Oops: Elizabeth Warren Called “Pocahontas” On Bernie Volunteer Messaging System

Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are currently engaged in a long-suppressed feud that we all saw coming.  It got particularly nasty when Warren claimed that Sanders told her that a woman could not win the presidency.

Frankly, since this is Warren making the claim, I don’t believe he said that.  He may have said that he didn’t think she could win, but I doubt he said no woman could.  Either way, the feud is boiling out of control as Sanders supporters are reportedly now referring to Warren as “Pocahontas.”

The AP reports:

A text message that referred to Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas” that was sent through rival Bernie Sanders’ volunteer messaging system led to social media feuding and confusion among supporters of both candidates.It turns out the text message came from a rogue Sanders campaign volunteer believed to be a supporter of President Donald Trump, the campaign told The Associated Press. The individual was removed from the system.But the image of it, posted to Twitter on Monday by a pro-Warren fundraising group, led to misinformation and increased tension among Warren and Sanders supporters.The campaign text message, addressed to a woman named Caitlin, asked: “Are you in for Bernie?”The person responded by saying they weren’t because they were a Warren campaign volunteer.“Pocahontas, huh?” the text from the campaign replied — invoking the racial slur Trump regularly uses to mock Warren, who had previously claimed American Indian heritage.

Bernie’s team denies they made the comment and allege infiltration by pro-Trump forces. Or something.

A Sanders campaign aide confirmed the text was sent from its system, which uses volunteers who can enroll online to send text messages to voters across the country.

The Sanders campaign told the AP that it believes a Trump supporter sent the text after joining the program. The campaign can view text messages sent by its volunteers, and it subsequently removed the individual from the program.

The Sanders campaign did not immediately respond to further questions about why they think the individual was a Trump supporter.

The cellphone number listed on the text message has also been disconnected.

Either way, this latest flare-up in the Bernie-Warren feud again highlights Warren’s despicable claim, one she falsely made for decades, that she was Native American.  This is something we have covered here at LI and on the Elizabeth Warren Wiki.

President Trump was quick to recognize the damage this false claim to Native American heritage would do to Warren and branded her “Pocahontas.”

Watch President Trump in 2017:

Professor Jacobson was quick—perhaps the first—to recognize the damage Trump’s “Pocahontas” branding would do to Warren.  In April of 2017, he wrote: Trump branding of Elizabeth Warren as Fake Indian continues, expecting her to run in 2020

In his post, the professor noted that “Trump is branding her. And being someone who was a fake Indian is her brand. She’ll never shake it.”

Trump branded Warren “Pocahontas” back in 2017, and Bernie’s team (or some mysterious infiltrator) is using it in text messages this week.  Professor Jacobson was prescient: Trump branded her, and she’ll never shake it.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren