Las Vegas Sun Blames ‘the Right’ for BLM Activist’s Alleged Assassination Attempt of Mayoral Candidate

I’ve seen some crazy newspaper editorials in my time, but one that went up Wednesday by the Las Vegas Sun may just take the case for the craziest and most predictable ever.

The piece was written in response to the attempted assassination of Louisville, Ky. mayoral candidate Craig Greenberg, a Jewish Democrat who was reportedly in his office with members of his campaign team Monday morning when 21-year-old Black Lives Matter activist and gun control advocate Quintez Brown allegedly opened fire.

According to Greenberg, one of the bullets allegedly fired by Brown grazed the sweater he wore. Fortunately, no one was hurt thanks to a quick-thinking campaign staffer.

Before Monday, Brown was running as an independent candidate for the Louisville Metro Council. I think it’s safe to say that his campaign has been put on hold for the foreseeable future.

As for the Las Vegas Sun editorial board, they managed to devote about 90% of their lengthy diatribe to blaming … “violent rhetoric from extremist Republicans” for Brown’s alleged murder attempt on Greenberg. In the original piece they published, the Sun merely noted that Brown – who was named, arrested, and in police custody by the time the editorial went live – was a “political activist,” leaving out his extensive ties to the BLM movement.

Here’s how it started out:

A terrifying incident in Louisville, Ky., this week revealed the dangers of the talk coming from the right about civil war and political violence.

When they got to talking about Brown, the Sun also managed to leave out his name in addition to not noting that he was a well-known BLM activist in the Louisville area as well as a columnist for the Courier-Journal. Again, from the editorial:

The alleged shooter, a 21-year-old political activist, was arrested near the scene and later charged with attempted murder along with four counts of wanton endangerment.While there’s been no indication yet that the activist had ties to any right-wing organizations, the shooting comes amid a rise in threats against politicians fueled by increasingly violent rhetoric coming from extremist Republicans.

The Sun then went on to reference at length a recent article from the New York Times that claimed there had been an alarming rise in violent threats made against elected officials at all levels of government since 2016, which the supposed newspaper of record of course blamed on former President Donald Trump.

The only nod the Sun gave to violent left-wing extremists like the ones we saw loot and set fire to Democrat-run cities across America for several months in the summer of 2020 during the Antifa/BLM-led riots was this throw-away line about how “most” threats supposedly come from the right:

Not all of these threats are coming from the right, but the Times found that most were.

And despite their tepid acknowledgment about left-wing violence, the Sun proclaimed that “the GOP has largely fueled this problem” and suggested that “it holds the lion’s share of the responsibility for addressing it.”

At some point late Wednesday afternoon, perhaps in response to being called out for leaving out facts about the alleged shooter that are inconvenient to their narratives about “violent right-wing rhetoric” fueling political violence, the Sun made some revisions to their piece but still managed to spend the bulk of it blaming the GOP.

For those who are curious, here’s how they rewrote the part where they initially falsely reported on how it was not yet known if the “political activist” had ties to the right:

While it’s been reported that the activist was involved in the Black Lives Matter and gun-safety movements and there has been no indication yet that he had ties to any right-wing organizations, the shooting comes amid a rise in threats against politicians fueled by increasingly violent rhetoric coming from extremist Republicans.

“… there has been no indication yet that he had ties to any right-wing organizations” though he’s a prominent BLM activist and a proponent of gun control? You’ve got to be kidding me with this garbage spin from the Sun.

While some might be willing to give the Sun the benefit of the doubt for leaving out key information from their original editorial about the shooting, I won’t. For starters, information about Brown was easily accessible via a simple Google search.

Plus, as we saw throughout 2020 and 2021, the mainstream media (and their allies in the Democrat party) routinely goes out of their way to whitewash and sugarcoat violence from the left, with some – like CNN’s Don Lemon – even trying to justify it by saying that it was for a good cause or whatever.

Even today, we see high-profile media figures attempting to downplay the extensive and record-breaking property damage (not to mention the violent assaults and murders) caused by the BLM riots. Take, for instance, this hot take from New York Times columnist Paul Krugman:

Just straight-up gaslighting. And yes, it’s absolutely (and frighteningly) deliberate that they want to make people forget the violent and deadly BLM riots of 2020 didn’t happen.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: Black Lives Matter, Crime, Democrats, Kentucky, Media Bias