A.F. Branco Book – Keep America Laughing … At The Left
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A.F. Branco Book – Keep America Laughing … At The Left

A.F. Branco Book – Keep America Laughing … At The Left

If you need a little comic relief from the current depressing political scene, there’s no better way than immersing yourself in A.F. Branco cartoons.

If you need a little comic relief from the current depressing political scene, there’s no better way than immersing yourself in A.F. Branco cartoons.



Tony has been with Legal Insurrection since the summer of 2012, as detailed in our 2017 post, Cartoonist A.F. Branco 5th Anniversary at Legal Insurrection (Reader Poll Best Cartoon)

We have covered two of his prior books collecting his work, Comically Incorrect:


And Make America Laugh Again:

Now Tony has a third book, Keep American Laughing.



You can order it at Patriot Depot.

Until it arrives, you can gorge yourself on our annual “Best Of” reader votes:



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to the full extent allowed by law.



Antifundamentalist | December 16, 2020 at 9:05 pm

Branco is far too Ironic and real to be funny.

Go Branco! Thank you for all you do!

David R. Graham | December 16, 2020 at 9:28 pm

The judicial system of the USA grants now standing to litigants from the CCP of America and not to Americans seeking redress from being cheated, stolen from, and lied to by supposedly their own chief executives, legislators, and judges. On the ground, it will take soldiers to fix this, as it did in 17th Century Europe and 19th Century India. In hearts and minds, it will take saints and sages to fix this, as it did in 18th Century Europe and 20th Century India.

MAGA: Protect The Mother Country

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | December 16, 2020 at 10:11 pm

We could use some cartoons about this serious matter.

“This Is a RICO Case and It Involves…Biden…” – Tom Fitton on Hunter Biden’s Criminal Case


Went to look for his books on amazon, one was available new for nearly $160 and used for over $50, the rest were unavailable. Completely worthless. Bastards have every Obama book, though.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Finrod. | December 16, 2020 at 11:43 pm

    That’s because the big Ho’s books do not sell.

    They can’t give them away!!!!

    Ho Ho Ho…….

    beagleEar in reply to Finrod. | December 17, 2020 at 12:29 am

    $25 Using the link in the post, at a site named patriot report.

    I tried to order direct instead of through Amazon when possible. Amazon has excellent logistics, but terrible politics. Except their freight airline isn’t very good, they crashed a perfectly good 767 on a perfectly normal approach, it appears they had hired a pilot who checked one or more diversity boxes while being short those about competence and character. They also appear to be pushing their pilots to the maximum permitted number of hours, which can be too many in night operations.

The Biden Inauguration Committee just announced the chosen background music to accompany Biden as he takes his oath of office,


notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | December 16, 2020 at 11:50 pm


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Gateway Pundit

An excellent Christmas gift!