Republican Businesswoman to Challenge AOC in 2020: “There’s a crisis in Queens and it’s called AOC”

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is not popular.  She’s not popular in swing states, in her own state, nor even in her own district.  The illusion of popularity she has comes from her Twitter following and a currently enamored leftstream media.  But that kind of reputation is tenuous at best because that’s the kind of faux popularity that can go as quickly as it comes (ask Wendy Davis and Sandra Fluke. And “Beto.”).

AOC is ripe for a challenge from her right, from someone whom those in her home district might trust. AOC is also someone who doesn’t talk about jobs and other “kitchen table” issues that matter to her constituents.

Enter Scherie Murray, a Republican, a New York businesswoman, and an immigrant from Jamaica.

The Federalist reports:

In less than 24 hours, one woman garnered national attention as she announced her bid to unseat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in 2020. Her name is Scherie Murray.Murray is the fourth Republican to file paperwork to run against self-declared socialist Ocasio-Cortez. The New York Post reported that former police officer John Cummings, journalist Ruth Papazian, and building superintendent Miguel Hernandez also plan on running against the freshwoman incumbent.. . . .  Murray immigrated to the United States from Jamaica when she was nine years old. She grew up in Southeast Queens.Murray worked as a systems analyst for the New York City MTA Bus Depot while completing her associates degree in computer science and a bachelor of science in broadcast journalism.She is also a businesswoman. She started a company with a mission to address the lack of minorities in media. The company is called The Esemel Group.With her experience in business and local Republican politics, Murray is running on a platform to #UnitetheFight. Her first official campaign video, entitled “Bridges,” has also drawn attention to her message of unity over partisanship.

Murray’s focus is on the people from New York’s 14th, the district for which she is challenging AOC.  She speaks about jobs and about issues that she believes AOC is neglecting in her self-promotion and grandstanding.

Fox News reports:

A businesswoman and immigrant from Jamaica hoping to unseat freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. told Fox News’ Sean Hannity Wednesday that she wants her New York City neighbors to have a representative in Congress who speaks to the issues of her district.”I’d like to represent the constituents in Queens and the Bronx,” Scherie Murray said.”We see AOC, from the time she’s been elected, she’s put out policies like the job-killing Green New Deal,” she added. “She then went on to kill the Amazon deal in New York, which would’ve put some 25,000 jobs in Queens.”New York’s 14th Congressional district — which includes the eastern Bronx and the northern part of Queens — has local issues that need the attention of a federal representative, Murray claimed.”Our subway is crumbling. Our roads are in need of repair,” she said. “We need to really tackle our education system.”Murray added that she thought Ocasio-Cortez’s comments likening border detention facilities to concentration camps were “disgusting.””I think the narrative on the national level needs to be dialed back, and that’s why I’m in the race.”

Watch the full segment:

In a separate interview with Fox Business‘ Stuart Varney, Murray expanded on her comments about Trump and the Squad, about comprehensive immigration reform, and about her potential as a fusion candidate.


Tags: 2020 Election, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, New York