Latest Trafalgar Poll for Georgia Runoff Puts Warnock, Ossoff Ahead of Loeffler, Perdue

In a stunning reversal, the Trafalgar Group, which has been one of the most reliable pollsters this election season, released its latest polling numbers for next week’s Georgia Senate runoff showing that the two Democratic challengers – Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff – are now leading the incumbent Republican senators – Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue.

The change is especially dramatic because less than two weeks ago both Republicans held an advantage over their challengers. Ossoff now leads Perdue by about the same amount he trailed the senator in the previous poll. Warnock, on the other hand narrowly leads Loeffler, but wiped out a nearly a 7 point deficit.

Robert Cahaly, Trafalgar’s chief pollster, attributes the swing to “GOP Senators not immediately backing @realDonaldTrump’s call to raise the payments from $600 to $2k the day before Christmas Eve.” He noted sardonically that this “isn’t something #swingvoters like very much.”

If Cahaly is correct, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s blocking a quick Senate vote – regardless of his reasons – of the COVID relief bill may further damage the Republicans’ chances in next week’s runoff in Georgia. This is a point made by President Donald Trump on Twitter.

The problem with the president’s tweet is that it appears that McConnell’s delay is to get a separate bill passed to deal with Section 230.

Tags: 2020 Election, Democrats, Georgia, Raphael Warnock, Republicans, US Senate