Al Sharpton: “Latte Liberals” want to defund NYPD, “but people living on the ground need proper policing”

Rev. Al Sharpton had some harsh words for the elite white liberals who think they know what is best for the black community.

Sharpton admitted that New York City has become more dangerous, but also came out against the idea of defunding the NYPD.

When you’ve lost Sharpton…

The Hill has the transcript:

“We’ve always heard about the tale of two cities. On the side of the city that I come from, which is Blacker and poorer, we’ve seen more in terms of gun usage. I got a lot of attention when I did the eulogy for George Floyd’s funeral, but I also, a month later, preached [at] a 1-year-old kid’s funeral in Brooklyn who was killed by a stray bullet,” Sharpton said.“Six people were shot over Labor Day weekend at a festival in Brooklyn, so I would say statistically we’re not much higher than where we were, but on the ground it is certainly feeling more violent, feeling more unsafe in unsafe communities,” he continued.“We need to reimagine how we do policing,” Sharpton later added. “But to take all policing off is something a latte liberal may go for as they sit around the Hamptons discussing this as an academic problem. But people living on the ground need proper policing.”

We have documented the growing violence in NYC since George Floyd’s death in May.

Mayor Bill de Blasio and the City Council passed a budget on July 1 that cut $1 billion from the NYPD.

Shootings reached record numbers last weekend. Even victims questioned if the city should defund the police department.

The politicians blame the uptick in violence on cops not showing up for work.

However, former NYPD Detective Pat Brosnan said that it is the fault of the Democratic politicians. They cut funds from the police, but then disbanded NYC’s “city wide anti-crime” unit. The moves have allowed criminals to become “fully empowered.”

Tags: Al Sharpton, Black Lives Matter, NYPD