Joe Biden: Latino Community Has Diverse Attitudes “Unlike the African-American Community”

As it turns out, Joe Biden bizarrely asking black CBS News journalist Errol Barnett if he was a cocaine “junkie” after a question about Biden’s cognitive abilities was not the only cringeworthy moment from an interview Biden did earlier this week.

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee took part Tuesday in what Yahoo News described as a “multi-moderator interview at a conference of Black and Latino journalists” when he was asked a question about Cuban deportations by Latina NPR reporter Lulu Garcia-Navarro.

Garcia-Navarro alleged “Cubans were now being deported in unprecedented numbers” and wondered if Biden would “stop those deportations” and grant Cubans “temporary protected status” as Biden has said he would do for Venezuelans.

As has become the norm, Biden gave a babbling and incoherent answer for about a minute before asserting that the Latino community was “incredibly diverse” in contrast to the African-American community “with notable exceptions”:

“And by the way, what you all know but most people don’t know – unlike the African-American community with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community, with incredibly different attitudes about different things. You to go Florida you find a very different attitude about immigration in certain places than you do when you’re in Arizona. So it’s a very different, very diverse community.”

Watch the short version of Biden’s comments below:

The longer in-context version, which you can watch here or by clicking below, does not change what Biden said. It’s like he just had a random thought bubble and blurted that out in the middle of his rambling answer, as though he was some type of expert on Latino and African-American diversity:

Yahoo News’s characterization of Biden’s remarks confirms they weren’t taken out of context:

In an interview with representatives from the national associations of Black and Hispanic journalists while talking about extending temporary protected status to Cubans in Florida communities who are being deported, former Vice President Joe Biden referenced what he said is a distinction between diversity within Black and Latino communities.

I wasn’t able to find a clip of how Garcia-Navarro reacted, but according to the Daily Caller, she “did not comment” on Biden’s statement, and moved on to talking about how former President Obama “was known as ‘the deporter-in-chief.'”

The DC Examiner reports that the full Biden interview was scheduled to be aired today during the National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists convention, so it’ll be interesting to see their reactions to these clips (if any).

As of this writing, I haven’t seen any prominent MSM reporters go after Biden’s remarks, unlike how they would have already jumped on them had it been President Trump saying something like this.

Biden has previously been caught in what can at best be charitably described as “gaffes” about the African-American community, including telling New York radio talk show host ‘Charlamagne Tha God’ in May that “if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

And a year ago this week, Biden told the Iowa Asian and Latino Coalition that “poor kids are just as bright and just talented as white kids.”

With racially insensitive (some would say “racist”) comments like these, it’s no wonder the left-wing chatter suggesting Biden shouldn’t participate in the fall presidential debates is getting louder. Will he he or won’t he? You can weigh in by taking the Legal Insurrection reader poll here.

UPDATE: Biden doubled down on his comments this afternoon:

Wow. Just incredible.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Biden Cognitive, Democrats, Joe Biden, Media