‘Radical Shift’: Majority of People Traveling to the Border Come From Outside Mexico, Northern Triangle
I wonder why CNN’s report didn’t mention Haiti.

If you follow Fox’s Bill Melugin or anyone in the Border Patrol, you know this isn’t breaking news.
CNN, of all places, reported that most people coming to our southern border travel from places outside of Mexico and the Northern Triangle (Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador).
Cato Institute’s David Bier calls it a “radical shift.” Bier thinks there is no simple reason for this change.
I say, duh. Is anyone shocked since we have an open border and an administration that doesn’t care? Illegal immigration grew by one million during Biden’s first year. It cost taxpayers $9.4 billion.
People from Cuba, Colombia, Nicaragua, and Venezuela have made the journey. We’ve also heard about many Haitians trying to make the trek to the border through South and Central America.
The chart shows increases beginning during Obama’s administration. They kept coming, even during Trump’s time in office.
However, the colossal spike happened in…2021. Who took office in 2021? The Biden-Harris administration.
One must take Border Patrol stats with a grain of salt. Not because they lie but because they have seen over half a million “gotaways” since October 1.
Gotaways are illegal immigrants people witness crossing the border but are never caught by officials.
The border averages around 55,000 gotaways per month.
Haitian migrants made the headlines in September 2021 when Fox News drones captured over 12,000 migrants hiding under a bridge in Del Rio, TX. Haitians made up most of the migrants.
A few days later, Biden’s administration accused border patrol agents of whipping the Haitian migrants. It never happened, but since when did facts matter? Officials are still trying to find ways to punish the agents.
Almost ten days after the fake whipping narrative, Panama told the U.S. to expect a caravan with 60,000 migrants, mostly Haitians. Panama officials said Over 85,000 Haitian migrants made their way through Panama between January 2021 and September 2021. Data showed that 20,000 to 25,000 already made it to the border.
In June, A migrant caravan in June included people from Cuba, Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, and even Somalia. One Haitian told Fox News that Biden “promised the Haitian community he will help them.”

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Replacement Theory
You know you are on target when they tell you its not while never telling you what it really is; they demonize it despite it “is” exactly what is happening.
Its the liberal socialist way of trying to hide the obvious truth
“Replacement Theory” (1 of…)
The Screaming-D’s and the Progladite wing been talking about exactly that approximately forever. I’m unclear on them still not getting a clue about second step effects, something like “blow-back.” Sure, promote the chromatic change, and it’s inevitable permanent progressive n D ascendancy. (Unabashed, broad national promotion of this inevitable idea as far back as Slick Willy.) But The Internet if Forever. Now, there’s a level of “Hey, you said that — what, not true any more?”
Their stupid spasms have several follow-on impacts. Sure, not it’s a thing. And some demographics are stupid — they always vote the one way. And those demographics are ethnic, or nation of origin, or color. Racist much? And touting the population replacement, as they did, raises the issue when talking immigration. Spouting off on “fundamentally change” this country, puts that in plan for every policy thereafter, including immigration — just another tool for change.
When what you said you’d make happen, happens, people might tag you with that.
If you had a point, it was lost in that “post”
Welcome to the thread Madam Vice President.
I must say that I see why the significance of your words is being lost with the passage of time.
Despite a couple typos, I followed it.
The Ds are doing exactly what they have admitted since Clinton that they are doing, and will call you a racist if you confront them with the proof.
“Enlistment Theory” (2 of 2)
Contra “Replacement Theory” is something like “Enlistment Theory” — come and enlist in a covenant, ideals, goals and means already in place, as far as humanly we’ve managed so far. Come and enlist in building better toward that ideal, along with we who are already on that task. Not Build Back Better, but Build Beyond the Better we have so far.
It’s a great message, incidentally the part that seems to work, when stuff works in the really real world. The Screaming-D’s got a sliver: building is better than cashing in, especially when you’re agency has been stuffed for a while. Like 2 years of lockdown, speaking hypothetically, of course. Then they’re offering rake-offs, hoping people don’t notice.
If only the Feckless-R’s could wrap their mealy mouths around anything like that.
Now, I don’t want to go off on a rant here, but…
(Thanks to The Judge for inspiration of anything good here. The bad is all on me.)
What ideal? “Come enlist in this experiment in governing ourselves for our own advantage, starting with we agree to make and hold space for each of us to do as we like. From there, we agree to govern ourselves these particular ways that seem to restrain the enabling tools from becoming binding chains.”
There’s nothing about color or religion there, and little about timing. Perhaps we might consider those deviations for what they are: deviations, we know recognized as such because we’ve built past them.
I was born in the US: I didn’t have to come across the ocean in a boat carrying family and everything they own, like my great-grandfather. Made landfall in Delaware, then worked North to New York were they were aiming. I didn’t have to do that. I have a new friend, who’s parents came to Stanford-area from Southern India — highly educated, secular. She’s studying high-end bio-stuff at one of the Little Ivy’s making the life she can.
A couple other friends came on their own, the young woman from China, who works in mid-range tech startups. Taught herself, calls home a couple times a year. She’s the one the DC VC knew by name when he came visiting our little berg. Another fled the ethnic and religious wars in the Balkans. She’s running an on-line specialty retail shop gone international last I knew. They both ditched 4-year academics here about a year in. Did either arrive with more than their clothes? Whatever they had, it was close.
There’s my friend Muhammad, who prayed 5 times a day at work in Bethle-freaking-ham PA, and nobody cared beyond: “Leave him some space to do his thing.” His whole family’s here, now, out South West. My Bulgarian friends’ kid is born-US. Then there’s homegrown hip-hop rapper, my friend, who has the chops to make it, so maybe.
Clearly The Covenant only extends to the juiced-in, the white, the male, the conventional, the … oh, wait. /music “Come and join the holy human orgy… every one.”/music (From Hair.) The self-consciously, self-congratulatory woke are not a new thing. So radical. Such subversive. Much rebellion.
Come and join a country self-consciously founded on the notion of claiming space to do our own thing; with flawed but sufficient efforts to secure that ever since. BTW, the US constitution — covenant, people, and govt are still around … how many time the max stability of the EU, the USSR, or our French friends, who have to number their regimes?”
Jeebus H christicus on a cracker, there’s a message, and a program: we’ll make stuff work so you can do your own thing (if you can)! It’s so killer people take incredible risks to get into that game, and just take their shot. Shots for everyone! (No, not that kind.)
And The Feckless-R’s can’t bring themselves to step up and say it loud, say it proud, even after *three* rounds of program disrupting national populism.
I gotta stop, or I’m gonna start quoting Citizenship in a Republic, John D. MacDonald’s last essay, and The True Believer all at once.
/end rant
Legal immigration = good
Illegal immigration = bad
When the first act is breaking the covenant then that doesn’t demonstrate a commitment to the covenant. As to your privilege argument; privilege exists largely due to wealth not race. For example, how much privilege does a white, 50 year old, unemployed coal miner in Appalachia have v a BIPoC 30 year old with a MA in Finance working and living in NYC? The answer is enough privilege to help pay off that kid’s student loan debt but probably not enough to keep his family warm and fed this winter.
Wish I’d thought of that.
I must say that its been a long time since I have seen such a long string of words say absolutely nothing of any intelligence or value.
The numbers in the charts don’t back up the headline.
Sure they do. You have to ADD UP all the colored ones (“all other”), not consider them individually.
Still doesn’t work.
Yeah, you’re right. You also have to add up Mexico and Northern Triangle, which blows the others out of the water. The “all others” are bigger than either of those two, but not both.
Well, ok, but this “shift” actually happened a decade or two ago.
CNN just catching on now…