Fuzzy’s Favorite Posts of 2021

It’s that time of year when LI authors look back at our year’s work and select our favorite posts for the year.  You can view my previous “Fave Five” lists here, here, here, and here.

This year has been a disaster for our great country, but oddly, it has been helpful in crystallizing and reinforcing what we all believe about our exceptional country and why.

Watching the Biden administration run roughshod over our great nation and our fellow Americans gives us strength, firms our resolve, and focuses our energies on combating the anti- and unAmerican radical left.  My favorite posts of 2021 variously reflect this sentiment.

#5  To No One’s Surprise, Kamala Harris Is Not Viewed Favorably By Voters

The Democrats are in a horrible position: they have an historically unpopular president (Biden’s approvals recently dipped below Harris’, if you can imagine), and an even less likable, mostly less popular, and completely incompetent VP.

The last time the left got to play the race card with a president or presidential hopeful, the person in question was at least well-liked and had moderate to (slim) majority approval from Americans.  Kamala is no Barack Obama, however, and it shows.  Democrats rejected her so overwhelmingly in the 2020 presidential primaries that she didn’t even last for the first primary vote to be cast.

#4  Alaska Couple Raided By FBI Because They Attended Trump January 6th Rally

It gives me no pleasure at all to note the over-the-top and completely partisan slide of the FBI.  This incident, on top of the still-boxed Lego Capital Building “find,” made me deeply embarrassed for and ashamed of the FBI.

This couple never entered the Capitol building, yet they were treated like “domestic terrorists” for attending a rally at which the sitting president of these United States spoke. The banana republic stench is strong.

#3  LA Times Columnist Dragged On Twitter For Tone-Deaf “Latinx” Tweets

This whole “Latinx” thing drives me straight up the wall.  It is the epitome of everything the progressive left pretends to be against: colonizing not just one but many Hispanic and Latino cultures and imposing their leftist “white supremacy” on an entire gendered and truly beautiful and expressive language and peoples.  It’s disgusting and dehumanizing, and the vast vast majority of Hispanics and Latinos reject it.

First clue you have overstepped your elitist white privilege in colonizing an entire language: the people you are renaming have no reasonable or realistic way to pronounce the new name you’ve given them in their own language, the language you not just reject but rewrite/rewhite because it doesn’t fit your own crazy worldview about gender.

#2 Liberal Author Behind ‘Demographics Is Destiny’ Narrative Has Bad News For Democrats: You Blew It

This is kind of related to the #3 post, but to be honest, this is among the biggest stories of 2021 (and will be so in 2022 if current trends hold).  The power-grubbing left was so busy sorting people into identity blocs, assigning them pet issues, and then strutting around every four years promising the world to these “POC” (I loathe that term, it’s divisive, derisive, contemptuous, and evil).

Liberal (an actual liberal, not a leftist) author Ruy Teixeira has been sounding the alarm.  But the Democratic Party does not appear to be listening.

#1 Time Magazine: “Well-funded Cabal Of Powerful People” Secretly Conspired To Defeat Trump

Easily the most infuriating—enlightening, and therefore empowering—revelations of the year.  Every single thing about this conspiracy stinks to high Heaven.  And we need to know every detail, connect the dots, and understand just how dirty the left will play to achieve their America Last goals.

Also don’t miss the influence of “Zuckerbucks” on state elections or Molly Hemingway’s expose of same.

And what’s a Fuzzy Fave Five list without an honorable mention (or three)?

I’m not a Nikki Haley fan and never will be. Nikki Haley Bashes Trump, Then Seeks Meeting With Him. Request Denied.

This post was among the most fun to research and write because it provided me an opportunity to do a “deep dive” into a topic and flex my research skills: Capitol Hill Riot: DOJ Arrest Reports Focus On Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Barely Mention Parler

And finally, I almost included this among the top five because it was so much fun to write and edifying to think about what limited government and states rights mean and how they must work together to rein in the unlimited federal control our Republic was founded specifically to reject . . . and that today’s Democratic Party seeks to attain at any cost and by any means necessary.

The Constitutional Conservative Argument For State-Level Bans On Businesses’ Vaccine Mandates

I so hope you enjoyed my posts this year!  Due in no small part to the strength and resolve I garner from our LI family, I am looking forward to 2022 with hope lifting my soul and with the American spirit emblazoned on my heart.

Happy New Year to all here at LI and at LIF!

Tags: Blogging