Biden Brain Freeze: Calls His Defense Secretary ‘the Guy Who Runs That Outfit Over There’

President Joe Biden had another major flub at the ceremony to nominate two female generals to take charge of the U.S. Southern Command.

Biden could not remember his defense secretary’s name or the building that houses the Defense Department.

Grabien has the transcript (emphasis mine):

BIDEN: “It’s my great honor to serve as your commander-in-chief, and I look forward to hearing your active duty and recommendations of how we can work together to keep the American people safe and meet every challenge in the 21st century. So I want to thank you both and I want to thank the former general, I keep calling him general, my — the guy who runs that outfit over there, I want to make sure we thank the Secretary for all he’s done to try to implement what we just talked about and for recommending these two women for promotion. Thank you all. May God bless you all and may God protect our troops. [inaudible] Thank you everybody.”

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin works in the Pentagon. Biden said Secretary Austin at an earlier event when he read his speech on a teleprompter.

Honestly, Biden’s blunder would not be a big deal if it happened once in a blue moon. Here are a few examples.

Biden’s nominations are pretty cool:

Biden on Monday nominated Air Force Gen. Jacqueline Van Ovost to lead the US Transportation Command and Army Lt. Gen. Laura Richardson to lead the US Southern Command. Their nominations must be confirmed by the Senate.Biden announced their selections in celebration of International Women’s Day.They would be the second and third women to hold such high posts, following retired Air Force Gen. Lori Robinson, who headed US Northern Command from 2016-2018.

Tags: Biden Cognitive, Defense Department