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Make America Laugh Again: The Comically Incorrect Cartoons of Antonio F. Branco

Make America Laugh Again: The Comically Incorrect Cartoons of Antonio F. Branco

Buy it, or else.

A.F. Branco is one of the best political cartoonists around.

In August 2017, we celebrated Tony’s 5th Anniversary at Legal Insurrection.

If you want to find the best of the best of his cartoons, buy his new book, Make America Laugh Again: The Comically Incorrect Cartoons of Antonio F. Branco – Volume 2, which is now on pre-order.

Tony tells me there are numerous Legal Insurrection cartoons in the book (he also publishes cartoons elsewhere), including what is one of my favorite cartoons from 2017:

Tony’s first book got rave reviews, and you should buy that one too:

You know what to do.

Buy the books.

Spread the link.

Buy the books again.


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If I buy this book, will I be harassed in restaurants by silly resistance fighters?

    Snail in reply to rinardman. | June 25, 2018 at 9:37 am

    Yes, which is a feature, not a bug.

    (It’ll be more proof you’re normal.)

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Snail. | June 25, 2018 at 11:24 am

      Ben Cline

      On behalf of my hometown of Lexington, I want to apologize for the rudeness of one

      liberal New York transplant (who also happens to be

      Meryl Streep’s cousin). We hope you will come back and enjoy our area’s true southern hospitality.

kenoshamarge | June 25, 2018 at 10:26 am

Only if you bring the book with you. But it might be worth it to watch liberal heads exploding as you share the wonder of A.F Branco’s cartoons.

kenoshamarge | June 25, 2018 at 10:27 am

Bought the first and will buy this one. Great minds combined with humor and an ability to draw are rare. I celebrate that every time I see a Branco cartoon.

It’s time for Branco to do a full on Bloom County style comic.

Hats off to this whole operation…been enjoying the weekly cartoons which are dead on target for some time now.

Would appreciate a little help with a question about the above mentioned book…and I probably haven’t yet had enough coffee this morning, and will probably embarrass myself by asking… but why does the title include the word ‘incorrect’ ? (Comically incorrect, Politically incorrect)

Thanks, and keep up the outstanding work !