watch their Chicago Convention via video and have lots of popcorn, but don’t go anywhere near it.

Nault is a sharp tack and deep thinker. Glad he is on the roster at LI.

Andy the commentor predictions:
1. Russia will amp up it’s global destabilization efforts. They will double down on trafficking middle eastern refugee violence into western countries. They will also double down on their cyber terror / ransomware efforts. US soft targets will continue to fall victim.
2. China won’t invade anyone, but they will amp up everything they’ve been doing.
3. Israel kicks Iran in the nuts…. hard. Think gypsy boxer taking down Brick Top level of response in the proxy war.

1. Cartel’s and gangs start hitting the I-5 corridor with violence.
2. Blue to red state exodus continues, despite high interest rates… people with money are fleeing.
3. The gender bending schtick runs its course by end of year. People are sick of it.
4. Race baiting in corporations get stale and they back off. More grifters will get prosecuted, but it will continue in Blue states.
5. Recession in late Q1, Q2-Q3, but subsiding by election.
6. Entertainment levels stay at rock bottom for the entire year. I predict another year of garbage movies.
7. Gun control in blue states will get insanely bad. In direct proportion with crime and blight increasing.

My 2024 Predictions:
1. If the anti-Trump Lawfare seems to be failing by March 1, a new virus (or two) will come from a Chinese Lab and be directly released in the USA to make a Trump reelection impossible, and the virology project will be funded by the DOJ/FBI. This new pandemic will be real, unlike the test/trial run of COVID-19.

2. The Israeli-Palestinian War will expand and intensify to a full regional conflagration.

3. RFK Jr. wins a number of States, and the next House will select the President from the top 3 EV getters and the Senate selects the VP from the top 2 – on the exact 200th anniversary of the last time the House picked a President. If the Alaska House seat remains Dem, the Delegations in the House will be deadlocked, and the Senate picked VP will be Acting President.

4. Recession won’t happen in 2024 because there is still too much stimulus in the system. But watch out in 2025.

    a lot of surprise “misses” in earnings going on . House sales are rock bottom and jobs market seems to have glass jaws.

    They will do everything they can to hide it going into the election. So they may revise the results to be truthful AFTER the election just like right now they are retro – fixing the results months later.

      The_Mew_Cat in reply to Andy. | January 4, 2024 at 1:02 pm

      Unemployment is the key. As long as people have jobs they aren’t forced to sell their houses or Air B&Bs, and the real estate markets remain frozen. If forced selling happens with interest rates this high, lots of banks will fail. My bet is no massive surge in unemployment until there is some kind of unexpected trigger, and that could take a while.

I just glanced back at the 2020 predictions – nobody did all that well.

Before the end of 2024 the present government in Iran will be deposed quickly changing international alignments. The USA moves to the right.

I got another prediction: We will see the “Echo of Dobbs” when SCOTUS decides the abortion pill case, and it will have a profound effect on the election. I predict SCOTUS will rule that FDA judgements about drug approvals and use can’t be challenged in court – except when the FDA tries to contradict an act of Congress and do something blatantly illegal. Since the Comstock Act prohibits mail or common carrier delivery of aborfacients, the FDA has no authority to allow such delivery, and the only remedy is for Congress to repeal or change the law. Now, abortion pill delivery becomes a federal political issue and a major issue in the presidential and congressional races. No mailing of abortion pills means no advance provisioning, and no way for women in abortion-banning states to get abortions without expensive travel. It also means drug makers must use private couriers to deliver the pills to doctors and pharmacies, at greater cost. If there is any issue that could allow the Democrats to defy history and state partisanship to retain Senate control, it is this one.