More Hamas Atrocities Documented, Strongly Supported By Palestinians and Ignored By Western Feminists

We shouldn’t have to do this. But lowlife scum have been spreading false claims either that the Hamas massacre on October 7 never happened (e.g. The Palestinian Authority, you know, ‘the moderates’) or that Israeli did the killing (internet clickbait personalities like Jackson Hinkle and pathological anti-Israel fanatics like Max Blumenthal).

So we continue with the video and other documentation of the Hamas atrocities.

Huge Crowds of “Civilians” Taunting Hostages Reflect Palestinian Society

We’ve all seen the video of Shani Louk in the back of a pick up truck, mostly naked and her legs bent unnaturally, being beaten, spit upon, and molested by crowds. Until seeing this video, however, I didn’t realize how large the crowds were. It’s unclear if it is Louk in the trucks or other hostages and murder victims, because the white Toyota pick up trucks are common Hamas vehicles. But is looks like the terrorists in the rear of some of the vehicles are not the same ones in the Louk vehicle, so these likely include other victims. The crowd appears to be at least several hundred deep, maybe thousands. These are your innocent civilians we keep hearing about.

These crowds are representative of Palestinian society. A poll by a Palestinian survey firm show that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians SUPPORT the October 7 Massacre.

After Hamas’ devastating October 7 massacre in which some 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals were murdered, the globe was divided into people able to condemn the attack and people perceiving the terrorists as “freedom fighters.”

Palestinian society seems much less divided on the issue compared to the rest of the world, according to a November 14 poll by the Arab World for Research and Development. When asked the leading question “How much do you support the military operation carried out by the Palestinian resistance led by Hamas on October 7?” Palestinian responses showed support for the attack.

Palestinians living in the West Bank overwhelmingly answered that they supported the attack to either an extreme or “somewhat” extent (83.1%.) Only 6.9% answered that they were “extremely” or “somewhat” against the attack, and 8.4% expressed that they had no opinion either way.Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip show a little less consensus but the overall majority supported the attack. A mass of 63.6% said that they supported the attack “extremely” or to a “somewhat” extent. A further 14.4% answered that they did not oppose or support the attack. Showing a greater rift than that of the West Bank, 20.9% of Palestinians living in Gaza opposed the attack to some degree.A total of 75% of respondents agreed with the October 7 attack to any extent.

Point Blank Execution of Two Israeli Women

These videos show the point blank execution of two Israeli women who fled the rave massacre, only to be ambushed

More evidence has emerged of Hamas using human shields, including hospitals and medical facilities

MeToo Except for Jews – Western Feminists’ Silence Is Deadly

The rape and sexual abuse of Israeli women has been met with stone cold silence by the liberal western feminists and the “Me Too” movement. That tells you everything you need to know about those phonies. Feminism but not for Jewish women. A bunch of frauds.

Me Too Unless You Are A Jew

“In Kibbutz Be’eri, I witnessed bodies of two women with their hands and legs tied to a bed. One of these bodies we found was sexually terrorised with a knife stuck in her vagina and all her internal organs removed. After brutally violating these women, Hamas detonated the house on them, so we found them beneath a pile of stones.“The mini shelters scattered from the Nova party site to road 34, shelters that had been broken into, were filled with piles of women. Their clothing was torn on the upper part, but their bottoms were completely naked. Piles and piles of women, dead bodies, lying this way. When you took a closer look at their heads, you saw a single shot straight to the brain of each.”

Defeating Hamas is just the first step if there ever is to be peace. Palestinian society is going to have to change, much like German and Japanese societies changed after their defeat.

From prior reporting:

Tags: #MeToo, Feminism, Gaza - 2023 War, Hamas