Pete Buttigieg v. Elizabeth Warren? Buttigieg Thinks So
He’s not wrong

As former Vice President Joe Biden (D-DE) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) start to fade in the 2020 Democrat primary, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has been enjoying a bit of a surge among Democrat primary voters.
Recent polls and impressive fundraising, however, suggest that South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg is quickly rising as a potential threat to Warren’s bid for the Democrat nomination.
Indeed, Buttigieg is predicting that the race is shaping into a “two-way” between himself and Warren.
Queue up “Just the Two of Us,” @PeteButtigieg thinks this race is between him and @ewarren.
See the full interview on a new episode of @SHO_TheCircus this Sunday at 8pm on @showtime.
— John Heilemann (@jheil) November 1, 2019
South Bend, Indiana Mayor and Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg said in a new interview that he believes the race for his party’s nomination will be between Senator Elizabeth Warren and himself.
In a clip from Showtime’s The Circus, Buttigieg told co-host John Heilemann: “I think this is getting to be a two-way. It’s early to say, I’m not saying that it is a two-way. A world where we’re getting somewhere is where it’s coming down to the two of us.”
. . . Buttigieg believes believes that he and Warren stand out among the other candidates. “The contrasts are real,” he said. “They’re substantive, respectful policy contrasts, but they’re real.”
Heilemann asked if Buttigieg “accepts the notion that it’s Warren against the field. Someone is trying to become the alternative to Warren.” Buttigieg agreed: “It’s shaping up that way.”
Buttigieg also told Heilemann that he’s not worried about former Vice President Joe Biden in the race. “Either he is the unstoppable front-runner,” he said, “and we can all go home, or he is not.” The candidate then added: “Anybody who’s in this race is pure on the assumption that he’s not.”
Despite some bizarre statements, questionable policy positions, and awkward efforts to engage in a one-way feud with Vice President Mike Pence, Buttigieg is positioning himself as the “not crazy” one. This shouldn’t be difficult to do given the radical, fringe elements in the Democrat primary clown car, but he’s not come under any real scrutiny. Yet.
For now, he’s trying to take over the “center” lane that Biden is fast losing.
For now, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. is being eclipsed by Mayor Pete Buttigieg, of South Bend, Ind., a Midwestern mayor less than half his age who has captured the energy of those looking for the party to move in a more centrist direction. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has seen much of the message that boosted him to political fame in the 2016 primary contest co-opted by Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.
. . . . Yet, amid a field that once numbered two dozen, it is Ms. Warren and Mr. Buttigieg who have emerged as coveted fresh faces, riding a surge of momentum. Both have been rising for months — Mr. Buttigieg from the obscurity of leading a community of 100,000 people and Ms. Warren from early campaign missteps highlighted by her ill-fated decision to release a DNA test designed to combat charges that she exaggerated her Native American ancestry.
With three months to go, the emergence of Ms. Warren and Mr. Buttigieg has confirmed that the race is entering a new phase, as Mr. Biden struggles to retain momentum and Mr. Sanders attempts to expand his base beyond his core supporters.
This idea of Buttigieg representing a new generation and a new path for the future is something that Buttigieg is quick to capitalize on as he campaigns.
Simultaneously, he is also reaching back and embracing Obama and his policies, while consciously attempting to also recapture the Obama enthusiasm.
The South Bend Tribune reports:
Buttigieg is increasingly invoking the image of Obama — another early presidential long shot who built surprising momentum and offered a message of hope. Last week, for example, the Buttigieg campaign sent out a fundraising email from Larry Grisolano, a “senior messaging advisor” who held a similar position for then-Sen. Obama in 2007.
“Pete’s campaign this year is rekindling the same excitement I felt at this time in 2007,” Grisolano says in the pitch, before describing how Obama electrified a crowd in Des Moines at the same event Buttigieg would address Friday night.
“It was the moment that changed everything for the Obama campaign and, ultimately, for the country. That same moment for Pete, and for America, is this Friday night.”
At the event, the Liberty and Justice Celebration dinner in Des Moines, Buttigieg referenced his campaigning for Obama in Iowa in 2007.
“The first time I came to this state was as a volunteer to knock on doors for a presidential candidate, a young man with a funny name,” Buttigieg told the crowd. “And we knew the stakes were high then.The stakes are colossal now.”
As he positions himself as Obama 2.0, Buttigieg is also embracing a variation on Obama’s “no red states, no blue states” attempt to espouse unity while on the campaign trail. Of course, Obama’s promise was empty, and his presidency incredibly divisive, but Buttigieg wants us to forget these pesky facts.
The Iowa Democratic Party’s fall fundraising dinner long has been a critical measuring stick for presidential candidates in the lead-up to the state’s first-in-the-nation caucuses, gauging both their ability to give inspiring speeches and to demonstrate strong grassroots support.
South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg had a strong night on both fronts, bringing the largest pack of supporters to an arena filled with thousands of Democrats for a polished speech in which he offered the “hope of an American experience defined not by exclusion, but by belonging.”
“I will not waver from my commitment to our values or back down from the boldness of our ideas,” Buttigieg told the boisterous crowd of party officials, activists and campaign organizers. “But I also will not tire from the effort to include everyone in this future we are trying to build — progressives, moderates and Republicans of conscience who are ready for change. The time has come.”
. . . . The 37-year-old candidate’s night in Des Moines helped his momentum and further elevated what started earlier this year as a long-shot campaign. That was matched, however, by an equally effective showing by the front-running Warren, who contended the brand of moderate politics practiced by Buttigieg and Biden don’t go far enough to fight for working families.
“We need big ideas and — here’s the critical part — we need to be willing to fight for them,” Warren said. “It’s easy to give up on a big idea, but when we give up on big ideas, we give up on the people whose lives would be touched by those ideas.”
Warren and her “big ideas” may have met their match in the young mayor from the heartland, however, as once the primary is over, the eventual Democrat nominee will have to win votes beyond the socialist/communist/progressive fringe base of that party.
Top Democrats, including the DNC, know this; that’s why Bernie was locked out in 2016 and why he doesn’t stand a chance of winning the Democrat nomination in 2020.

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Well, he can be Obama Lite, or he can pretend to be a centrist.
But considering that Obama promised the fundamental transformation of the country, his successor can’t plausibly claim to be any sort of moderate.
I do believe Mayor Pete of South Bend, IN has his biggest supporter in his college “friend” Mark Zuckerberg of Facesbook.
Zuck has already been giving massive support of all kinds to Mayor Pete……
Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg
Stop calling “Pete” which isn’t his name.
Call him Peter Buttigieg.
One way he clearly resembles Obama, he’s fake.
But Obama’s deep bows were real enough.
With a name like Buttigieg, he’s got to be good.
Don’t be a Smuckers.
They’re both married to men?
Isn’t that a Russian name?
Or Ukraine even?
He’s just as crazy of a totalitarian Fascist as the rest of them….open borders…anti American… Americans last…reparations…new green deal…”free” everything for everyone…etc etc…and his slim resume is… He’s the failing mayor of a small city. But Sarah Palin the governor of a huge state wasn’t ready to be vice president. The left are sniveling lying hypocritical buffoons.
In other he’s just a “tool!”
Dildo be his name……
I’m going to go with something I read way back at the beginning of the Democrat clown car parade:
Americans aren’t going to vote for someone named Buttigieg.
Just like Anthony Weiner; you can’t hear his name without thinking about what he does when he goes home.
What a choice, a fudge packer or a fake Indian (aka as a fake professor; a fake researcher; a thief of AA programs, plus more],
both of whom will saddle us with huge government and huge taxes.
What a choice!
The black and Hispanic voters are not going to turn out for Buttigeig or Warren.
I think this is part of the reason Buttigieg is focusing on donning the Obama mantle. He wasn’t paying attention, apparently, though. Obama’s coattails were practically non-existent. And they certainly didn’t help Hillary with the black vote.
More like a pale imitation of Shaun King.
(Burst Out Laughing, Spraying Coffee on Monitor)
Obama’s legacy now isn’t looking so hot to a lot of people. This is part of the reason the National Socialist party is looking to impeach fo de fie, they have a weak Mayor who thinks he is qualified to be president because he’s gay. He had a ginned up military career, but even that is weak sauce. We’ve also already had a gay (in the closet) President, and even with that it is a small base of support.
He isn’t a good mayor, he has fewer qualifications than Obama had, and despite media support which any leftist would get, trust in the media has fallen hard.
I just don’t see him pulling ahead when Tulsi twists in the wind. Maybe if he went trans he’d get a few more votes.
When will he accuse blacks of being homophobic?
Never, he and Obama swing the same way and it didn’t interfere with Obama why should it affect Butt-whatever. In some ways he is more honest that Obama, he embraces his orientation. I have no problem with that.
Now his policy positions is a different matter. If he is the candidate. Trump will destroy him. However, if any of the other clowns win the nomination, Trump will destroy them just as easily.
Voter corruption is the key, the Dems know it and the fixes are being prepared everywhere.
Obama had his “beard” to give him cover, he wasn’t out of the closet. That and he is lackluster in so many ways adds up to a meh candidate. He would be more like the booby prize, or the last “man” standing.
My thinking on that has to do with the relationship between how he polls with evangelicals and his quasi-Biblical (ugh) attacks on them – as if accusing and shaming them will move the needle. Hillary has cited sexism – Kamala cited racism and sexism – et al – as responsible for their low polling.
So last May several news sites reported that Buttigieg was polling at 0% among blacks. When asked the reason, so far Buttigieg hasn’t gone the ‘label’ route like other failed/ing candidates have. And news sites are careful in how they present the issue.
Not so in an article at LGBTQnation … participants in a focus group said:
“I’ll go ahead and say it,” said a male participant. “I don’t like the fact that he threw out there that he lives with his husband.” Another woman, under the age of 40, said that it was “too much information.”
“I’ve been a black guy all my life in the South and it is one of those things. African-Americans, when it comes to certain things, are very conservative,” Middleton said. “If you needed a focus group to tell you that, ok.”
(ref: )
I figure it’s only a matter of time before Buttigieg finds some way of blaming the black community for his low polling. It really amuses me that our “racist” (hahaha) president polls better among the black community than Buttigieg.
Rush said months ago not to discount mayor pete. I don’t see how Biden can hold out, Warren and Sanders are so far into left field that their proposals sound as ridiculous as they are. Mayor pete would be the second affirmative action candidate for the pc lib crowd to support.
Reminds me of the old Firesign Theatre routine about a presidential candidate whose campaign motto was “Not Insane!”
Henceforth I shall refer to him as George Papoon.
(Of course, the motto was a lie.)
A failed mayor of a shit hole town. LOL. You couldn’t make this shit up.
I thought he already dropped out.
Oh, sorry, that was Beto.
Sorry, it is hard for me to tell them apart.
Any of them…
The dudes gay, with ‘butt’ in his name. He has distinct, ‘gay-face’ and he doesn’t stand out? I guess it’s gay all the way down.
Don’t laugh. Julius Caesar was a bottom too.
The Dems keep focusing on 2016 but Trump doesn’t have to run an anti-Hillary race in 2020. In fact he’d probably be smart to pretty much avoid direct confrontation with the Dem nominee except when necessary and run more against the Dems generically. Don’t elevate a nominee like Mayor Pete by punching down.
Everything is easily understood by recognizing that everyone but Trump is embracing not only the dirty money of the billionaire globalists, but also the world’s envy-based resentful attitudes towards America’s success. They had almost captured “both” parties in the uniparty kabuki before Trump showed up and “stole” the election by speaking plainly and embracing truth.
So the 2020 election will be about whether we vote to hold onto our republic or vote to surrender it to our enemies. I don’t know this cannot be more plain to see since if your name isn’t Trump and you’re running for president, you are telling us that we SUCK!!!
If we vote away our freedoms, we will never get a chance to vote them back. So get ready for next year’s violence. Our enemy government will be trying to run primaries with hopeless candidates while conducting an endless impeachment campaign that can only succeed if the GOP is even more corrupt than the Dems. How can it not get violent once they realize that they are not going to win?
“……the effort to include everyone in this future we are trying to build — progressives, moderates and Republicans of conscience who are ready for change.”
Republicans of conscience?
So you want us to think the way you do?
I have a conscience, and it doesn’t work in the direction of gun control, normalizing pederasty/pedophelia, abortion up to birth and afterward, ignoring the constitution, impeaching a president for no reason at all, etc.
It’s quite frightening that these are the people the dems are running.
That they have gotten any traction at all shows how far we have fallen.
Yes it is and you can blame the neocon anti-Trumpers for providing that glimmer of hope that they can run openly declared socialists believing that the Republicans will once again deliver victory to them.
If the Republicans really do find the Senate votes to impeach Trump and then remove him, you can bet they will provide another Romney to lose the election. Americans will have done the unthinkable. They will have willingly voted their freedoms away. Of course, we can always change our minds later and vote to have them restored. NOT!
This guy can’t run a small town in Indiana. His qualifications to be president of the US is: he’s a homosexual.
Sounds like obama, who never even ran a small town in Indiana!
What a sick society half of ours has become.
Hey, I know a lot of past Democrat presidents have sucked,
but when did it become a requirement for their candidates?????
So…Dems to pin their hopes on a marxist and a “guy” that sits down to pee?
A pathetically weak and incompetent mayor of a small town thinks he can face Trump? This is the recipe for Hildebeast to employ Arkancide in Milwaukee. Mayor Butt will die mysteriously in the shower and it won’t be from dropping his bar of soap.
Fauxahontas and Buttigig will confiscated what they want to radically change the form of government to a Marxist based one and if Americans don’t like it tuff they will sick their enforcers on Americans.