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Hail to the Chief Week at Legal Insurrection

Hail to the Chief Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

President Trump is performing so well in this crisis that he is winning over some new fans.

This is making some in the media very nervous, and they’re reacting predictably.

Joe Biden seems small by comparison.

The writing is on the wall.

Need a laugh today?

Of course.

Take care, everyone!

World news.

Branco cartoons!


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If hillary had won, we would be screwed. And not only because of the Chinese virus.

    Imagine if odumbo was still president? He’d be rising bright and early at 10:30am to avoid all meetings, watch tv for a while, check the basketball stats, look in the mirror for an hour, dress, show up for a softball press conference (“Mr. President, what’s The First Lady’s favorite color mask right now?”), go back to watching tv and checking boxes on papers valerie jarrett puts before him.

      And, of course, he’d party the night away with sharpton and beyonce.

      Some Twitter blue-check was lamenting the current POTUS and pining about how obama would have handled this. If how he would have handled it was a movie title, it would have been: “H1N1, the Sequil, Only Worse, or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Swine Flu and Chinese Virus.”

      Except in reality the msm would never have blown this story up, they really do (and did) worship that guy.

        Obama is honestly and genuinely a dumbass, foisted upon the country by affirmative action b.s., george soros, the corrupt scum in American media, and of course, Saudi Arabia.

        Imagine him now lauding the “corpsemen” – in all 57 states – responding to the virus?

        Truly one of the greatest swamp/left/islamic frauds perpetrated anywhere. This b.s. virus panic is proving to be a contender.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to CKYoung. | March 23, 2020 at 12:33 pm

    If Hillary has STOLEN the election you mean, we would all be dead already, and the Communist Chinese moving en-masse to their new Lebensraum………..

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | March 23, 2020 at 12:35 pm

Coronavirus – China’s Secret Plan To Weaponize Viruses
By GreatGameIndia – February 1, 2020

“The ruling Chinese Communist Party considers biological weapons to be the most important weapons for accomplishing their goal of “cleaning up America.”

“Chi credits Deng Xiaoping with putting biological weapons ahead of all other weapon systems in the Chinese arsenal
In a secret speech given to high-level Communist Party cadres nearly two decades ago, Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Chi Haotian explained a long-range plan for ensuring a Chinese national renaissance.

He said there were three vital issues that must be grasped. The first was the issue of living space—because China is severely overpopulated and China’s environment is deteriorating. The second issue, therefore, is that the Communist Party must teach the Chinese people to “go out.” By this Gen. Chi meant the conquest of new lands in which a “second China” could be built by “colonization.” From this arises the third vital issue: the “issue of America.”

Gen. Chi warned his listeners: “This appears to be shocking, but the logic is actually very simple.” China is “in fundamental conflict with the Western strategic interest.” Therefore, the United States will never allow China to seize other countries to build a second China. The United States stands in China’s way.

The ruling Chinese Communist Party considers biological weapons to be the most important weapons for accomplishing their goal of “cleaning up America.” Chi credits Deng Xiaoping with putting biological weapons ahead of all other weapon systems in the Chinese arsenal…