Joe Biden has a dream: Michelle Obama as his VP running mate

Here we go again.

As readers are aware, for two-and-one-half years we have been raising the possibility that at some point, likely at the convention, Democrats would beg Michelle Obama to save the party from disaster by agreeing to be the presidential nominee. [A listing of our prior posts is at the bottom of this post.]

That would avoid Michelle having to dirty her hands debating the Democrat riff-raff during the primaries, and she could waltz straight into the general election.

We tempered our expectations by frequently noting that Michelle said she didn’t want to run for political office and didn’t want to be president. Yes, but if it would avoid four more years of Orange Man Bad trearing down Mr. Obama’s legacy, well, who knows.

The disaster we were expecting that would lure Michelle in was Bernie being the likely nominee. We didn’t expect a grand Michelle entrance with Joe Biden as the nominee.

But that was before Biden’s cognitive decline became both obvious and an election issue, making it clear that when he no longer can hide, he doesn’t have what it takes. And now the lack of enthusiasm for Biden is even more clear. Biden and Trump are pretty much in a dead heat in the polls in key swing states, at a time when we are going through a pandemic, a stock market crash, and soaring unemployment. Not good if you are a Democrat, by any normal standard.

So Michelle jumping into the campaign is back on the chatter table, but this time as a running mate. That chatter still is coming from Democrats, as Politico reported recently:

With the Democratic primary settled, the Rev. Al Sharpton says he now includes a political consideration in his daily prayers: God, please let Michelle Obama be Joe Biden’s running mate.Sharpton’s decision to implore a higher power is perhaps unique among Democrats, but the strong sentiment is commonplace among party leaders, operatives, rank-and-file voters — and it’s led many to hold out hope she’ll be Biden’s vice presidential pick….Her refusals haven’t stopped Democrats from asking her to reconsider.“I asked her when I last saw her and she seemed emphatic that she was not going to do it. I doubt if she does it,” Sharpton said, adding that he began praying she would change her mind after the recent encounter.Still, none of that hasn’t gotten in the way of Democrats dreaming of a restoration of sorts. While discussing Biden’s potential veep picks, Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes recently told a reporter she didn’t want to name a preference. But when asked about Michelle Obama, she stopped for a beat.“Oh my God,” she said, almost gasping. “That would be amazing.” ….Biden made clear his high regard for Michelle Obama on Feb. 27 during a rally in Conway, S.C., where a voter asked him whether he would consider her for a running mate. Before Biden could answer, actress Vivica Fox, who was onstage with Biden, quickly chimed in.“I’m here for that!” Fox said.“I’d do that in a heartbeat if I thought there was any chance,” Biden said.

Biden repeated his dream in an interview with Pittsburgh CBS:

“I’d take her in a heartbeat,” Biden said on Monday. “She’s brilliant. She knows the way around. She is a really fine woman. The Obamas are great friends.”“I don’t think she has any desire to live near the White House again,” Biden added.

Andy McCarthy asks a pertinent question:

Question for my political analyst colleagues: If Michelle Obama had wanted it, Dem nomination was hers for the asking. She decided not to run. Why, then, would she agree to run as second-fiddle to Biden, whom Obamas may like personally but obviously have misgivings about?

Michael Walsh in the NY Post has a theory — one a little to wild for us to have thought of, but maybe we are not devious enough. Multiple readers send me this link, How the Obamas could easily win eight more years in the White House:

So the choice is clear: Michelle Obama. Never mind that she has even less political experience than Hillary Clinton did when she ran for the White House, and has long said she disdains public office….Here’s how it would work:

However unlikely, it’s the smart play. How could the Republicans ever counter it?

Got that? Michelle as VP nominee as a stealth way for the Obamas to regain control of the White House.

It’s a lot less work for Michelle than running for president herself. The TV networks would give her adoring coverage, the major newspapers would swoon, Hollywood and the entertainment industry would go to bat for her. Basically, just put Michelle on the ticket, watch Joe fade, then take over. All she would have to do is show up to save Joe.

I’m not predicting that will happen, but let’s face it, the fact that there still is chatter among Democrats about Michelle saving the party shows how fundamentally weak Biden is as a candidate.

From our prior coverage:

Tags: Biden Cognitive