Defending Academic Freedom Week in Higher Education
Your weekly report on campus news.

When it comes to freedom and the left’s vision of America, professors must realize what is at stake.
- USC Faces Backlash for Punishing Prof Over Word That Sounded Like a Slur in Chinese
- Prof Who Refused Mandatory Diversity Training Has Kept His Job
- FIRE Comes to Defense of Prof Suspended for Using Term ‘Wuhan Flu’ on Syllabus
Speaking of the left’s vision…
- Radford University Encourages Students to Attend BLM Protest Despite Coronavirus Restrictions
- Swarthmore College Student Newspaper Calls for Mandatory Critical Race Theory for Graduation
- Technical Writing Course at Clemson U. Allegedly Transformed Into Social Justice Seminar
Did both of these situations warrant a response?
- U. Cincinnati Investigating Instructor Who Used the Term ‘Chinese Virus’ in Email to Students
- VIDEO: Prof Suspended After Telling Students She Hopes Trump Supporters Die of Coronavirus
Just a slight overreaction.
Weren’t we told that police are bad?
This is ridiculous.
It’s just about Confederates, they said.
Sure it isn’t.

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