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Trump Derangement Syndrome Week in Higher Education

Trump Derangement Syndrome Week in Higher Education

Your weekly report on campus news.

Will the field of higher education ever recover from the trauma they suffered in November of 2016?

And yet…

Something similar (and false) happened at another school just last week.

Compare and contrast.

All leftism, all the time.

Oberlin update…

The favorite candidates of many college students.

I want to believe.


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In a perfect world, her surname would be “About.”

    Firewatch in reply to guinspen. | July 27, 2019 at 12:57 pm

    In a perfect world she would be an unknown.

      guinspen in reply to Firewatch. | July 28, 2019 at 10:40 pm

      Well, sure.

      But I was referring to Merriam-Webster’s definition 2a: “to toss from side to side or pass about from one to another often in a careless or inappropriate manner.”

Why hasn’t Bandy Lee’s license been revoked? Does she have one? And why hasn’t she been reprimanded by her learning institution for her unethical misuse of her position?

2smartforlibs | July 27, 2019 at 1:22 pm

Another in a long line of colossal jewels of human ignorance.