Kavanaughing DeSantis: Leftie Hacks Dig Up DeSantis Yearbook, Emerge With “Scoop” That He Took AP Courses

One thing that has always confounded me about the radical left is their complete inattention to the direct results of their misguided policies. They used to claim the very predictable results of their destructive policies were “unintended consequences,” but now they just pretend there are no consequences at all.

Rampant crime, including violent crime, in Democrat-run cities that decided it would be a good idea to demonize and “defund” the police, along with various pro-criminal policies pushed by Soros-backed anti-law-and-order DAs, have nothing to do progressive policy. It’s not a consequence at all, unintended or otherwise. It just kind of happened spontaneously, in a vacuum, or—as some laughingly contend—there is no spike in violent crime at all.

A recent example was the attempt to attack Florida governor Ron DeSantis over getting married at Disney World back in the 2009. The radical left apparently thought this was a winning angle, but to normal people, it was just silly. Disney in ’09 was not a haven for woke freaks pushing a “gay agenda,” the sexualization of children, and the soul-destroying racist “anti-racism” in its films and training materials. Had it been, DeSantis and his lovely bride would, I feel confident, have selected a different venue.

We all remember the crazy surrounding Brett Kavanaugh’s yearbook “fart joke” and the resultant and now-infamous self-beclowning of Democrat senator Sheldon Whitehouse (RI). And who can forget the ‘bombshell report’ that Kavanaugh was a “bland eater” in college? To the radical left nothing ever changes, and a teen fart joker who later became a bland eater was a danger to their “democracy.” Or something.

Despite the utter failure of these tactics to stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation, the radical left is recycling the old, tired ‘yearbook gotcha.’ This time in response to Governor DeSantis banning woke indoctrination in Florida’s public schools, including in AP courses.

Their “scoop”? DeSantis’ yearbook reveals that he took AP courses . . . back in the 1990’s.

The Daily Beast reports (archive link):

DeSantis was once the “AP US History student of the year,” according to his high school yearbook, pages of which were obtained by The Daily Beast.Before turning on AP classes in his latest culture war skirmish, the governor not only benefited from the rigorous courses as a high schooler at Dunedin High School, he also praised the Sunshine State’s top three placement for students in AP courses in February 2020, calling the program “a gateway to achieving success in college, career and ultimately in life.”

Obviously, AP courses in the ’90s weren’t (as) infested with woke ideology and leftist indoctrination, so there is literally no comparison at all except in the name “AP.” This isn’t a “gotcha” on DeSantis at all. It is, however, very revealing about how the left fails to think through their radical agenda and its real world results.

Radical leftists truly believe that they can endlessly meddle, destroy, and redistribute their way to some kind of Utopia . . . and everything else will stay just as it was.

Teachers and the military will retain the respect of Americans even as they become so woke that our children and our national security are at serious risk. People will continue to flock to the movies even as movies become little more than woke soapboxes pushing disastrous woke ideology. Experts will retain the respect of the public even as they lie about everything from the efficacy of masks against covid to the “climate crisis.” They can eliminate academic rigor and standards and a college education will remain valuable. They can pit black people against white people and white people will remain “color blind” (or maybe even become subservient to blacks?). The FBI can be weaponized against average Americans and retain the goodwill of those same citizens its demonizing and harming. The list goes on and on.

There is no hypocrisy involved in rejecting wokeness in all its forms and manifestations as it destroys one formerly respected, even esteemed, institution after another. That DeSantis is working to restore AP courses to their former high regard by eliminating woke indoctrination is commendable; indeed, his having taken AP courses before they were decimated by the radical left provides him a clear picture of how they should be framed.

Tags: DeSantis Derangement Syndrome, Ron DeSantis